Planning for your future is a critical element of maintaining financial security and keeping your affairs in order. We create comprehensive estate plans to help individuals safeguard their assets and plan for their future. Whether you need a simple Will, Power of Attorney, or more complex estate plan, we can help. We normally provide estate planning representation on a flat fee basis, with fees beginning as low as $400 for a basic Will. Give us a call and we'll send you our current estate planning fee schedule.

WILLS. A centerpiece of all estate plans is the creation and execution of a Will. In order to be validly executed, the person making the Will must have testamentary capacity and must sign the Will in the presence of two competent witnesses. The witnesses must also sign the document. Wills allow individuals to pass their property on their death to beneficiaries in the manner of their choosing and avoids the state's default rules governing intestate succession. Wills can also be used to set up Trusts to help minimize estate tax and other tax liabilities or to manage assets for minor or special needs beneficiaries.

REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS. Many people choose to use a Revocable Living Trust ("RLT") as their primary estate planning instrument. With an RLT, you can transfer your assets to your beneficiaries without a probate and without court involvement in your estate’s affairs.

COMMUNITY PROPERTY AGREEMENTS. Community Property Agreements can be used in conjunction with a Will. These instruments generally provide for the passage of all community assets from one spouse to another at death. Community Property Agreements can help ease the legal process surrounding the death of only one spouse, allowing for the passage of assets without probate proceedings.

DURABLE POWERS OF ATTORNEY. The Durable Power of Attorney is another vital part of most estate plans. A DPOA allows the signer (“principal”) of the Power of Attorney to designate another person (the “attorney-in-fact”) to act on their behalf, should such a need arise, in both financial and health care matters. A DPOA can grant various different specific powers, either broad or more limited in scope, to the attorney-in-fact.

DIRECTIVES TO PHYSICIANS. Many individuals choose to include a Directive to Physicians in their comprehensive estate plan. Directives to Physicians are authorized and governed under the Washington Natural Death Act. These Directives allow individuals to document their desires for withholding or removal of treatment in case of terminal illness or permanent unconsciousness. These Directives can include various details on when to withhold care or stop giving care in a terminal case.

If you have questions about setting up an estate plan, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to make an appointment today.