A major part of our practice includes personal injury work on behalf of injured people or their survivors. We emphasize careful and swift pursuit of injury claims. These claims are often the result of automobile collisions or other types of negligence situations. Although we will always seek to prepare and structure a case for settlement, the filing of a lawsuit is often necessary.
As trial attorneys, we aggressively and efficiently follow the court rules to move a lawsuit as quickly as possible to jury trial or settlement. We place a high priority on complete, careful, factual, and expert evaluation of our clients’ claims.
We have made the commitment to handle a substantial number of cases on the basis of “no recovery—no fee.” We believe that people who are injured and possibly unable to work or afford attorney fees have a right to legal representation and access to the judicial system in order to recover adequate compensation for their personal losses.
If you or a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker has been injured in an auto collision and needs legal advice to deal with their claim, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to see how we can be of service.