With the internet, it's easy to find hundreds of samples of legal forms like contracts online for free. Some small business owners wonder why they should spend the money hiring a lawyer to draft a partnership agreement, for example, when they can just as easily fill in the blanks on a form. If you end up in litigation later, you may regret that decision.
A well-drafted contract is key to the successful operation of your business and your business relationships. We can help you craft a contract specific to your situation that takes into account how the courts interpret contracts, how laws regulate contracts, and what standard business practices are in the community. We have the experience to predict potential problem areas and draft your contract to avoid such problems.
One of the most common problems with contracts is the use of vague, ambiguous, or unclear language. Sometimes contracts are so laden with “legalese” that it is virtually impossible to tell what the parties actually intended. This is not an effective contract. Perhaps more importantly, it is one that will be difficult for a court to enforce. Courts will construe unclear language against the party who drafted the contract. Needless to say, that can have expensive consequences for unwary small business owners.
Another problem is the absence of important provisions. How do you terminate the contract? How do you assess damages for breach of contract? Can the contract be assigned? These are just a few considerations that may not appear in a sample form contract. We can discuss options with you to make sure you cover all foreseeable situations.
If you're a small business owner who needs help preparing the contracts that are essential to the operation of your business, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment. We proudly serve clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via Skype or FaceTime.