If you’ve been in an auto collision, you need an experienced lawyer to represent you. We have years of experience in personal injury claims. We pride ourselves on our honesty and commitment to our clients and our aggressive advocacy on their behalf. We can help you navigate the legal obstacles that insurance companies like to throw up after a collision and get your claim settled quickly and efficiently, for a fair settlement amount.
Our primary role is to protect you from insurance companies – both yours and the other driver’s. Insurance adjusters’ primary goal is to avoid paying you any money at all for your injuries. This is their standard practice – even for loyal customers who have been with them for years.
Making the wrong statement to an insurance company representative can limit the amount of your settlement or negate the likelihood you’ll receive one at all. If insurance companies can get you to admit blame, to state that your injuries aren’t that bad, or make any other statement that could be damaging to your case, they win. Don’t let them take advantage!
Insurance companies have been known to approach injury victims while they are in the hospital or at home recovering from injuries and medicated or not thinking clearly to get them to make statements or sign settlement waivers that obstruct or end the chances of a fair settlement. Once you have a lawyer on your side, the insurance companies must deal with us and won’t be able to try to cheat you out of compensation for your injuries.
There are steps to take after an auto collision – if you are able – that can make it easier for your lawyer to fight for your compensation. First is to call 911. Second is to seek medical treatment for your injuries – this is not the time to shake it off and press on. If you delay medical treatment, it can make your injuries worse and the insurance companies can blame you for damaging your own health or can argue "your injuries must not have been that bad if you didn't need to see a doctor right away"!
While at the scene, if you are physically able, snap pictures with your phone of the position of the cars and anything else important before the vehicles are moved. If the EMTs want to transport you to the hospital, let them. Acting against medical advice at any stage of this process can interfere with your chances of getting fair compensation. If there any witnesses, and you are able, get their contact information.
Within 24 hours, notify your auto insurance carrier about the incident, but don’t make any statements. Stick to date, time, the location of the crash, and tell them you or your lawyer will be in touch. After that, don’t make any statements to anyone about the collision until you call a lawyer. Call us as soon as possible, even while you’re still in the hospital so we can get to work on your claim!
As soon as you contact us, we can get to work on your case. We’ll gather police and any investigative reports about the incident, your medical records about your injuries, physician’s statements and any witness statements we can collect. Armed with these and our extensive experience with personal injury cases, we can fight for the highest possible settlement.
With compensation, you can help pay for:
* Medical expenses
* Rehabilitation fees
* Time lost from work
* Any future impacts or limitations from your injuries
With our law firm taking care of legal matters for you, it’s easier for you to recover and focus on your health. We will work hard to protect your legal rights and see you are properly compensated for your damages. We pride ourselves on honesty, commitment to our clients, and assuring you get a fair settlement. We will work hard on your case to settle it quickly and efficiently.
Contact us today at 253.858.5434 so we can get to work on your personal injury case. Your initial consultation is free and we can meet by Zoom or other video conference if you can’t make it into our office. After that, you won’t pay anything in attorney fees unless and until we settle your case. This allows you to get the representation you need to protect you from the insurance companies without incurring out-of-pocket expenses when you can least afford it.