Acting as Personal Representative of an estate can be a difficult job. Unfortunately, it can be made even more trying if the relationship between the PR and the estate beneficiaries is antagonistic.

Are you the Personal Representative of an estate who is struggling due to a poor relationship with the estate beneficiaries? Acting as the PR of an estate can be a difficult job. Unfortunately, it can be made even more trying if the relationship between the PR and the estate beneficiaries is antagonistic. There are many aspects of estate administration that are answered in the law, and others that are purely interpersonal. Here are some tips for avoiding or addressing a few common difficulties that arise between PRs and beneficiaries.

COMMUNICATE TIMELINE EXPECTATIONS. One frequent issue relates to people’s expectations around how long it takes to receive an inheritance. Most people do not realize that it can be a long and drawn out process. Quite frequently, winding up an estate will take longer than a year. Delays can include the processing time of the Court, the mandatory timelines set out in the Uniform Probate Code, the time it takes to find and liquidate assets, and the processing time of the taxing authorities. If the PR clearly communicates with the beneficiaries around timelines at the outset, they are less likely to begin prematurely rushing the executor.

BE TRANSPARENT. Another major issue relates to the management of the finances and expenses of the estate. Transparency and keeping an open dialogue will often prove helpful in making the beneficiaries comfortable with how the estate monies are being handled. Personal Representatives should keep detailed and careful records of all withdrawals from estate funds. If there are going to be delays or difficulties in liquidating estate assets, for example, selling a house in a turbulent market, sending out updates to the beneficiaries can sometimes alleviate their concerns.

KEEP THE BENEFICIARIES INFORMED. Keeping the beneficiaries informed of the work the PR is doing can also be helpful if the PR intends to claim a fee for doing the job. The PR’s fees are meant to be representative of the complexity and the amount of work involved to realize the estate. If the beneficiaries are kept informed of all the work the PR must do, they are less likely to begrudge the PR a reasonable remuneration.

EXPLAIN THE LAWS. Often, disputes arise merely because the parties do not understand the scope of the PR’s authority and discretion, or the reasons behind certain decisions are not properly understood. Many aspects of a PR’s job are driven by state probate laws, and the powers and discretion given to the PR in the Will.

UNDERSTAND THE FEELINGS INVOLVED. Many estate disputes are driven by grief and sentimental attachments. The PR may want to ask beneficiaries if there are any particular items of sentimental value, even if there is no commercial value. For instance, you may avoid hurt feelings if you don’t drop off something at the dump or Goodwill that has great emotional value to someone. On the other hand, you may also avoid trouble if you properly inventory items and do not give people the opportunity to take things from the house unbeknownst to you.

In conclusion, good communication is key. Always consider how a disinterested third party would see things, because at the end of the day, it may be a judge that has to resolve the dispute. For that reason, the PR will also want to keep careful and thorough records. It is often a good idea to keep a log or a journal of your tasks, as you may forget seemingly unimportant things as time passes. You also want to be clear on what your legal duties and powers are. As always, if you’re not sure, it is best to get legal advice.

If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Limited liability companies (LLCs) combine the advantageous tax and administrative flexibility of a partnership with the limited liability protection offered by a corporation.

We've been representing small business owners and helping them set up their businesses since 1996. One of the most popular forms of business structures is the limited liability company, or LLC. This business structure combines the advantageous tax structure and administrative flexibility of a partnership with the limited liability protection offered by a corporation.

To create an LLC in Washington, you'll need to file a Certificate of Formation with the Washington Secretary of State and adhere to other procedures and eligibility requirements.

NAMING YOUR LLC. Washington has specific naming rules for your LLC as follows:

* The name must include LLC, L.L.C., Limited Liability Company, or Limited Liability Co.

* The name must be different than those of other businesses registered with the state.

* The name must not cause confusion with the name of another business.

* The name must not include restricted words such as bank, banking, banker, trust, partnership, cooperative, corporation, corp., incorporated, LP, LLP, inc., ltd., or combinations of industrial and loan and combinations of any of the following words: savings, loan, association, home, society, and building.

* The name must not include any words that would confuse it with a governmental agency, such as "FBI" or "Treasury Department."

Once you choose a name that meets these requirements, you can search the Washington Secretary of State business name database to find out whether it's available. If the name is not taken, you can reserve it for 180 days for a fee of $30. You should also see whether a domain name is available for your preferred name and purchase it to create a website for your business.

DESIGNATING A REGISTERED AGENT. The registered agent is an individual or business who is responsible for accepting service of process and other legal paperwork on behalf of your LLC as well as submit annual state filings. The registered agent must be a Washington resident or an LLC or corporation that is registered to do business in the state, both with a physical address in the state. You or another LLC member can serve as a registered agent. You can also opt to use a registered agent service if you live out of state, if you want the convenience of a service that's open during business hours, and if you want guidance about legal professionals and accountants in the state.

FILING THE CERTIFICATE OF FORMATION. You can access the certificate of formation from the Washington Secretary of State website. This form is required to create your LLC. It asks you to provide the name and registered address of your LLC, its date of formation, whether its existence is perpetual or limited, whether the business will be managed by the members or by professional managers appointed by the members, and names and addresses of the members responsible for creating and signing the certificate.

The paperwork can be submitted by mail or online and will be processed in two to three business days if you do so online. The filing fee is $180. The form is payable by a debit or credit card online and can also be paid by check if you file through the mail.

DRAFTING AN OPERATING AGREEMENT. An operating agreement is not required by Washington law, but can help you organize the affairs of your LLC. This document does not need to be filed with the Secretary of State but should be saved as a reference of the business's operating rules and regulations.

CONSIDERING FINANCES. An EIN, or employer identification number, is used to identify your business with the IRS and is used to open a business bank account, hire employees, and file state and federal taxes. You can request a free EIN from the IRS. Even if your LLC only has one member, registering for an EIN helps you establish a separate credit history for your business and distinguish between personal and business finances.

To preserve the limited liability protection offered by your Washington LLC, keeping business and personal finances and expenses separate is essential. Opening a business bank account and line of credit are two important steps in this process. This will also make it easier to keep your business books and file taxes.

Most Washington businesses must pay a Business and Occupation Tax. If your business has employees, you are subject to Unemployment Insurance Tax.

If you need help with starting a limited liability company, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

For many people with large estates, state and federal estate taxes can be minimized or avoided altogether by building an estate plan that includes the right tools and strategies.

When clients hire us to advise them about their estate plans, they are often worried about estate taxes. Without a plan, it is much more likely that estate taxes will apply at death. For many, however, state and federal estate taxes can be minimized or avoided altogether by building an estate plan that includes the right building blocks and strategies. Married couples with assets over the Washington State exemption amount ($2.193 million per person as of 2022) can utilize trust strategies to allow the up to twice the exemption (nearly $4.4 million) to pass without estate taxation. This has become increasingly important for couples who own homes in Washington, where values have skyrocketed in our hot real estate market.

Individuals and couples may also consider lifetime gifting strategies as part of their estate plan, to direct assets to their loved ones even before death. At the federal level, the exemption level is much higher ($12.06 million per person, or $24.12 million for a married couple, as of 2022), but planning strategies can help clients make decisions now to reduce the taxation that will be applied in the future.

We can review your overall estate — both now and as it will likely change over time — to identify opportunities to include tax planning in your estate plan. Please feel free to contact us at 253.858.5434 for guidance and assistance. ​We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Do you know when to review your estate planning documents and, if necessary, make changes or updates to your Will and other documents?

Have you already gone through the process of completing your estate plan? Maybe you have your Will done? Great! You’re already ahead of the game! But when did you do it? Do you know when to review your estate planning documents, and if necessary, make changes or updates to your Will and other documents? We recommend you do so every three to five years or each time you have a major life event like a marriage, divorce, death, birth or adoption of a child, etc.

HOW TO CHANGE YOUR WILL. If at some point you’ve taken the time (and likely spent the money) to go through the steps and complete your estate plan, you know that the process can be difficult, and for some, confusing or stressful. Estate planning is an important part of safeguarding your loved ones and protecting your legacy. But it does no good if it’s outdated or incomplete due to changes in life that aren’t reflected in your plan.

There are three ways to handle major life events that require updates to your estate plan:

* Create a Codicil (which is simply adding an addendum to a Will). Think of this like a quick, easy update or small change to your Will. It’s simple to do, and an effective way to ensure your estate plan remains up-to-date as things change in your life. A good example of an appropriate time to change your Will would be when a beneficiary gets married and you want to update their name. Another time this would suffice is if you want to change the person you named as Personal Representative. Creating a Codicil is easy. Just formally write down any specific updates, whether that means changing something existing or taking something out, sign it, and have your signature witnessed and notarized. Be sure to keep the Codicil together with your Will - upon your passing, the two will be read as one document. NOTE: Be sure you understand your state’s laws about amending a legal document like a Will. In some instances, you could inadvertently completely invalidate your Will if you update it the wrong way.

* Write a new Will. You can always go the route of writing a new Will entirely. Sometimes, this is the easiest option if you have significant or substantial changes that need to be made. By revoking an old Will and replacing it with a new one, you can eliminate any potential confusion or anyone contesting the Codicil. Writing a new Will might be the best way to go if you’re changing anything big, like changing a beneficiary.

* Make a personal property gift list. If your original Will references what’s known as a "gift list," you can just replace it the gift list with a new, updated one. Note that while a gift list replacement doesn’t necessarily need to be witnessed or notarized, it must either be in your handwriting or signed by you and it must describe the item given and the recipient of the gift "with reasonable certainty."

WHEN TO CHANGE YOUR WILL. Just knowing that changing a Will is fairly easy should put your mind at ease. But how do you know when to change it? Essentially, the “right” answer is this: your Will should be updated whenever you feel it’s necessary to do so. As we noted earlier, a good rule of thumb is you should at least review your estate plans every three to five years, but there’s definitely no need to wait that long should you have any major life events that warrant updates sooner. That said, there are a handful of specific times that really would dictate taking the time to review and update not just your Will, but all of your estate planning documents. These major life events could include:

* Marital changes: Marital status is one of the most obvious and common reasons for amending a Will. If you’re recently married or divorced, it’s time to revisit how your Will is written, and most likely, update it. You should know if you live in a community property or common law state as well.

* New additions: Any new additions to the family, such as the birth or adoption of children or grandchildren, would warrant an update to your Will. One note to keep in mind, unlike biological children, stepchildren do not inherit automatically. If you remarry and have a blended family and would like to include your new stepchildren in your Will, you’ll need to make changes to your existing Will.

* Familial changes: If a named beneficiary passes away, you should revise your Will to either name a new beneficiary or to redistribute inheritances amongst remaining beneficiaries. Likewise, if your named Personal Representative dies or becomes incapacitated, you’ll need to choose another one to take their place. Other changes that would be important could include selling or buying real estate, selling or buying a business, or if you've changed your mind about leaving gifts to certain people or charities.

* Before a trip: Planning a long or extensive trip, whether it be for business or for pleasure, would be a good reason to review your Will and update it if needed.

COMMON QUESTIONS ABOUT AMENDING YORU WILL. It’s normal to feel a little anxiety about the prospect of having to change your Will. But most people find that, armed with the right information, they feel confident and ready to tackle the task. We’d even bet that once you’re done, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to do it in the first place!

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO AMEND YOUR WILL? The cost associated with changing a Will can vary based on a number of factors. Did you plan to use a lawyer or do you prefer DIY? How complex are the changes? What state do you live in? These types of questions must be answered in order to accurately estimate the cost of amending a Will.

Lawyers can charge a wide range of fees, and it all depends on how extensive the changes are that you want to make to your documents. Of course, it is possible to make changes completely on your own, but many people are nervous about doing so and find they have a nagging fear that they may not have done everything they should have so their new Will is valid.


HOW DO YOU REVOKE A WILL? To revoke a Will, you can do a few different things. Technically, making a new Will will revoke your current Will, as long as the new Will says somethign to the effect of, "I revoke all previous Wills and Codicils." Of course, you could also take extreme measures like destroying the original Will.

WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS AFTER UPDATING YOUR WILL? Once your Will is updated, you still have to make sure you have the proper signatures and witnesses to satisfy your state laws. You should get your witnesses' signatures notarized so that the Will will be "self proving," and you will want to store it somewhere safe. Be sure to let someone trusted know where your Will and other estate planning documents are located.

It’s a good idea to review all of your estate planning documents from time to time. Knowing what you need to do to update your Will (and when to do it) is important. Whether you just had one major life event, or if you haven’t revisited your Will in many years and a number of things have changed, keeping your Will up-to-date is an essential part of protecting your family after you’re gone. Things change in life, but changing a Will doesn’t have to be hard, time-consuming, or costly!

Whether you have an existing Will that needs a refresh or you’re ready to create a new Will, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to find out how we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

"Fender benders" are auto collisions that do not cause major damage to either vehicle, but they can result in significant harm to your body.

A "fender bender" is an auto collision that does not cause major damage to either vehicle and generally does not cause serious injuries to a person in either car. Sometimes, however, a fender bender does result in significant harm.

Swelling and bruises from a collision may not be visible right away. Signs of whiplash often show up hours or days following a collision. Even if you felt fine immediately following the crash, in the days afterward, you may have experienced severe pain, or you may have discovered that your range of motion was limited. According to the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, even light crashes can lead to fatalities. If you were in the car that was struck and you were pregnant at the time, you may have experienced complications later.

We can discuss the specific circumstances that apply to your case and advise you on how to proceed. We have represented clients who were injured in car collisions for more than 20 years. We may file a personal injury lawsuit to seek compensation for your past and future medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

WHO IS LIABLE FOR A FENDER BENDER? Figuring out who is responsible for an auto collision is often not as simple as many people would expect. In a parking lot, for instance, vehicles typically travel in multiple directions and turn from lane to lane as drivers search for an empty space or try to make their way out of the parking lot. Cars may be turning, pulling into spaces, and backing out, all at the same time.

In a fender bender involving one vehicle that is moving and another that is parked or stopped at a stop sign, the driver of the moving vehicle is usually liable for the collision. That may not be the case if a car is parked illegally.

Vehicles that are traveling in thoroughfare lanes to enter or leave a parking lot usually have the right-of-way, and drivers approaching thoroughfare lanes must yield the right-of-way. That does not apply if a “stop” or “yield” sign is present in a thoroughfare lane. A driver who ignores a sign when another person has the right-of-way may be found liable for a collision.

A driver who backs or pulls out of a parking space must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles that are traveling in the lane. Limited visibility can make it difficult for a driver who is exiting a parking space to see other vehicles, but that individual may still be held liable for a resulting fender bender.

In a fender bender involving three vehicles that collide in a chain reaction, one driver may be found liable for the entire sequence of events. If the first driver hits the brakes to avoid a hazard or to make a turn, and the driver behind that vehicle slows down appropriately, but the third driver is not paying attention and rear-ends the second vehicle, which then rear-ends the first vehicle, the driver in the third car may be found liable for damage to all three vehicles.

WE CAN HELP. Even in a minor collision, figuring out who is liable may be complicated. In many cases, particularly those involving collisions in parking lots, it is not clear who has the right-of-way.

Some drivers do not understand the rules related to driving in a parking lot. Instead, people often focus on snagging an empty space or getting out of the parking lot as quickly as possible so they can get home. That can lead to aggressive driving and collisions in which both parties point the finger at each other.

We will interview you and any witnesses who saw what happened. If a surveillance camera recorded the crash, that video may provide valuable evidence that can help us determine who was liable for the collision. If we find that the other driver was at fault, we may file a lawsuit against that individual to seek compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

If you and the other driver share responsibility for the fender bender, you may still be able to recover a financial award. In many states, comparative negligence laws allow people who suffered personal injuries to obtain compensation, even if they were partly responsible for causing the accident.

WORK WITH A PERSONAL INJURY LAWYER. If you were hurt in an auto collision, your injuries may still be serious. They may affect your ability to work and to care for your children. The medical bills may be causing your family to struggle to make ends meet. We can help you obtain compensation.

If you do not think you could afford to hire a lawyer, that should not be a concern. We work on a contingent fee basis. We advance upfront costs ourselves and only collect a fee if we obtain a financial award on behalf of a client.

Applicable statutes of limitations restrict the amount of time you have to file a lawsuit. We can discuss the statute of limitations and explain how we may be able to help you. Call our office at 253.858.5434 so we can begin working on your case as soon as possible.

The estate planning process is more complicated if you own real estate in different states. Without good planning, your heirs may face delays and unexpected tax consequences.

The estate planning process is more complicated if you own real estate in different states. Without good planning, your heirs may face delays and unexpected tax consequences.

The purpose of estate planning is to prepare for the day when you can't handle your affairs anymore. Estate planning ensures that a person's wishes are carried out if they die or become incapacitated, either because of age, illness, or injury. Also, estate planning is important because it can minimize taxes, simplify the process of transferring property to your heirs, help you plan for long term care expenses, and relieve stress for family members who suddenly have to take over during a crisis.

A basic estate plan includes a Will, a Durable Power of Attorney, a Healthcare Power of Attorney, and a Directive to Physicians (a "Living Will"). An estate plan can also include one or more Trusts.

If you own property in multiple states, it's usually best to have an attorney prepare your documents. An attorney is also able to give you advice about the best approach for your situation.

ESTATE PLANNING AND MULTIPLE PROPERTIES. Your state's probate court only has authority over property located in your home state. For example, if you're a Washington resident and own a home there, the Washington probate court can oversee that property's transfer. But it can't do anything about your condo in Arizona or timeshare in Colorado. Those properties will have to go through an ancillary probate process in the states where they're located. Your Personal Representative may have to travel there, and you'll probably need a lawyer in each state.

Probate in multiple states can be complicated, time-consuming, and expensive. Two ways to avoid it are:

* Ensure the deed says the property is owned jointly with your spouse, with a right of survivorship. This means the property will pass directly to your spouse, without probate and without a specific gift in your Will.

* Set up a Revocable Living Trust and put your real estate in the Trust. Your property will then pass according to the instructions in the Trust, without going through probate. This can sometimes also be an effective way to minimize state estate taxes.

MULTIPLE ESTATE PLANNING DOCUMENTS FOR MULTIPLE PROPERTIES. Technically, you could have a separate Will for each of your out-of-state properties. You could have Arizona Will that only addresses your condo there and a Colorado Will for the timeshare.

The advantage of this is that you'd have a Will tailored to each state's laws and appointment of a Personal Representative. The disadvantage is that multiple Wills can be confusing or conflicting, and you'd still have to go through the probate process in each state where you own property. A Trust is usually a better way to handle out-of-state property.

For Powers of Attorney and Directives to Physicians, it can be a good idea to have a set of documents for each state where you spend a significant amount of time. This is because the documents are written according to state law, and the language and formatting can vary from one state to another. Unfamiliar out-of-state documents can confuse healthcare workers and people you do business with, causing stress and delays for everyone.

If you own out-of-state property, a good estate plan is critical. The plans you put in place today can help things go more smoothly for your family in the future. If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Are stepchildren your heirs? Are they included in a class of "my children"? Can you leave an inheritance to your stepchildren? How should you identify them in your Will?

Unless you’ve adopted them, your stepchildren have no legal right to an inheritance from you — even if you die without a Will. Stepchildren don't have inheritance rights, so if you don't want to leave anything to your stepchildren, you don't have to do anything. However, if you want to leave your stepchildren any part of your estate, you’ll need to name them in your Will or other estate planning documents.

ARE STEPCHILDREN YOUR HEIRS? Stepchildren are the children of your spouse that you have not adopted. (If you have adopted them, your adopted children are legally your children, with the same legal connections to you as children born to you.) There is no legal tie between you and your stepchildren; your stepchildren are not considered your legal heirs. In terms of Will-making, you have no obligation to leave anything to your stepchildren. While most state laws don't require you to leave property to your children, they do have laws that protect children who are accidentally left out of a Will and give a percentage of an estate to children whose parent dies without a Will. But these laws don't apply to stepchildren. In effect, your legal relationship to your stepchildren is equivalent to someone with no familial relation, like a friend or neighbor.

The flip side of this is that if you do want to ensure your stepchildren receive something when you die, you must make a Will or Trust and name them specifically. If you die without a Will, your stepchildren won't receive anything.

ARE STEPCHILDREN INCLUDED IN A CLASS OF "CHILDREN"? If you make a will that leaves gifts to "my children," your stepchildren will not be included in that group unless you've adopted them. Even if you might think of them as your children, they are not legally considered to be your children. Making gifts to categories of people opens up the possibility of confusion and is generally not advised.

CAN YOU LEAVE AN INHERITANCE TO YOUR STEPCHILDREN? If you want leave a gift to a stepchild, you certainly can, just as you would leave a gift to anyone else. Stepchildren can always inherit under your Will if you name them. Using your Will, you can leave your stepchild a percentage of your entire estate, or you can leave specific gifts — like $5,000, your car, or your golf clubs.

HOW SHOULD YOU IDENTIFY YOUR STEPCHILD IN YOUR WILL? If you have other children, when you make your Will do not use terms like ''issue,'' ''descendants,'' ''children,'' or ''heirs” to refer to them. Those terms have specific meanings in the law and can sometimes be subject to confusion, plus they can be extra complicated for blended families with stepchildren. Instead, name each child and each stepchild using their individual names.

OTHER OPTIONS BESIDES WILLS. In addition to (or instead of) using a Will, you can also leave gifts to your stepchild using a number of other estate planning tools. For example:

* If you use a Revocable Living Trust to avoid probate, you can name your stepchild as a beneficiary of the Trust.

* If your stepchild is eligible for government disability benefits, you can provide for your stepchild using a Special Needs Trust.

* If you have a life insurance policy or a pay-on-death financial account, you can name your stepchild as a beneficiary of the policy or account.

Of course, you’ll need to keep in mind that any gift you leave to your stepchild will reduce the amount of property available to your other beneficiaries — like your biological or legally adopted children and your spouse. For some people, this can be an area of concern.

When families blend together, relationships can get complicated and strained — perhaps especially when it comes to who gets what.

HOW TO EXCLUDE YOUR STEPCHILD. You don’t have to do anything to make sure that your stepchildren get nothing through your Will. Your stepchildren have no rights to the property in your Will unless you name them. If you leave nothing to them in your Will, they will get nothing.

One important caveat: If you're married, your stepchild could end up with some of your property via your spouse. If you are married to your stepchild’s parent, you will likely leave a good portion of your estate to your spouse. If you die first, your spouse will end up with your property and will be free to leave (or give) that property to your stepchild. In this way, your stepchild could end up with gifts from your Will or Trust, proceeds from your life insurance, your personal effects, and anything else that you leave to your spouse.

This scenario also holds true if you don’t do any estate planning. If you’re married and don’t have a Will, everything you own (that doesn’t have a beneficiary designation) will go to your spouse and children. They will then be free to leave (or give) that property to your stepchild.

If this concerns you, it is avoidable, but you have to plan for it. For example, you can set up a “Bypass Trust” or a "QTIP Trust." These types of Trusts allow your spouse to use your property after you die, for the rest of their life. Your spouse or partner will never own the property and will never have the right to give away the property. When they die, your property will go to beneficiaries you name.

LEAVING AN EXPLANATION OF YOUR DECISIONS. Consider whether it would make sense for you to explain the decisions you made in your Will, Trust, or general estate plan. When families blend together, family relationships can become complicated and strained — perhaps especially when it comes to who gets what. If you think your family will have questions or concerns about the plans you make, there are steps you can take to mitigate the possibility of familial strife.

First, if possible, talk to each member of your family to explain your plans and reasoning. This is your best chance of creating peace because you will be available to answer questions and have follow-up conversations. However, if talking it over is not possible — or just not your style — you can also leave a letter to your survivors explaining the decisions you made. The letter won’t have any legal weight, but it can be a comfort to you and to those you leave behind. In it you can talk about things like:

* why you gave what to whom

* how you would like gift recipients to split shared gifts

* your thoughts about your relationships with your children or other family members

* your choice for Personal Representative or Trustee, or

* any general thoughts about life.

There is no official form for this type of letter. You can make it what you want it to be. Just be careful not to contradict the terms of your Will or estate plan. Leave your letter with your other estate planning documents. Also, if you have any real concerns that someone may contest your Will or fight your estate plan, or otherwise anticipate inheritance issues with stepchildren, get help from a lawyer who can help ensure that your wishes are followed.

If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

You've heard of 501(c)(3) organizations - nonprofits organized for charitable, educational, religious, scientific, etc. purposes. But what about 501(c)(7) organizations - nonprofit social clubs?

You've heard of 501(c)(3) organizations - nonprofits organized for charitable, educational, religious, benevolent, etc. purposes. But what about a 501(c)(7)? We often have conversations with folks who have recently become an officer of their club and are worried about the financial set-up of the club. More often than not, the club has been operating informally, which means that any funds collected from the members are being deposited in the personal account of whoever is the treasurer. And it’s right for them to be worried!

Using a personal account, rather than a business account, for club business is bad for everyone. First, it makes it really hard to figure out the accounting of the club. If you’re the treasurer, an audit could mean that everyone gets to look at your personal spending habits, and worse — it could mean that the IRS will treat the money from the club as income to you personally and increase the amount you owe on tax day.

For most clubs, there’s a simple solution: become a 501(c)(7) Social Club. What is a 501(c)(7) Social Club? The IRS defines a 501(c)(7) Social Club as a social or recreational club that is organized for pleasure, recreation, and other nonprofitable purposes. Members must share interests and have a common goal directed toward pleasure and recreation, and the organization must provide opportunities for personal contact among members. The organization's facilities and services must be open to its members and their guests only. The organization must be a club of individuals, and no individual may derive profit from the organization's net earnings. Examples of social clubs include chess clubs, amateur cycling clubs, yacht clubs, hiking clubs, recreational sports leagues, sororities & fraternities, book clubs, alumni associations, country clubs, garden clubs, and so on.

The first step in this process is to find volunteers. You will need a board of directors, consisting at a minimum of a president/chair, secretary, and treasurer (and the president cannot be the treasurer). At this point, there are two paths you could choose: to incorporate (a formal existence), or to remain an unincorporated association. Either can be 501(c)(7) entities, and there are pros and cons to both.

INCORPORATED CLUBS. If you want to incorporate, you will need to file as a nonprofit organization with the State of Washington. That costs $50 if you do it online, or $30 if you do it by mail. To fill out the form, you need to know who will be the registered agent for the organization and who the initial board members are. This person’s street address is publicly available so that they can receive service of process on behalf of the club, in the unlikely event that the club is sued.

There are certain clauses that you need to have in your organizing documents to ensure that you receive tax-exempt status -- a nondiscrimination clause, a clause against self-dealing and conflicts of interest, and a purpose clause that says you are formed for an exempt purpose (here, for recreation and social opportunities of the membership). After you submit your paperwork to the State of Washington, the Secretary of State will send you a certificate of incorporation, that will list your Unified Business Identification (UBI) number. You can then get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the federal government (even if you don't intend to hire employees). Both numbers are necessary for getting bank accounts in the name of the club as an incorporated club.

The benefit to being formal is that your existence is confirmed by the Secretary of State, there are corporate protections for your board, and your organization will exist in perpetuity. The drawback is that you will need to file an Annual Report with the Secretary of State every year (the current fee $10) and you will need someone to be the Registered Agent (or pay for a commercial service).

UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS. To be an unincorporated association, skip the paperwork with the Secretary of State and go to the IRS to request an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Click on the options for nonprofits or other and be sure to select that you are an authorized officer or representative of the organization.

The benefits of this process is that it’s super easy and cheap to set up. The biggest drawback is that there is less liability protection for your board members, but additionally, some banks won’t open a bank account for unincorporated associations or they may impose additional constraints, like a minimum balance or minimum/maximum transactions per month.

SETTING UP BANKING. To set up your business bank accounts, contact the financial institution of your choosing and set up an appointment to open an account. You may need to call around first to see if the bank will offer business checking for your type of club. At least two people must attend that meeting — typically the president and the treasurer — so both can be signatories on the account, and they will need to bring two forms of ID (usually a driver’s license or passport AND a social security card, but check with your bank first). You also need to bring your certificate of incorporation (if you have one), your EIN paperwork, your bylaws, and recent minutes showing that the two people in the meeting have been approved by the board to open the account.

ARE WE TAX EXEMPT? It’s possible that your club may have some or all of this already. Even if you already have articles of formation, now is the time to make sure that you have all the necessary clauses to be granted tax-exempt status. If there isn’t a clause about anti-discrimination, for example, now is the time to formally amend the articles and update them with the State of Washington — before you file for tax-exemption with the IRS.

There are two ways to go about getting 501(c)(7) status: asking for it, and claiming. A 501(c)(7) is allowed to self-report their tax-exempt status without applying for tax-exempt status first. You do this by filling your annual Form 990 and claiming that you are a 501(c)(7) organization. This is a valid option, especially if you are remaining as an unincorporated association.

However, if you are incorporated, we recommend applying for 501(c)(7) status. It can be really helpful to have that grant from the IRS in order to fundraise — for example, on AmazonSmile or with employer-matching. To apply, you need to fill out IRS Form 1024. It looks long, but many of the pages don't apply to 501(c)(7) entities. There is a fee of $600 for the IRS for this one. You will need to describe the club’s activities, list the names of your board members and officers, list the salaries for your top five employees (if you have any), the annual budgets for the last couple years (or projected budgets, if a new entity), and disclose your assets and liabilities. It’s a long document, but the information should be relatively easy to collect.

ONGOING REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Congratulations, you’re a 501(c)7) organization! However, you can lose this status if you fail to file your annual forms. If you are incorporated, you will need to fill out an annual report for the State of Washington, as mentioned above. It’s very simple and straight forward. Whether you are incorporated or not, you will need to fill out the IRS Form 990. Form 990 is free so long as your gross receipts are less than $50,000 (well, free in the sense that filing your taxes is free if you didn’t have much income that year). There is also an EZ version for clubs with gross revenue less than $200,000 annually. If you fail to submit a Form 990, it can cause you a lot of headaches. There are late fees that can apply, and if you fail to submit for three years, then you will automatically lose your tax-exempt status. This is one of the most important duties of the treasurer (typically) but can be assigned to any officer or you can outsource it to a CPA.

If you are an officer in a social club and have questions about obtaining or maintaining your nonprofit and/or 501(c)(7) status, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Many of our clients are artists and their estate plans involve unique issues surrounding both practical hurdles and intellectual property matters.

Many of our clients are artists and their estate plans involve unique issues surrounding both practical hurdles and intellectual property matters. Artists worry about their creations and how they will fare in the world after they are gone – much like they would their children. This is a legitimate concern. There are some basic steps for preserving an artist's legacy.

CATALOG YOUR WORK. Before we draft a Will or a Trust, we encourage our artist clients to inventory their work. This inventory or catalog can simply be an excel spreadsheet or paper notebook with the following information:

* Image or description of piece.

* Title and date

* Physical location (auction house, studio, home, or gallery)

* Contractual agreements, licenses, or royalties.

* Appraised or approximate value

* History of sales

This makes it easy to keep track of the physical location as well as any outstanding contractual obligations. If the artwork is of considerable value, the pieces should be insured. There are many free digital tools online, such as ArtDex.

HOW IS ARTWORK TREATED IN YOUR WILL? Artwork is considered “tangible personal property.” In many simple Wills, little consideration is given to how tangible personal property is distributed, even though such property consists of the artist’s own work and/or valuable art collection.

Technically all tangible personal property should be appraised upon the death of the testator, but that is rarely done because there is little monetary value to such items – books, clothes, household goods, furniture, etc. Sometimes such items are thrown out, doled out to relatives, or there is an estate sale. As you can imagine if artwork is sold as part of an estate sale, it is likely not being sold for its true worth.

To avoid your artwork being treated like yard sale paintings, you need to make arrangements in your Will or Trust. As many artists collect or are gifted work of other artists, you also want to clearly differentiate between your own creations and works from other artists, as well as collaborations.

SPECIFIC BEQUESTS OF ARTWORK. You should consider any specific pieces of artwork you want to gift to friends or family upon your death. A specific bequest is the gift of a specific asset that is clearly identified and left to a specific person. If the item is not in existence at the Testator’s death, then the bequest lapses and becomes part of the Testator’s residuary estate. For example, if you sell a painting you left in your Will to your sister, your sister does not inherit the proceeds from the sale.

PRESERVATION OF YOUR ARTISTIC LEGACY. An important consideration is how to preserve the physical art pieces themselves. Some artists donate all or a portion of their artwork to their alma mater. If this is your wish, it is important to contact the school ahead of time to make sure they can comply with your wishes. Further, if prominent enough, the school may allow you to have input on how your artwork will be used – in an exhibition, at an auction to benefit the school, or simply preserved for educational purposes.

If donating is not your wish or impractical, you can simply create a testamentary Trust that is created upon your death. You would name a Trustee to take charge of your artwork, literary works, or musical compositions upon your death. This individual could be given wide latitude in deciding how to preserve your works.

What about unfinished works? Some artists prefer unfinished works be destroyed – your preference should be documented.

SALE OF ARTWORK UPON DEATH. If, instead, you want your heirs to reap some commercial benefit from your work, then steps should be taken to set up a Trust, foundation, or LLC during your lifetime or upon your death. This option involves making sure there is enough money allocated for insurance and to properly store the artwork in a studio or storage facility.

Whichever organizational structure you decide upon, there must be an agreement as to how commissions and expenses will be paid. An individual must be appointed to head the foundation, Trust, or company. This could be a family member or an independent professional. If naming a family member or friend, make sure that they have the authority to hire professionals if needed. For example, you will need to avoid novice mistakes such as the “bulk discount” phenomenon – the idea being that if all of the art in your estate is put up for sale at once, the prices will drop and each individual piece will therefore be worth less.

Much as you would with any asset, you direct how the proceeds from sales of your artwork are distributed to your beneficiaries. Will your beneficiaries receive all the net proceeds outright or in Trust? Such Trusts could be structured to avoid estate taxes on their death and benefit future generations. A "Bypass Trust" structure could provide income to a spouse for life and the remainder to children and grandchildren – a popular option for blended families. If an LLC, beneficiaries could share in assets based on their percentage of the LLC interest - without having to parse out artwork.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. You need to also consider the intellectual property rights in the artwork. Contrary to popular belief, “copyright” is automatic and extends to “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression” and lasts for the life of the artist plus 70 years. Copyright vests in the creator at the time the work is made and is distinct from the physical art piece. For example, even if you sell a physical painting, you retain the copyright in the artwork unless you include that right in the sale – in writing.

Copyright includes the legal right to make and distribute copies and “derivative works.” These copyrights can be licensed or assigned permanently or for a limited time. You would not only want your heirs to benefit from such licensing fees or royalties, but control how your work can be used. You may consider granting copyright in one or more specific art pieces to a local nonprofit.

Without a Will or Trust that thoughtfully lays out your wishes, you will have no control over your body of work at your death. It is important to choose the right people to preserve your legacy and give them clear directions. You also want to avoid discord between family members. Remember that Picasso died without a Will – and the estate ended up paying $30 million just in lawyer’s fees.

If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We proudly represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

"Death bed Wills" give rise to a whole series of problems.

At our law firm, we have found that the time between clients coming to us to have an estate plan created and the time they actually sign the documents is close to 3-4 months. And this is despite the fact that the documents were prepared and ready to sign within a week or two. Put simply, the average person delays signing the operative documents even though the documents are ready and already paid for. Why? The answer in many cases is a subconscious refusal to consider death and its ramifications. Modern Americans do not enjoy discussing and planning for death. Past cultures had death as a central part of the family and life experience. “Front parlors” were called that precisely because that is where the family placed the body of the loved one for viewing by friends and family. Only in the 20th century did commercial “funeral parlors” replace front parlors in the home and that was indicative of an increasing reluctance on the part of our society to consider death as something both inevitable and something to be prepared for years in advance.

While the role of death in our youth-oriented society can be a subject of historical and sociological discussion, the underlying point here is that even intelligent and mature individuals often delay executing the documents or even creating the plan until circumstances give them no choice. Often it is illness or an upcoming serious surgery that finally compel people to do the estate planning that good sense and family dynamics require.

And, at times, that planning, and execution of documents comes even later, literally as the person is dying or feels close to death, often disoriented and weak from pain and medication. These are often termed “death bed” Wills and give host to a whole series of problems.


* Haste Makes Waste. Any good lawyer will tell the client that proper planning requires a thorough review of all the assets, the family situation, the current method of holding property, the current tax situation and likely tax effect of death, as well as proper consideration of various contingencies that may arise before death that could alter the plan. The most difficult aspect of good estate planning is the analysis of the assets and family needs of the person creating the plan and sometimes a Trust rather than a Will is the best and most efficient method of passing assets to the next generation. A Trust instead of a Will may save time and money when it comes to probate costs.

If called upon to draft a document in days or hours, the proper analysis of assets and understanding of family dynamics is likely impossible. A Trust is usually a document dozens of pages in length that must have assets actually transferred into the Trust before death to be effective. That is a process normally taking weeks, sometimes months if real estate in other states is involved. Thus, if one only has hours or a day or two to create the plan, Trusts are usually discarded as a realistic tool. A Will becomes the only possible alternative.

If the person creating the plan is ill or facing imminent death, their state of mind is such that the asset details and long discussion of family dynamics is unlikely. The lawyer must depend on the person signing the Will for instructions, not the relatives clustered around, and that person may be incapable of the type of careful discussion and planning required or may be so distraught and emotional that clear thinking is unlikely.

It is hard to describe the tension and emotion that surrounds a person in the hospital when the lawyer is present, family huddled close by, death a very real possibility, and the lawyer must advise the family to leave the room so that they can obtain instruction without influence of the other family members. It is not an atmosphere that helps the family, yet it is required for the lawyer to avoid the issue of later claims of “undue influence” being made once the Will is filed for probate.

Put simply, one would not purchase a car at the last minute when ill, or a home in a few hours. Estate planning can involve millions of dollars in assets and hundreds of thousands in possible taxes and probate costs…one should not expect a good plan to be developed in such trying circumstances.

* Undue Influence. If an interested person can demonstrate that the testator was subject to inappropriate influence or control by an heir or any other person, then the will can be invalidated. For example, let's say that Grandpa was going to give money equally to all the grandkids but one of the grandkids, while the rest were out of the room, pushed Grandpa to leave it all to him by lying about what the other grandkids were doing and Grandpa changed his Will accordingly.

When the testator is ill, disoriented, under the influence of medications and emotional, it is much easier to influence them, thus a last-minute estate plan is a prime target for those who seek to void a Will.

* Lack of Mental Capacity. Another common attack by those seeking to void a Will is that the testator was not of sound mind when creating the Will, either due to age, medication, illness, or injury. This is often combined with an attack based upon undue influence and, again, when close to death or on medication, it can be difficult to contest such a claim.

* Emotional Condition. Engaging in estate planning is difficult and can be emotionally draining. When already ill or medicated, it can be a tremendous burden for the dying person, a person who already is facing the traumatic issue of oncoming death. Such a mental condition can counter calm and careful planning and ability to handle the demands of relatives and friends. Squabbles between family members at the hospital can lead to emotional outbursts by the testator who uses the inheritance to punish and reward those in the family.

Equally likely, the testator will forget what assets they own or what promises have been made to what family members. It is not uncommon for the testator to want one plan but awakening two hours later, will want a different plan. Estate planning under such circumstances can never be accomplished with the type of reasoning and calm consideration required.

* Family Dynamics. It is not just the testator who is emotionally distraught but the entire family. Mutual suspicion and resentment are easily developed as family members see other relatives spend time alone in the room with the ill parent or relative and come out with Wills or lists of assets and there is almost always one or more family members that will claim that while others were mourning and supporting the dying person, the person inheriting was only trying to profit.

SOLUTIONS. Ideally, the family is never put into a situation in which the last-minute planning is required, and this means that estate planning is begun before it is critically necessary. It means that once the documents are completed, they are promptly executed and, in the case of Revocable Living Trusts, the relevant assets are promptly transferred into the Trust. We all have a responsibility not to leave chaos behind when we die, to take responsibility for the futures and emotional well-being of our families. Sometimes that's uncomfortable.

Assuming that advance planning is not made, then there is a protocol that should be followed in drafting and executing the last minute Will.

The lawyer and a witness from the office should meet with the testator alone, with relatives not present, to make sure the testator is of sound mind and not being pressured and has fully considered all aspects of their assets, tax ramifications, and family needs. The lawyer should bluntly ask what medications the person is on, whether they are up to the task, and should consult with the testator's medical professionals to ensure that the testator can truly make a valid Will.

In some cases, the lawyer should arrange to video the interview with the testator so that it is clear later that the questions were asked, that the person was free to make their own choices, and that the testator had mental capacity. That same video professional should be present for the execution of the documents. The lawyer should have a series of questions to ask the testator to make sure they feel fully comfortable with the proposed plan and that no one has influenced the person incorrectly. Unless the doctor can state unequivocally that the person is of sound mind, no Will should be made. That statement should be made on the video as well.

The lawyer should not reveal the contents of the Will to family members unless specifically requested to do so by the testator.

Creating a plan at the last minute not only requires speed but requires understanding of the common attacks that can be expected upon such a rushed effort. It means that as much time is spent anticipating the likely attacks as drafting the documents. It means handling the emotional reactions of family members gathered there as well as the person facing possible imminent death. It is a tremendous challenge for the lawyer and success means that the goals of the testator are met without danger of litigation or a family that is at war with itself.

CONCLUSION. As challenging as “death bed” Will preparation is, it is still preferable to dying without a will (dying “intestate”) which is rigid in where the bequests must go, has no tax planning, and can lead to disputes as to who is appointed to administer the estate. Even a rushed effort at drafting is usually much better than leaving it to the law to determine who will inherit what. That said, such last-minute planning invites later hurt feelings and family disputes which could be avoided if even there was a few weeks to properly prepare the plans.

The lesson is clear: do it early and sign it early. If you cannot do that, select a lawyer who knows how best to avoid the bitter and prolonged family battles that can often develop from last minute Wills.

If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho.

If you have suffered connective tissue injuries in an auto collision, you may need to seek legal advice about how to proceed.

If you have suffered connective tissue injuries in an auto collision, you may need to seek legal advice about how to proceed. Connective tissue injuries (or what insurance companies call "soft tissue injuries") can be debilitating even though they may be a challenge to document. A lawyer can assist you in pulling together all the information and documentation you will need when making a claim concerning the injury.

Of first importance is that you get the medical help you need. Injuries to your muscles or to connective tissue such as tendons and ligaments are more difficult to document than out-and-out bone fractures. But even though such injuries are not the easiest to document, a medical doctor can compare what you report to your previous health conditions and diagnose the injuries you have sustained.

Be sure to document as much of the incident where you were injured as is possible. If you are able, take pictures of the location and of all visible signs of your injury. But sure to keep copies of any paperwork your doctor gives you after you have been examined, including all prescriptions. Your lawyer will need these items as they prepare your case.

Whether your injuries are the result of an auto collision, a slip-and-fall incident, or an impact injury of some other sort, a lawyer can help you in dealing with the legal implications. You may need help in addressing your medical expenses, finding proper treatment for your injuries, and securing your lost wages. These difficulties are just the basic problems that can come from connective tissue damage.

We can assist you in filing your claims. We will go over each step of the matter with you, explaining any points that confuse you. If you have lost wages because of your connective tissue injuries, we will work to reclaim those funds on your behalf. We will endeavor to have your medical expenses and treatments covered as well as any property damages you sustained in the incident that caused the injury. Seeking legal advice is always a wise choice after a collision.

If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment for a free initial consultation today.

It can be difficult to send your kid off to college for the first time. One way to provide some much-needed protection is to have a Power of Attorney prepared before they head off.

It can be difficult for parents to send their child off to college for the first time. The world is a crazy place and you won’t always be there in person to make sure they are all right. While it’s difficult letting go, you still want to make sure you have the ability to help if they need it. You should note that once your kid turns 18, they are legally an adult and therefore a parent may not have the authority to step in and make decisions if necessary. One way to provide some much-needed protection is to have a Power of Attorney prepared before they head off on their own.

REASONS THEY NEED A POWER OF ATTORNEY. When deciding if a power of attorney is really necessary, consider the following situations in which the document could be used:

* If they suffer from an illness or disability that prevents them from making financial decisions for themselves, a Power of Attorney can give you the authority to make decisions for them.

* If they were to experience a medical emergency, it can be very difficult for a parent to get any information from medical staff or make any medical decisions. This is because once they turn 18, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) laws prevent this disclosure, unless your child specifically gives them permission.

* Financial matters such as managing bank accounts, paying bills, dealing with insurance companies, filing taxes, or any other number of issues, can be difficult for your child to handle from a distance. A Power of Attorney can allow you to step in to help when your child needs assistance.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF POWERS OF ATTORNEY. There are two different Powers of Attorney, and each serves a different purpose. Thus, your best bet is to have both forms prepared in order to cover any possible scenario.

* Health Care Power of Attorney – If your adult child ends up in the hospital, this document can give you the authority to make medical decisions for them if they are unable to do so. Without one, all medical decisions would be made solely by the doctors.

On this same note, it is also a good idea to complete a HIPAA authorization form. If your child was involved in an accident, for instance, the law would prevent you from obtaining any information over the phone regarding their medical condition. This form would give you legal authority to receive their private health data.

* General Durable Power of Attorney – This document gives you the authority to make financial decisions on your adult child’s behalf. This can allow you to help manage bank accounts or pay bills, or make larger decisions if they are unable to due to illness or disability. Additionally, it can give you access to your child’s grades and transcripts. Many parents do not realize that this information is not automatically available to them just because they are paying the tuition bill!

There is certainly a lot to think about before your child leaves for school. At our law firm, we are here to make that job a little less stressful. We can provide you with all the essential documents you need, so you can be confident they will be protected financially and medically. Contact our office at 253.858.5434 to learn more.

The Complications of Estate Planning for Blended Families

According to a recent study, more than 4 in 10 Americans are part of a blended family. And while 7 in 10 are satisfied with their step-family relationships, the study revealed that people typically feel a stronger sense of obligation to their biological families. That’s what makes estate planning for blended families complicated.

If you have children from a prior relationship, and you make an outright distribution to your spouse, you risk disinheriting your children. Why? Because when you make an outright distribution to your spouse, your spouse has the power to do whatever they want with the inherited assets. This may include leaving assets to your children, or not.

For example, suppose you and your spouse both have two children from prior marriages. You agree to identify each other’s children as your own children for purposes of your Will. You then make outright distributions to each other upon your death and name all four children as contingent beneficiaries. Suppose after you die, your spouse and one of your children have a disagreement and become estranged. Your surviving spouse could change their Will and leave all the assets (including assets inherited from you) to their biological children only. Or perhaps your surviving spouse finds love again and remarries. They may decide to leave all assets (including assets inherited from you) to a new spouse rather than your children.

Here are a few tips to consider as you plan for the complexity of your unique blended family:

DETERMINE YOUR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. The primary objective for some couples is providing for a surviving spouse. Perhaps you have been married for decades, your respective children are grown and successful, and you feel absolutely no obligation to leave your children an inheritance. If you have no concern whatsoever about the risk that your children could be disinherited, then an outright distribution may be an option.

On the other hand, if providing for your children is also important to you, leaving assets to your spouse in trust may be the better option. You can give your spouse access to the income, and perhaps the principal, from the Trust to provide for their health, support, maintenance, or education, but direct that any remaining assets be distributed to your children after your surviving spouse dies.

Consider your spouse’s relationship with your children

Some blended families form when the couple’s children are very young. In those situations, a strong bond can form between the stepparent and stepchild. Other blended families form when children are already adults. In those situations, step-relations can be distant and contentious.

WHICH DESCRIBED YOUR FAMILY? If your spouse has a strained relationship with your children and you make an outright distribution to your spouse, there is a greater risk that your children will be disinherited. In such a situation, consider a distribution to your spouse in trust with an independent Trustee or Co-Trustee administering the Trust assets. If there is a high level of distrust between your spouse and children, an independent Trustee’s involvement may decrease the likelihood of conflict about the Trust’s administration.

Consider making a bequest to your children at the outset

Rather than leaving all your assets to your surviving spouse, consider distributing a portion of your assets to your children immediately upon your death. This may include personal belongings such as family heirlooms or jewelry, real estate that has been in your family for decades, financial assets, or a portion of the proceeds from a life insurance policy. This way, your children are provided for regardless of whether your surviving spouse makes any provisions for them.

This type of distribution may not be appropriate if an immediate distribution to your children may result in economic hardship for your spouse. In that case, leaving assets to your spouse in trust may be the best option.

TALK ABOUT YOUR PLANS. Whether you are part of a nuclear or blended family, sharing the details of your estate plan can limit disagreements after your death. Yet it is a topic very few people broach with their loved ones. The likelihood of dissatisfaction increases when heirs are kept in the dark about the details of an estate plan. An overwhelming majority of heirs report satisfaction with the inheritance process when they know about the plans in advance. In contrast, heirs are twice as likely to be unsatisfied with the distribution process when plans are kept secret.

Estate planning for blended families can be complicated. A lawyer can explain your options, the ramification of your choices, and customize an estate plan to address your needs. If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We proudly represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

When selling a business, there are some important things to keep in mind. You'll want an experienced lawyer involved to make sure all your bases are covered.

When selling a business, there are some important matters to keep in mind. You'll want to get an experienced lawyer involved to make sure that all of your bases are covered and you don't end up in a bad deal.

BASICS OF SELLING A BUSINESS. First, you'll want to plan ahead so you're completely prepared for selling. This may mean that you discuss and plan the sale of your company one or two years before you plan to take action. Planning ahead is ideal because you'll likely need to adjust some aspects of your company before it's ready to sell. You'll also want to make sure that your documentation is clear and well-kept so that it can be easily handed over to a buyer.

As you plan to sell your business, ask yourself and fellow business owners these basic questions:

* Why do we want to sell?

* Why should we sell?

* Why should anyone want to buy our company?

* When is the right time for the sale?

REQUIREMENTS FOR SELLING A BUSINESS. Once you find a buyer for your business, they'll need a minimum of three years of your past financial documentation. This includes your company's tax returns and an up-to-date balance sheet. You'll also need to provide the last year's worth of financial statements. This will show the buyer any fluctuations throughout the year due to seasons or other factors.

All company assets that are for sale should be clearly listed and their supportable or current book values should be included. You might also need to include details like:

* Business licenses and permits.

* Vendor contracts.

* Leases.

* Lists of suppliers.

* Marketing materials.

* Valuation

It can be difficult to properly value your own company as you have a personal investment in it. Getting a professional valuation will help you clearly see what your business is worth, even if it is a small business. This will help you find a suitable asking price so you can be in a good range to find buyers. A professional valuation will also make it clear if there are parts of the business that need improvement before selling.

Valuation for a business takes the following into consideration:

* Asset values.

* Earnings.

* Feasibility.

* Revenues.

* Discretionary cash flow.

BE READY FOR A SALE. When planning to sell your business, you'll also want to develop a marketing strategy. You'll need a marketing package and action plan. Decide whether you're OK with negotiating with buyers. If you determine that you won't do well with negotiating because of an emotional attachment to the company, you might want to consider using a broker or agent to handle the sale.

Make sure you're ready to show your business to potential buyers at any time. Think of it like trying to sell your home. You'll have showings and need to be ready to make a sale anytime someone is interested.

An advisory team is also a great asset to a business sale. This will include experts like your lawyer, broker or agent, banker, accountant, and financial advisor.

WHAT TO DO ONCE YOU FIND A POTENTIAL BUYER. Before offering all of your business information up to any potential buyer, you'll want to first interview the buyer and make sure they are legitimately interested in purchasing your company. Even if they are actually interested, they may not have the necessary skills to run the company, so you'll want to get some of their information and background to determine if they're capable.

You can sign a Letter of Understanding with the buyer. You'll agree to share your business's financial information in exchange for the following:

* Buyer resume.

* Nondisclosure agreement (or confidentiality agreement).

* Personal financial statement.

Taking such care in the case of a business sale can help prevent your competitors from getting ahold of your business's financial information. You don't want that kind of information easily accessible to anyone.

Consider whether you'll want to remain a part of the company after the purchase. Will you be available to help the buyer and train them to handle the ins and outs of the business? Think about and plan how the transition period will play out.

If you need help with selling a business, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via Zoom.

There are many reasons for people with kids to develop an estate plan.

There are many reasons for people with children to develop an estate plan. An estate plan generally refers to a Will, a financial Durable Power of Attorney, a Health Care Power of Attorney, a Directive to Physicians (commonly called a "Living Will"), and Powers of Attorney for Minor Children's Health Care.

The Will is a critical document which designates how the testator, or maker of the Will, would like to distribute their estate assets after their death. Married couples, in most cases, leave their estates to each other upon the first spouse’s death. It is expected that the surviving spouse will use the inherited assets to care and provide for the surviving children. When both parents die and leave minor children, the distribution of estate assets becomes more complex. The following issues should be considered by parents when making their Will:

* Who will care for minor children in the event both parents die? Naming a guardian in the Will provides the best evidence of who the parents would like to make decisions for their children. When deciding on a guardian, parents should take into account the proximity of the guardian’s residence to the children’s current home, the lifestyle and religious beliefs of the guardians, and the financial situation of the guardian. Parents should name the same guardian in their Wills so as to avoid any confusion in the event both parents die simultaneously. Being the guardianship of minor children is a major responsibility, and parents should be sure to ask their preferred guardian if they would be willing to care for the children in the event of a tragedy.

* How will the estate assets be transferred to the child? If the parents have no estate plan in place, upon the death of both parents, the child would inherit their share of the parents' estate, and it would be held in a guardianship estate of supervised by the court. The child would have access to the monies by requesting distributions from the guardian, who would need court approval to spend principal from the estate. Additionally, once the child obtained age 18, all assets in the estate would be distributed directly to the child regardless of the child’s ability to manage the money. If parents engage in estate planning, they may create a Trust to hold assets passing to a minor child. The parents, via their Will, create a Trust and name a Trustee to manage, invest, and distribute the assets to the minor child according to the terms of the Trust. The Trust may allow distributions for the child’s health, education, maintenance, and support throughout their life. The Trust terminates at a stated age of the child and does not automatically end upon the child’s obtaining the age of majority. Thus, the Trust may end when the child turns 30. Alternatively, the Trust may distribute principal in increments based on the age of the child. For instance, the child would be entitled to 1/3 of Trust principal at age 25, another 1/3 at age 30, and the final 1/3 at age 35. The Trustee need not be a corporate Trustee, and in the event of a smaller estate, it would make better financial sense to name an individual as Trustee (who may be the same person as the guardian). The individual Trustee could then hire an investment advisor to handle the investment of trust assets.

Parents of a child with special needs should create a Third-Party Funded Special Needs Trust to hold assets for the child with special needs in lieu of a simple Trust. This Special Needs Trust is typically funded with inheritance monies of the child with special needs, and does not, under current law, have a payback to the state for medical assistance provided to the child.

* Who will administer the estate in the event both parents die? The surviving spouse is typically named as Personal Representative of the estate, and a successor Personal Representative should also be named in the event the spouse is unavailable. A Personal Representative must be over the age of 18 and is responsible for gathering the assets of the estate, liquidating and selling any assets, and distributing the assets to the heirs under the Will. Each spouse may name their own successor Personal Representative to administer their estate, and co-Personal Representatives may also be named.

To complete the estate plan, parents execute financial and health care Powers of Attorney and a Directive to Physicians. Powers of Attorney allow an individual, or principal, to appoint an agent to act on their behalf for financial and medical matters for the principal or the principal's minor children.

A Directive to Physicians sets forth an individual’s last wishes in regard to end-of-life situations. This document differs from a Health Care Power of Attorney in that the Directive only governs a situation where a doctor has certified that the declarant is in a state of permanent unconsciousness or has an end-stage medical condition.

Parents with young children should consider drafting an estate plan to ensure that their estates are administered according to their wishes, and that their children will be cared for financially and be placed with an appropriate guardian. If you have questions about creating an estate plan, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.