If you were recently in an auto collision that caused broken bones, you're probably wondering how your injuries are going to impact your life and what you should do next. You also might be wondering how your injuries will impact the value of your personal injury claim. Broken bones are not minor injuries. They can stop you from working, completing everyday activities, and enjoying your hobbies. Your injuries may also affect your marriage and the relationships with your friends and family.
If you have a broken bone due to someone else's negligent actions, there are a few things you should know and do in the aftermath of the collision, including hiring a lawyer.
PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. The most important thing you can do after suffering a broken bone or a fracture in a car crash is to protect your rights. You might be wondering what the value of your settlement is going to be, but there's no calculator or any resource that can put a definitive dollar amount on a personal injury case. The facts unique to your case will determine how much compensation you could receive.
A few things that can impact the value of your case are:
* The TYPES of fractures or breaks you've suffered.
* The SEVERITY of the broken bone or fracture.
* The LOCATION of the broken bone and the affected body parts
* Whether or not you ever REGAIN COMPLETE FUNCTION.
* HOW LONG you're impaired by the broken bone, or if the impairments are PERMANENT.
* Whether or not you suffer from other physical injuries or emotional distress due to the bone injury.
* Whether or not you obtained appropriate medical treatment following the collision.
* Whether or not the treating physicians provided a precise diagnosis of the injury
* If your physician provided predictions for recovery, future treatment, and possible future disability from employment.
* Medical bills and other expenses related to the collision and the resulting broken bones.
* HOW LONG you have to endure limitations brought on by your broken bones.
* How the fracture affects your daily activities.
* The effect the crash and resulting injury has on your marriage and spouse.
A verdict and settlement can vary dramatically from one county to the next. That's why you should work with a lawyer skilled at getting you the best settlement possible for your fracture, no matter where the collision occurred.
TREATING BROKEN BONES. Protecting your rights is important, but in reality, you shouldn't do anything else until you've had your injury treated by a medical professional. If you don't receive immediate medical care, it can have a major impact on the amount of compensation you can receive.
There are three steps in the treatment of bone fractures. First, the bone is set back into place, then it's kept from moving until it's healed, and finally, the pain is managed throughout the process. Wearing a cast is a common way to prevent movement in the area of the broken bone. If you've suffered a severe break, like a compound fracture, you may require surgery involving rods, pins, screws, or plates to hold the bones in place so they can heal correctly. These items may or may not remain in place after you have healed. That's a decision your surgeon will have to make.
RECOVERY TIME. Your body will begin the natural healing process very soon after your injury. Swelling and blood clots will form, and a soft callus will replace the clots over a period of a few weeks as the bone begins to heal and regrow. Casts are also used to keep the callus in place so that it does not break. If the healing process goes according to plan, your bone will begin to return to its natural shape. The recovery time for an average person takes 6-8 weeks. Recovery times will vary based on your age, health, the type of break, and which bone is injured bone. Sometimes bones take several years to fully recover, depending on the severity of the injury. That's why it's vital to follow your doctor’s instructions and rest the broken bone as much as possible.
You might need physical therapy afterward to strengthen any weakened muscles or build your confidence back so you can use the affected body part again.
WHAT'S THE LIKELIHOOD A DEFENDANT WILL BE FOUND LIABLE? A huge factor in valuing your case or whether or not you are compensated at all is if the defendant would be found liable at trial. If there's next to no evidence that can prove that the defendant caused the collision that caused your injury, there is a higher likelihood that you would lose at trial. That means the defendant (and their insurance company) will be less likely to offer a high settlement amount. Even if your injuries are severe, the defendant and insurance companies will be less willing to settle for a high amount and more inclined to take their chances at trial. If the fault is up in the air, you and your lawyer will be more inclined to accept a low settlement because you will run the risk of getting nothing at trial.
GETTING LEGAL ADVICE AFTER SUFFERING AN INJURY. Your injury could lead to astronomical medical bills, lost wages, and other financial consequences. That’s why right after your injury has been treated, you should contact an experienced lawyer for help. Working with an experienced lawyer will help you receive compensation for your damages, expenses, pain and suffering, and more.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto collision, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment for a free consultation right away.