Often times after an auto collision, people suffer from orthopedic injuries. These injuries can range from mild to very serious cases that require significant treatment or surgery. If you have suffered an orthopedic injury from a collision where someone else was at fault, we may be able to help you–whether it’s by pursing a claim or just helping you understand what to do.
Orthopedic injuries include any injuries which cause trauma or damage to bones, muscles, or ligaments which affect your range of motion. These injuries can result in significant pain, considerable medical expenses (especially if surgery is required) and even longer recovery and physical therapy commitments. Needless to say, an orthopedic injury can be quite a costly and traumatic thing to go through.
Orthopedic injuries are those where the bones, vertebrae, joints, ligaments, or cartilage are hurt. These can be seen with shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or feet injuries, and such problems may lead to fractures, sprains, strains, slipped disks, diseased or arthritic disks, neck pain, headaches, occipital neuralgia, whiplash, or rotator cuff injuries.
As with all injuries, orthopedic injuries can happen as the result of negligence, which is the breach of a duty of care by a third party individual or other entity. Negligence can be something as simple as a driver failing to yield at a sign, causing a collision that results in a serious orthopedic injury, or something more complex like a faulty product malfunctioning and causing your injury.
Symptoms you suffered an orthopedic injury may include pain, swelling, bruising or redness. Immediate medical attention is needed following an orthopedic injury. Since there is such a wide range of different orthopedic injuries, any symptoms should be examined by a medical professional.
Depending on the severity and location of the problem, some orthopedic injuries can be treated with activity and exercise, dietary supplements, medications, and physical devices such as casts and splints. Others require surgery to regain or maintain function and movement.
No matter how your injury was caused, we have the experience and ability to help you–whether you want to file a claim for damages against a negligent third party or you simply want help navigating the complex worlds of insurance claims, we have over 20 years of experience advocating for our clients.
We understand that suffering an injury can be frustrating and scary. Injuries prevent you from being able do the things you normally do and can prevent you from collecting a regular paycheck, which you or your loved ones might rely on. Filing a personal injury claim may lead to compensation that can help cover medical costs or make up for money lost from being unable to work. If you or a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker has experienced an orthopedic injury, contact us to go over the details of your case today at 253.858.5434 or through the "Contact Us" page on this website.