Do you have kids? Do you own a house? If your answer is yes to either one of these questions, then you need an estate plan. The most basic estate plan includes the following documents: (1) a Will; (2) a Durable Power of Attorney; (3) a Health Care Power of Attorney; and (4) a Directive to Physicians (commonly called a "Living Will"). If you're married, your estate plan may also include a Community Property Survivorship Agreement. If your children are still minors, your Will may include a designation of a Guardian and may also set up a Trust to manage your children's money. Parents of minor children can also sign a Power of Attorney for Children's Health Care. In some family's circumstances, a Revocable Living Trust may also be called for. These are just the very basic tools and techniques of estate planning.
Every family is unique and different. If you have questions about an estate plan that fits your family's situation, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to see how we can help. We proudly represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person (with appropriate health and safety precautions in place), by phone, or via video conference.