While we're all hunkered down at home, this is a good time to take care of some of those things you've been putting off. You've got the time, so you might as well schedule a telephone or video conference appointment with a lawyer to talk about preparing an estate plan, e.g., a Will, a Durable Power of Attorney, Trusts, a Community Property Agreement, Living Wills, or whatever other estate planning documents fit your family's goals and situation.

Although we're not currently meeting with clients in person, we are entirely available to meet by phone or by whatever video conferencing service is most convenient for you - Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, or Facebook Messenger. We can meet, talk about an estate plan that works best for you and your family, prepare the documents, email them to you for review and approval, and then we'll figure out a date and time to get everything signed, witnessed, and notarized when the world returns to normal. Give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set something up today.

We know this is a rough time for everybody, but we can get through this together, and the Law Offices of P. Stephen Aita are here to help!