Do you have a kid going off to college for the first time or already living away at school? They’re going to need certain important documents—like a health care power of attorney and a HIPAA release, among others—in place. These key documents will let you as the parent get info about them in the event of a medical emergency.

For each of these legal documents, parents should keep the original and the student should have copies. It may be a good idea for a roommate or fellow student to know where the copies are. In addition, the family may want to see if a copy can be filed at the school with student medical records. Keep in mind that all of these forms should be updated each year and that you’ll need one form in your state of residence and a separate one in your child’s state of residence if they’re attending an out-of-state school.

1. HIPAA Release. Ever tried to get an update about a loved one in the hospital over the phone when there’s been a sudden onset of a medical issue? If so, you know it can be difficult, if not impossible, to get the info you need if you’re not authorized. That’s because of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

What you need to cut through the red tape is a HIPAA release. This document lets a patient (your college student) designate certain family members, friends, and others who can be updated about their medical info during treatment. Obviously, your kid should fill this out before they need it during a medical emergency.

The HIPAA form becomes extremely important if your child is living away at school and gets involved in an accident. That’s because you’re not getting any info over the phone even though you’re their parent—unless you fill out this form.

2. Health Care Power of Attorney. A health care power of attorney is a document naming you the parent as an “agent” for your college student. If your child becomes medically incapacitated, you can make informed medical decisions on their behalf. This document can name you as the sole point of contact and decision-maker. That will allow you to decide the best course of action with the doctors.

3. General Durable Power of Attorney. A medical power of attorney is strictly for health care choices should your child become incapacitated. A general durable power of attorney, however, covers financial decisions. This document allows a college student to give authority to another person (the parents) to make financial/legal decisions. It also allows the parents to make the following financial transactions on the student’s behalf:

* Managing bank accounts

* Paying bills

* Filing taxes

* Applying for government benefits

College is a time of great change for both parents and their kids. Young adults are dealing with being on their own for the first time. And parents may be dealing with empty nest syndrome. If you have questions about legal documents for your child in college, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person (with appropriate social distancing protocols in place), by phone, or via video conference.