Look, we recognize that as a profession, when we write, lawyers have a bad reputation for being overly technical, verbose, and confusing. Here at the Law Offices of P. Stephen Aita, we don't believe that's the right approach to legal writing. Writing in plain English and legal writing have the same goal: communicating complex ideas in an understandable and manageable form. As Justice Thomas once said, the “beauty is not to write a five cent idea in a ten dollar sentence” but rather “to put a ten dollar idea in a five cent sentence.”
We do our best to write contracts, letters, Wills, and pleadings with minimal legalese. We believe in the revolutionary idea that our clients should actually understand what we're saying and what they're signing. We actually had the brother of a friend call this week just so we could interpret and explain for him the things his lawyer in California was writing to him!
If you want to hire a lawyer whose priority is making sure you understand what's going on with your own legal matter, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to see how we can help. We proudly serve clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via Skype or FaceTime.