The Washington State Emergency Management Division reports that some people are claiming that they will cite the Americans With Disabilities Act as a reason for them to walk into any business they choose without a mask. They’ve printed little home-made cards and are keeping them in their wallet or purse. The Governor’s mask mandate does have exemptions, including people with certain disabilities or health conditions. But a business or government agency is not forced to allow you inside. They can make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities and health conditions. Examples include:

* Allowing a person to wear a scarf, loose face covering, or full-face shield instead of a face mask;
* Allowing customers to order online with curbside pick-up or no contact delivery in a timely manner;
* Allowing customers to order by phone with curb-side pick-up or no contact delivery in a timely manner;
* Allowing a person to wait in a car for an appointment and enter the building when called or texted; or
* Offering appointments by telephone or video conferences.

There are many fake ADA flyers and posts going around that were never issued by any governmental agency. For more on the myths and facts about cloth face coverings, visit the Washington State Department of Health's web site.