When we meet with clients to prepare their estate plans, we begin with an initial meeting, preferably in person, to take the time to discuss their goals, needs, plans, assets, liabilities, and family situations and really get to the know the clients. This meeting gives us the basis for exactly what type of plan and exactly what documents the clients need to achieve their goals. We then spend a significant amount of time drafting the necessary documents and then we send them to the clients for review and approval. Assuming the documents we have prepared are correct and acceptable to the clients, we then schedule a second meeting for them to come in to our office to have the documents properly signed, witnessed, and notarized. We generally charge a flat fee for estate planning legal services and the clients know the exact cost of retaining us by the time the initial meeting is over.

If you have questions about the estate planning process or if we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho.