We recognize that not everyone wants or needs a complete range of legal services or full representation to manage, present, or control their legal matter, but they face a significant lack of information and training as to the law and the legal system. Smaller litigation matters and probate proceedings particularly lend themselves to "unbundled" legal services. If a client's circumstances dictate, we can provide “unbundled" legal services providing any or all of the following without formal representation: drafting, document review, coaching, estimation, advice, and information on legal matters on a “by session” basis for a flat fee.
This “unbundled” approach means that the client can seek assistance limited by the parameters established by agreement of the lawyer and client. With "unbundled" legal services, we will create the legal document or provide the legal advice for a particular aspect of the legal matter. For example, in a probate matter, a client may hire us just to prepare the initial petition and notices to get the probate opened, but the client is responsible for ensuring that the documents are filed with the court and notices provided to the heirs and creditors and for moving forward with the probate from there. Another client with a litigation matter may hire us just to draft the Summons & Complaint to start their lawsuit or assist them in propounding or responding to discovery requests or coach them in preparation for a hearing, but we do not formally appear as the "counsel of record" in their lawsuit.
Under the “unbundled” model of providing legal services, the client maintains full responsibility for his or her case. Each session with the attorney is limited to the topics agreed to in advance and is paid for at the conclusion of the session based upon the agreed flat fee. It can provide significant savings, information, assistance, control, and peace of mind to the client who wants to do his or her own legal work.