When you suffer an injury due to an incident on someone else’s property, don’t assume the insurance company will cover the cost of your medical bills. Often their offers are far lower than what you need to get well. Often they deny your claim altogether and assert that you are at fault.

When such a situation occurs, give us a call. We have represented injured people for more than 20 years. We work on your behalf to get a fair settlement. We have experience in all aspects of personal injury practice, including reading medical reports, applying the law, and fighting to get you what you deserve.

WHAT KINDS OF INCIDENTS? Premises liability deals with injuries that occur on either private or public property. The injury usually occurs because of some dangerous condition that you were not aware of before the incident, but that the property owner knew about and failed to correct.

Property owners have a responsibility to ensure their invited guests are reasonably safe while on the property. This means they usually need to take steps to repair defects on the property. For example, if a guest slips and falls on the sidewalk because the owner didn’t de-ice the ground, the owner could be found negligent, which is where a lawyer comes in.

Other common sources of injury on private or public property include:

* Swimming pools

* Trampolines

* Staircases, elevators, and escalators

* Poor building security

* Broken or uneven floors

* Toxic materials

Remember that the existence of these elements does not automatically mean the property owner was negligent. We examine the situation and determines whether or not the owner knew of the problem and refused to take steps to remedy the situation. Figuring out who was at fault for your injury is an important step towards getting you compensation.

If you need an experienced lawyer to take your case, reach out to schedule an appointment today. We will meet with you quickly to review your claim. Reach our Gig Harbor office at 253.858.5434.