Tax Implications of Small Businesses Allowing Employees to Work from Home During COVID-19

For many of our small business clients, allowing employees to work remotely during COVID-19 has been necessary, but we cannot forget the potential tax implications. States, like a lot of businesses, are struggling and looking for new sources of revenue. One of the easiest ways for states to generate that revenue is through "nexus inquiries," which could result in additional income taxes, franchise taxes, sales taxes, and/or payroll taxes for your business. "Nexus" means the minimum connection a business has with a state that allows the state to subject them to its taxes. In most states, having remote workers is enough to create a nexus. So what does this mean for you as an employer?

It depends. Some states, for example Massachusetts and Oregon, have indicated that they are allowing a nexus waiver for employers with remote workers due to COVID-19 - as long as those workers would not otherwise be working remotely, i.e., outside of the state where they normally work. There is an expiration to these waivers; Oregon’s is set to end on November 1, 2020 and Massachusetts’ ends on the earlier of December 31, 2020 or 90 days after the state of emergency in Massachusetts is lifted. Every state is taking a different approach and some have not addressed this at all, but one thing is certain: many states foresee an opportunity for increased revenues due to employees working remotely.

There has been a proposal in the U.S. Senate to provide temporary nationwide relief for employees who are working remotely due to COVID-19, but as of today, nothing has been passed.

Even with potential nexus relief, we all have to face the fact that the “normal” working environment has changed for many due to COVID-19. For a lot of employers, employees working remotely is going to become more of the norm, which will benefit some employers who are working to broaden their potential talent pool. The important takeaway from a tax perspective is to make sure employers stay in front of the potential tax exposures and weigh that into their decision making.

If you're a small business owner and need legal advice, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to see how we can help. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person (with social distancing protocols in place), by phone, or via video conference.

Trusts and S Corporations don't always play well together. Only certain Trusts can be shareholders in S Corporations. We can help you figure out how to make it work.

For a lot of our clients, Living Trusts are their key estate planning document. Living Trusts are created to hold assets during life and then dispose of those assets at death according to the person’s directions. Living Trusts thus operate much like a Will, but, unlike a Will, Living Trusts have the benefit of avoiding probate.

In order for a Living Trust to function as intended, it must be funded with the assets of the Trustor (the person making the Trust). In other words, those assets must be retitled in the name of the Trust so that the Trust owns them at death rather than the Trustor. This requires the Trustor not only to retitle real estate, bank, and investment accounts, but also any business interests owned by the Trustor such as LLC interests or stock in an S corporation. When a Living Trust becomes the owner of S corporation stock, there can be resulting difficulties for the Trustor’s heirs and for the S corporation itself.

The fundamental problem is that Trusts and S corporations do not play well together. Although a Trust can be a permitted shareholder in an S corporation, only certain kinds of trusts are so permitted under Section 1361 of the Internal Revenue Code. With a few exceptions, those trusts are known as either a “grantor” trust, a “QSST” (or qualified subchapter S trust), or an “ESBT” (or electing small business trust). If a Trust is not one of the trusts specifically authorized by the Internal Revenue Code, however, and becomes a shareholder, the corporation ceases to be a qualified S corporation and will be taxed as an ordinary C corporation.

Unfortunately, a Trust may initially be a qualified shareholder but, as time passes and circumstances change, it can lose its status as a qualified shareholder. This can easily happen unbeknownst to the Trustor, the Trustor’s heirs, or the company, and can cause real headaches (and back taxes) when it is discovered.

This is a particular problem for a Living Trust. The rules regarding trust shareholders in S corporations are detailed and complex, and many good CPAs, lawyers, and other professionals are unaware of how these rules impact a Living Trust over time. A Living Trust is normally a long-lived trust that sees significant changes when the Trustor either becomes incapacitated or dies. These major events can have significant tax ramifications.

For example, almost all Living Trusts are, at the time they are created, grantor trusts. This is because a person who creates a Living Trust normally retains the right to revoke the Living Trust and retains the right to benefit from the Living Trust’s income and principal during life. Those rights are what make a Living Trust a grantor trust under the grantor trust rules of the Internal Revenue Code.

These retained rights, however, can and do change. Consider the example of a single woman (“Ms. Jones”) who creates a Living Trust. As with most Living Trusts, Ms. Jones names herself as the initial Trustee and retains the right to revoke the Living Trust as long as she has capacity. But what happens if Ms. Jones becomes incapacitated? If she no longer has the power to revoke the Trust, and if her power of attorney (or applicable state law) does not specifically provide that the Trust can be revoked by her agent, the Trust may no longer be revocable, causing it to lose grantor trust status.

Fortunately, in many cases, Ms. Jones would still retain the right to benefit from the income and principal of the Trust for her lifetime, in the discretion of the successor Trustee—another way in which the Living Trust would typically continue as a grantor trust. But, for that rule to apply, the successor Trustee authorized to make discretionary distributions to Ms. Jones, after she becomes incapacitated, must be considered a “nonadverse” party under Section 677 of the Internal Revenue Code. If Ms. Jones’ only daughter is named as the successor Trustee, and is also the sole recipient of the Living Trust’s assets when Ms. Jones dies, her daughter would likely be considered an adverse party for tax purposes. Thus, Ms. Jones’s incapacity could still result in a loss of grantor trust status for the Living Trust.

There are even more serious risks when a Trustor dies. For example, consider what happens when a married couple creates a Living Trust and one spouse dies. At that point, many (if not most) Living Trusts enter an administrative period until the Trust assets can be divided and distributed in two separate shares—a share for the surviving spouse and a share for the deceased spouse. The surviving spouse’s share usually continues to be held in a new revocable “Survivor’s Trust” while the deceased spouse’s share is often held in one or more new irrevocable trusts for the survivor’s benefit, referred to as the “Credit Shelter Trust” or “Bypass Trust” and/or a “Marital Trust.” At this point, any number of issues can arise. If S corporation stock stays titled in the name of the original Living Trust for more than two years from the date of death, the company’s S corporation status could be lost because the Living Trust ceased to be a grantor trust at death (at least as to the deceased spouse’s share of the Trust) and such former grantor trusts have only a 2-year grace period under the Internal Revenue Code to continue to hold S corporation Stock. Furthermore, if S corporation stock is used to fund the Credit Shelter or Marital Trust, those trusts are, by definition, not grantor trusts and must qualify as either a QSST or an ESBT. This includes making a timely QSST or ESBT election with the IRS. Advisors sometimes assume a trust qualifies as a QSST or ESBT when it does not (for example, a trust may meet all the basic requirements of a QSST but if the trust gives the beneficiary a lifetime power of appointment, the trust clearly will not qualify as a QSST under the Treasury Regulations) or may be unaware a formal election must be made and filed with the IRS. Lastly, many lawyers anticipate that a Credit Shelter or Marital Trust may be the recipient of S corporation stock and thus include “savings” language in the boilerplate provisions of the Living Trust document to ensure that such Trusts qualify as either a QSST or ESBT. A little-known IRS Revenue Ruling, however, demonstrates that many QSST savings clauses are technically deficient, and may force an ESBT election in circumstances when a QSST election would be preferable or, worse, may leave no election available.

Fortunately, a little bit of review and foresight with respect to a Living Trust that owns S corporation stock can prevent these types of issues from arising. And, even when an issue has already arisen and S corporation status appears to have been lost, specific relief procedures are provided by the IRS. Relief can thus often be obtained when there has been an inadvertent termination of a Company’s S corporation status.

If you have any questions about your Living Trust (or any other trust) and its ownership of S corporation stock, we would be happy to help you analyze the issues. Give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Washington Lawyers for the Arts announces Legal Advice Week for September. This is a telephone clinic for artists to get 30 minutes of free legal advice. Intake forms are available through 9/17/20.

Washington Lawyers for the Arts has just announced Legal Advice Week for September. This is a week-long pro bono telephone clinic where artists and arts professionals statewide can get 30 minutes of FREE advice related to their legal issues.

Legal Advice Week in September starts on the 21st and goes through the 25th. The telephone legal clinic is replacing WLA’s monthly in-person clinics for the foreseeable future.

Legal Advice Week is open to artists and arts organizations throughout Washington. Legal issues must relate to an artistic discipline, but can cover a wide range of areas such as:

* Copyright
* Trademark
* Publicity Rights
* Licensing
* Fair Use
* Estate Planning
* Business Formation
* Contract Review

Client intakes for the September virtual clinic will be accepted through September 17th. If you're interested, let us know and we'll forward you a link to the intake form.

Estate planning isn't just about filling out forms. It's about advice, guidance, knowledge, and experience. Our clients' lives are too complex for cookie cutter forms you can get online.

Recently saw the following banner ad on some random website: "$39 WILL & GUARDIANSHIP. Why pay a lawyer thousands? Take 5 minutes to answer these questions and recieve your Will & Guardianship."

First of all, "recieve"? Secondly, "thousands"? Apparently we've been undercharging for our services. Thirdly, our clients' personal and financial lives are entirely too complex to be fully addressed with fill-in-the-blank online forms. Estate planning isn't just about filling out forms. It's about advice and guidance. It's about knowledge and experience. It's about an educated understanding of your state's statutes and judicial decisions that make up the law of Wills, Trusts, and Guardianships. There's no cookie cutter, "one-size-fits-all" estate plan that fits every family and their unique circumstances.

We have been representing and advising estate planning clients since 1996. If we can be of service to you, your friends, family, neighbors, or co-workers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment.

Estate planning is a little different for artists, authors, musicians, and songwriters. We can help!

Estate planning is a little different for artists, authors, musicians, and songwriters. These clients spend so much time and effort in creating their work, yet most don’t consider what will happen to their body of work, and their legacy, after they die. Mortality will catch up with us, and often unexpectedly, so it pays to think about what you want to happen to your work after you are no longer able to create or control the process, publication, and distribution, as well as providing a guide to your heirs as to how you want to be remembered. This becomes particularly important when other people or organizations have a claim to a portion of your assets, such as a spouse, children, manager, agent, publisher, gallery, record label, or co-writers and partners.

There is a lot to consider in estate planning for artists that would not apply to traditional estate planning. Like all legal issues, the process can seem daunting because most people are not well-versed in the legal jargon (and let's be honest, hiring a lawyer can be expensive) but just think about what can happen if you don’t provide guidance.

* What will happen to your body of work or other assets like your expensive equipment, sketches, notes (things that represent your process), computer, instruments, materials, or even your studio?

* Who will make sure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and not by state law?

* Depending upon your work’s value, some serious challenges could break out among your relatives, which you probably want to avoid.

* You may want some of your work to be donated to a charity or some other persons or organizations. Without a legal document, it won’t happen, even if you have made your wishes known verbally to someone.

* If any of your work is under contract or license, your beneficiaries need to know about it.

* You probably have a lot of unseen or unheard work that may have value today or in the future, so your breadth of work should be cataloged and distributed according to your wishes.

* Tax implications from giving your artwork or other assets to your beneficiaries may make it difficult for them to accept. Tax liabilities can be limited through proper planning.

* The publishing rights and copyrights to your work are assets entirely separate from the work itself. Not all non-artists realize this.

* Your family and friends may not be familiar with your body of work and may need help from an "artistic advisor" like an agent, manager, curator, publisher, instructor, or fellow artist in cataloging and valuing work.

While it is easy to put estate planning off, it is best to begin planning for your legacy at the beginning of your career. Whether you are a mid-career artist showing, publishing, or performing regularly, or an emerging artist just starting out, top on your list of priorities should be a plan for the preservation of your body of work and dissemination of your assets. At the very least, you should become familiar with the estate planning process so that you can identify the right time to formally prepare and know the documentation you will need.

We have been representing artists, authors, musicians, and songwriters for over 20 years. If we can be of service to you, your family, or friends, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Your estate plan isn't just a "set it and forget it" thing. You should review your plan every few years to ensure that it is current and reflects any changes in your family, assets, or goals.

One of the most common misconceptions about estate planning is that you can “set it and forget it”—that is, that you can make an estate plan and then just sit back and relax. Actually, it’s incredibly important to be vigilant, ensuring that your estate plan is updated to reflect any changes in your family, changes to your assets, or changes to your estate planning goals. We generally recommend that you sit down and review your estate plan every three or four years, making changes as needed. Additionally, update your estate plan in any of the following scenarios.

(1) You relocate to a new state. Estate planning laws are not national. In fact, they can vary significantly from one state to the next. So, while you may have an estate plan that’s perfectly suited to Washington, moving to New York may require you to make some changes. Any time you relocate to a new state, make sure you reach out to a local estate planning lawyer for help bringing your estate plan up to speed.

(2) You have major changes to your family. One of the main purposes of estate planning is to leave a legacy for your family, and to ensure that the people you love are taken care of after you die—but what if that list of people changes? Specifically, it’s wise to change your estate plan if:

* You get married
* You get divorced
* A child or grandchild is born or adopted
* Your spouse dies

In any of these scenarios, make sure you meet with your lawyer to make the necessary changes to your legal documents.

(3) You have major changes to your assets or liabilities. You should also update your estate plan if the estate itself changes—and that means major changes to either your assets or liabilities. For example, if you buy or sell real estate, come into a large sum of money, lose a large sum of money, or start or purchase a business, those are all occasions on which to revisit your estate plan. And, if you accrue a lot of debts, that’s also a good reason to review your legal documents.

(4) You need to choose a new beneficiary or Personal Representative. Say you have named an individual to serve as the PR of your estate—perhaps a friend who you know to be a responsible and trustworthy person. But what if that individual moves out of state? Or you simply lose contact? And what happens if the named PR dies? In any of these cases, you will want to revise your estate plan. And this is true not just of the PR, but also potential trustees, beneficiaries, etc.

(5) Your retirement savings plans change. It’s not uncommon for estate plans to encompass 401(k)s, IRAs, and other retirement savings vehicles—but what happens if those retirement savings vehicles are dissolved or changed? For example, what happens if you roll over your 401(k) into an IRA? Any kind of change to your retirement accounts is reason enough to sit down with your lawyer and review your documents.

Proper estate planning requires vigilance, and a willingness to look anew at your estate plans every few years or so. Additionally, make updates any time you have big life changes. We are around to help you revise your estate plan as needed. To schedule a conversation about your estate planning needs, reach out to us at 253.858.5434.

When you've been hurt in an auto collision, navigating the legal process and dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming. That's where we can help.

When auto collisions happen, the injuries can be catastrophic, but even seemingly minor injuries can disrupt an injured person’s life and turn their world upside down. In addition to the physical pain and emotional distress you experience, you may also face unexpected costs or be unable to work. As the injured victim, you may be able to take legal action in order to get reimbursed for these damages. But navigating the legal process and dealing with insurance companies can be overwhelming. That’s where we can help.

Insurance companies profit by paying as little as possible to automobile policyholders and car collision victims. Never accept an offer from the insurance company without first speaking with a lawyer who will protect your legal rights. As your legal counsel, we will guide you through the legal process and help ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

At our law firm, we help auto collision victims file personal injury lawsuits to recover compensation for:

* Medical bills
* Rehabilitation and physical therapy
* Long-term care
* Lost wages
* Lost earning capacity
* Pain and suffering
* Emotional distress

We also help our clients pursue wrongful death claims against at-fault drivers in order to get justice for their loved ones and provide future security for their families. In addition to people injured in auto collisions, we represent victims of bicycle and motorcycle crashes, as well as pedestrians who have been hit by a car. If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Probate and estate administration can be tricky and complicated. We are dedicated to making complicated situations uncomplicated.

Probate and estate administration can be tricky and complicated but we are dedicated to making complicated situations uncomplicated.

WHAT IS PROBATE? Probate is the legal process by which the court formally recognizes a deceased person’s Will (if there is a Will). The court also appoints a Personal Representative (PR) of the estate to wind up the decedent’s affairs. The PR must inventory and value the decedent’s property, and then make arrangement to pay the decedent’s debts before distributing the remaining property to the beneficiaries as directed by the Will or state laws if there is no Will. Probate can be accomplished in a matter of months, or may take years, depending on the nature of the decedent’s estate, claims against the estate, and the actions of the beneficiaries.


(1) Appointment – The nominated PR or person with priority to be PR files with the court a petition for probate of the Will and the petitioner’s appointment as PR.

(2) Acceptance and Letters – The court reviews the petition, verifies the Will was properly executed and supported by testimony as to its validity, any required formalities with regard to appointment were followed, and then orders that the petitioner is appointed as PR and that Letters Testamentary be issued.

(3) Inventory – The PR takes stock and determines the appropriate value of the decedent’s property.

(4) Notice to Creditors – Generally, it is advisable to publish a notice to creditors. This reduces the time the creditors have to file a claim against the decedent’s estate. Notice must also be mailed to the reasonably ascertainable creditors.

(5) Payment of Debts and Taxes – Properly presented creditor claims, as well as the decedent’s final income taxes and any estate taxes, must be paid. An estate without sufficient funds to pay all of a decedent’s debts must follow state specific rules as to the priority of claims against the estate.

(6) Final Distribution and Closing – The PR arranges for final distribution to the estate’s beneficiaries and obtains receipts for those distributions. After the final administrative matters are complete, the PR files to close the estate. Depending on the circumstance, you may be required to petition the court for approval of the final distributions as proposed.

IS PROBATE NECESSARY? The laws of probate are different from state to state, so it is a good idea to get local advice as to whether probate is necessary in your situation. Our law firm works in Washington and Idaho, both of which have mechanisms to simplify probate or provide alternative procedures for certain situation. For example, in Idaho, a spouse that is the sole heir of a decedent may petition the court for summary administration. Summary administration allows title to the decedent’s property to pass to the surviving spouse after a single hearing. However, even such a process can be waylaid by intervening parties.

Probate is most costly when the beneficiaries disagree about the administration and distribution of the estate. A surviving spouse attempting summary administration may discover that the decedent spouse had separate property that was unknown to the survivor. An heir entitled to a portion of that separate property may cause the need for probate rather than summary administration. Similarly, an heir or beneficiary may dispute the validity of a Will submitted to probate, or may take issue with the way in which the PR is managing an estate, the expenses incurred, the PR’s compensation, or may claim that they are due a larger share because of a promise made by the decedent, or just because the person feels entitled to more. Disputes such as these cause the need for more legal work, and increased legal fees, to settle the claims.

ARE THE ASSETS SUBJECT TO PROBATE? Not all assets are subject to probate. Assets like retirement accounts or life insurance policies may pass the associated property to a designated beneficiary outside of probate. This process is controlled by the company managing the asset. Generally, you will need to fill out a form provided by the company that designates who receives the account or proceeds upon your death. Similarly, property held with a right of survivorship will pass without probate to the surviving co-owner or co-owners listed on the account or title. Trust property is not subject to probate. Trusts are often used to avoid probate because a trustee administers them with no need for probate. For example, a married couple creates a living trust to hold their property, and they appoint themselves as trustees. The trust provides that upon the death of the couple, their child is nominated as successor. The trust agreement then directs the successor trustee how the property is to be managed. No probate is required for the trust to operate.

A trust, like a probate estate, is subject to beneficiary claims, such as improper expenses, inappropriate trustee compensation, or claims of improper distributions or other mismanagement by the trustee. Also, assets must be actually transferred into the trust to be controlled by the trust agreement. Probate is still necessary to transfer property that was not re-titled before the owner’s death.

Like we said, things like probate and estate administration can be tricky and complicated. If you need legal advice about administering a loved one's estate, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Estate planning isn't limited to financial issues. Many families use their estate plans to pass along family history, traditions, and values. Estate planning is legacy planning.

Many people use their estate plan to pass along wealth to their children, grandchildren, and other loved ones, to pass along their values, and to support causes that are important to them. One way to do this is by designating charitable giving or specific gifts that will help ensure your legacy. It is important, however, to balance your income and the needs of your beneficiaries with the available tax incentives.

While the general purpose of estate planning is to ensure that you and your family are taken care of when most needed, you do not need to limit your estate planning to financial issues. In fact, many individuals use estate planning to pass along family history and traditions through their giving. An estate plan may specify how a beneficiary can use their inheritance such as for college tuition, traveling, or other values that are important to the giver. In addition, you can choose to give to a qualified charitable organization in your Will or Trust so that the gift is distributed upon your death or incapacity. Gifts to charities can help significantly reduce your estate and gift tax liability, and will allow you to support the charitable causes that are meaningful to you.

One estate planning tool that will allow you to pass along your values as well as your wealth is an incentive trust. An incentive trust is a type of trust that includes provisions that reward a beneficiary for achieving a specified range of desired goals or behaviors. The trust may also indicate how the money may be distributed. Another estate planning tool is the charitable lead trust. This type of trust allows payments to be made to the charity during the trustor’s lifetime. When the trustor dies, or at the end of a specified period of time, the remainder of the assets in the trust go to the decedent’s estate, their spouse, or other beneficiaries. Another way to continue your legacy is through a donor advised fund. A donor advised fund is similar to a charitable investment account with the specific purpose of supporting charitable organizations. Pre-funded charity gifts can help your family decide which organizations will be financially supported.

These are just some of the estate planning tools available for charitable giving that allow you to pass along values and support causes that are important to you in your estate plan. No matter what your goals regarding your estate plan, it is important to craft a plan that takes advantages of the tools and tax benefits available to you under applicable law. If you have questions regarding estate planning, we will be happy to explain the options available to you and your family, and help create the best plan to suit your needs. Give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Some parents struggle with the difference between "equal" and "fair" gifts to their kids. Sometimes an unequal distribution of your estate can seem like the fairest thing to do.

When it comes to leaving money to the kids, some parents struggle to reconcile “equal” with “fair.” An equal inheritance treats each child the same, regardless of life situation or special circumstances. On the other hand, sometimes an unequal distribution can seem like the fairest thing to do, given a child’s age, financial wherewithal, or previous track record.

To avoid unpleasant surprises and contentious family squabbles, be transparent about your plans and talk with your kids ahead of time. That'll help them understand your point of view and give them an opportunity to share concerns or life issues you may not be aware of. Imagine, for example, that you intend to leave more to your daughter, the social worker, and less to your son, the small business owner. Disclosing this plan could encourage your proud son to reveal that business is declining and the operation has far less value than you thought.

Having these difficult conversations ahead of time allows you to adjust for such misunderstandings, before it’s too late. You may find that your kids are sympathetic and accepting of unequal distributions. Alternately, you may change your mind if one child’s sense of hurt and injustice threatens to divide family relationships.

Here are some reasons you may choose to allocate an inheritance unequally:

* A child has special needs and requires long-term financial help.
* A child struggles with addiction, legal issues, or chronic financial mismanagement (an option here would be to put this child’s gift into a trust to control how they access it).
* A child earns more or has a significantly higher standard of living than their siblings.
* A child received sizable financial gifs while you were still alive.
* A child is younger and will need support for college and other coming-of-age expenses which you already provided to the elder children.
* A child has died and you do not wish to distribute your assets to their heirs.
* A child provided caregiving support to you in your old age while others did not.
* A child participated in the family business while others did not.

In addition to telling your children why you plan�to leave an unequal gift, consider providing a written explanation of your decision that can be attached to your Will or Trust. Such a letter communicates facts and feelings that are not usually included in estate planning documents and may deter an unhappy heir from contesting your Will. Talk with your lawyer about any letters you intend to leave to ensure you don’t create any confusion in your plans.

Also, talk with your lawyer and be sure you understand the implications of naming certain children as beneficiaries on a retirement account or life insurance policy. In such cases, those assets would pass to the named child directly and would be excluded from your estate, meaning those assets won’t get divvied up among your heirs.

Even if your kid recognizes this was a mistake and wants to redistribute the funds, it can be a costly and difficult issue to fix. Regifting assets to their siblings could potentially trigger gift taxes. Alternately, the child could disclaim part of the inheritance, but that is best done with legal counsel and a full understanding of potential implications.

If you’re convinced that an unequal distribution will create a serious sense of unhappiness, consider alternative ways to support a child or otherwise “even things out.” You might consider making annual gifts to a child while you are still alive. In 2020, you can give $15,000 to any number of individuals without having to pay a gift tax. In fact, you and your spouse may give $15,000 each to the same person without triggering gift taxes. Another option is to compensate a child for assistance they provides you, or seek out other ways to support the family, such as contributions to a grandchild’s college fund. Another way to assuage a child’s hurt feelings could be to give one child more money while gifting the other one with meaningful family heirlooms or other assets, such as a vacation property or a collector car.

Death and money issues have significant potential to create conflict, even among the most harmonious families. Clear communication is critical to helping maintain relationships and goodwill among those you leave behind. An explanation of why you made the decision you did can alleviate uncomfortable questions and reduce (or hopefully eliminate) any lingering bad feelings.

If you have estate planning questions, give us call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person (with appropriate social distancing protocols in place), by phone, or via video conference.

Estate planning is a little more complicated in second marriage situations. We can help you plan to take care of everyone involved - your spouse, your kids, and your spouse's kids.

In first marriages, the couple generally has the same goals when it comes to their estate plans: take care of the surviving spouse for as long as they live, then whatever is left will go to the kids. They may own many of their assets jointly and, at the death of the first spouse, more than likely everything will go to the surviving spouse just as they had planned.

But second marriages are different. Each spouse may have children from their previous marriage and sometimes there are children that the spouses have together. Each of you probably has assets that you brought into this marriage, and you want those to go to your own children after you die. At the same time, you probably want to make sure your surviving spouse will have enough to live on should you die first.

More than likely, the estate planning methods you relied upon in your first marriage will not work now. For example, let’s say you add your new spouse’s name on the title of your home and you own it as joint tenants with right of survivorship. If you die first, your share immediately transfers to your spouse, who now has complete ownership of your home. They can do whatever they want with it now, regardless of what your Will or Trust says. They can leave it to their own children and completely disinherit yours.

There are similar problems with beneficiary designations. Many people name their spouse as beneficiary of their life insurance, IRAs, and other tax-deferred plans to provide for their spouse should they die first. But this can be a problem with second marriages because your spouse-beneficiary can name anyone they want as new beneficiaries to inherit the proceeds, bypassing your children. Promises may be made now to include them, but promises can be broken after you are gone.

Other Considerations:

* If each of you has considerable assets, you may want to keep your assets and your estate planning separate. If there will be a pre- or post-nuptial agreement, be sure to have it reviewed by your estate planning lawyer (before signing).

* If your spouse has considerably fewer assets than you do, you can provide for them until death or remarriage, then have the remaining assets distributed to your children. This is often accomplished through a life estate or what is referred to as a QTIP Trust (which stands for a "Qualified Terminable Interest Property" Trust).

* If your new spouse is much younger than you are, your children may be concerned that they are only after your money. These feelings may subside as the marriage lengthens. But if your spouse is closer in age to your children than to you, they may be wondering if they will ever receive their inheritance from you. Consider giving them some of their inheritance upon your death (e.g., though life insurance), then the rest at your spouse’s death or remarriage.

* Crating a Trust and naming it as beneficiary for your life insurance policies and tax-deferred plans is often a good choice for second marriages. This will allow you to keep control over how and to whom the proceeds are distributed. You can provide your spouse with lifetime income, yet keep control over the rest of the proceeds. Keeping the proceeds in a Trust will also protect them from irresponsible spending, creditors, predators, divorce, remarriage, and even estate taxes, if done properly.

* Be sure to include planning for disability and long-term care. If one spouse becomes ill and Medicaid assistance is needed, the combined assets of the couple will be considered “available assets” to pay for the care of the ill spouse. Long-term care insurance may be needed to protect the assets of one or both spouses.

* Discuss your individual estate planning goals together. If they are similar, then your task may be somewhat easy. But if they are considerably different, consider having separate lawyers.

You want to do the right thing for everyone involved: yourself, your spouse, your children, and your spouse’s children. Take the time to consider this from everyone’s point of view. An experienced lawyer will be able to advise you and work with you to create a plan that will do exactly what you want it to do. If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or co-workers, give us call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person (with appropriate social distancing protocols in place), by phone, or via video conference.

Reminder That the CARES Act Suspended Required Minimum Distributions for 2020

Just a reminder that under the CARES Act, required minimum distributions (RMDs) from retirement accounts (other than defined benefit plans) are waived for 2020. The waiver applies regardless of age and includes original account owners and inherited-IRA beneficiaries. If you do not rely on your RMD for cash flow, contact your plan administrator and wealth manager about waiving your 2020 distribution. If you've already received your RMD, you can re-contribute the distribution to your account, as long as you do so by August 31, 2020. Unfortunately, you cannot reverse the tax withholding although the withholding will be applied on your 2020 tax return.

Since RMDs are based on the value of the account as of the end of the previous year, the suspension of RMDs for 2020 is also a way for account owners that experienced a steep decline in their IRA value to recover those market losses.

Planning for RMDs should be reviewed alongside your wealth manager, and keeping in mind your long-term financial planning and estate planning goals. For more information, contact us at 253.858.5434 or our colleagues at Summit Wealth Management at 253.858.2884. We're here to help!

Representing Clients Who Have Suffered Orthopedic Injuries in Auto Collisions

Often times after an auto collision, people suffer from orthopedic injuries. These injuries can range from mild to very serious cases that require significant treatment or surgery. If you have suffered an orthopedic injury from a collision where someone else was at fault, we may be able to help you–whether it’s by pursing a claim or just helping you understand what to do.

Orthopedic injuries include any injuries which cause trauma or damage to bones, muscles, or ligaments which affect your range of motion. These injuries can result in significant pain, considerable medical expenses (especially if surgery is required) and even longer recovery and physical therapy commitments. Needless to say, an orthopedic injury can be quite a costly and traumatic thing to go through.

Orthopedic injuries are those where the bones, vertebrae, joints, ligaments, or cartilage are hurt. These can be seen with shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, ankle, or feet injuries, and such problems may lead to fractures, sprains, strains, slipped disks, diseased or arthritic disks, neck pain, headaches, occipital neuralgia, whiplash, or rotator cuff injuries.

As with all injuries, orthopedic injuries can happen as the result of negligence, which is the breach of a duty of care by a third party individual or other entity. Negligence can be something as simple as a driver failing to yield at a sign, causing a collision that results in a serious orthopedic injury, or something more complex like a faulty product malfunctioning and causing your injury.

Symptoms you suffered an orthopedic injury may include pain, swelling, bruising or redness. Immediate medical attention is needed following an orthopedic injury. Since there is such a wide range of different orthopedic injuries, any symptoms should be examined by a medical professional.

Depending on the severity and location of the problem, some orthopedic injuries can be treated with activity and exercise, dietary supplements, medications, and physical devices such as casts and splints. Others require surgery to regain or maintain function and movement.

No matter how your injury was caused, we have the experience and ability to help you–whether you want to file a claim for damages against a negligent third party or you simply want help navigating the complex worlds of insurance claims, we have over 20 years of experience advocating for our clients.

We understand that suffering an injury can be frustrating and scary. Injuries prevent you from being able do the things you normally do and can prevent you from collecting a regular paycheck, which you or your loved ones might rely on. Filing a personal injury claim may lead to compensation that can help cover medical costs or make up for money lost from being unable to work. If you or a friend, family member, neighbor, or co-worker has experienced an orthopedic injury, contact us to go over the details of your case today at 253.858.5434 or through the "Contact Us" page on this website.

Mistakes Your Lawyer Can Help You Avoid When Preparing Your Estate Plan

The primary goal of estate planning is to develop an effective and efficient process for the administration and distribution of an individual's assets after death according to their wishes. The following estate planning mistakes can be avoided, with some effort and with your lawyer's assistance.

"I CAN DO IT MYSELF." Those who replace professional advice with do-it-yourself planning should understand the effects of their actions. Frequently, the family of the do-it-yourself planner will pay significantly more administrative fees, court costs, and taxes than if they’d engaged professionals early on. The emotional strain and family conflict that can be created by poor estate planning can last for generations.

NOT REVIEWING OR UPDATING YOUR ESTATE PLANNING DOCUMENTS REGULARLY. Read your Will. Does it reflect your current wishes? We recommend reviewing your Will and related documents every three or four years, or more often if any of the following occur:

1. The birth or adoption of a child;
2. A meaningful change in your health or wealth or of one of your beneficiaries;
3. You move to another state;
4. You marry, separate, or divorce;
5. The marriage, divorce or death of anyone named in the Will;
6. A major tax or state law change;
7. Any major change in your needs, circumstances, or objectives or those of your beneficiaries.

THINKING THAT EQUAL DISTRIBUTION IS THE SAME AS EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION. Most parents want their children to share equally in the estate assets. A frequent problem occurs when a person owns a business in which only some of the children participate. Giving both participating and non-participating children equal shares of the business is a near guarantee for disaster. Consider also two children, the older is a financially successful business owner and the younger has severe learning disabilities. Their needs and circumstances are not the same. Should each child receive the same amount?

NOT UNDERSTANDING JTWROS AND BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS. Most people believe their Will controls the disposition of all their assets when they pass away. Bank accounts and brokerage accounts are frequently owned as "Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship" (JTWROS). The surviving joint owner will become the sole owner after the death of the first joint owner. Retirement accounts, life insurance benefits, and annuities will be paid out to their named beneficiaries, which is not necessarily the same as what is written in the Will.

NAMING THE WRONG ADMINISTRATOR. Selecting an incorrect administrator (Personal Representative, Executor, or Trustee) can be a disaster. The primary duties include:

1. Collecting the assets
2. Paying debts and expenses
3. Distributing assets to the named beneficiaries

Although these duties seem simple enough, executing them can be very complex, time consuming, and stressful. Choosing one of the beneficiaries as the administrator may result in a conflict of interest. Selecting an administrator who does not get along well with all family members can create more havoc. Sometimes the best solution is to use an independent third party administrator. “Trust companies” provide this service alone or as co-administrators with a family member. This is a crucial decision and to be taken seriously. Alternates should also be named.

PROCRASTINATION. If you die without a Will, the state has written one for you. Your assets will be distributed to the people (spouse, children, etc.) in the percentages specified by state law. If you have minor children, these same laws govern who will be chosen as their guardian. Regardless of net worth or age, everyone needs estate planning to some degree.

It’s never too late to start or update your estate plan. If you passed away suddenly tomorrow, would your current estate plan give you the result that you want at an acceptable cost? If not, give us a call at 253.858.5434 for help moving your plan forward. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho.

Changes to Charitable Giving Rules Under the CARES Act and Some Tax Planning Ideas for 2020 Charitable Gifts

The Pacific Northwest is home to thriving businesses, fast-growing companies, and some of the world's leading nonprofit organizations. Our region has always been a leader in philanthropic giving, and new tax incentives under the CARES Act will go a long way in helping to rebuild communities.

The CARES Act, signed into law last March, offers significant incentives for families that are charitably inclined to help support the causes they care about while also gaining significant and meaningful tax savings. Summarized below are some changes for charitable gifting under the CARES Act, along with some tax planning ideas for 2020 charitable gifts.


* For 2020, individuals may deduct up to 100% of their gross income for cash donations to public charities (up from 60%). One caveat as that these donations only apply to qualified public charities and not donor-advised funds or private foundations.

* For businesses, the CARES Act increases the deductible limit for cash donations made by C-Corporations to 25% of taxable income (up from 10%).

* Taxpayers who don't itemize for 2020 will be able to claim a deduction from gross income for up to $300 in cash donations to public charities.

* Donations in excess of these limits will carry over to the next five tax years, with limits reverting to the 60%/10% limit in 2021 and future years.

NO CHARGE FOR STOCK DONATIONS OR GIFTS TO DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS/PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS. There was no change in the CARES Act for the deductible gift limits of 60% for cash donations to donor-advised funds (30% for appreciated stock) and 30% for cash gifts to private foundations (20% for appreciated stock gifts). Donations to donor-advised funds and private foundations, however, still play an important role in effective income tax planning, especially when considering very large gifts and gifts of highly appreciated stock.

3 PLANNING IDEAS FOR 2020 CHARITABLE GIFTS. Charitable donations are best for income tax planning in high-income high tax bracket years and pair nicely with low-basis highly appreciated stock gifts, retirement years, and Roth conversions.

* Pairing Charity with Roth Conversion - With cash donations being deductible up to 100% of gross income in 2020 to public charities, pairing a large cash donation (or stock) with a Roth conversion could be a compelling tax strategy. For example, a taxpayer with the goal of making a $500,000 cash donation, and expected 2020 gross income of $250,000 could also make a $250,000 Roth conversion at little or no additional tax cost, achieving both charitable goals and allowing more retirement assets to grow tax free in a Roth.

* Low Basis Stock - Gifts of appreciated stock or real estate also have the double tax benefit of not having to pay capital gains tax on the appreciated value, while getting a full deduction for the fair-market-value of the appreciated gift.

* QCD from IRAs - Qualified charitable distribution under the CARES Act did not change and taxpayers over age 70 1/2 are still able to contribute up to $100,000 annually from their IRA.

* Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) tax-free to public charities - Donors wanting go over the $100,000 annual limit could also consider cash gifts under the CARES Act of up to 100% of gross income for cash donations, further sheltering tax on IRA distributions that go to charity. For taxpayers that do not need to take 2020 RMDs, consideration should also be given to the option to suspend 2020 RMDs and make charitable donations from personal funds.

Apart from the tax savings, giving back to our communities not only makes a difference in the lives of others but also enhances our own well-being, with generous people being happier, healthier, and living with a greater sense of purposes. We are happy to work with you, alongside your wealth manger or financial planner, to determine your gifting capacity, plan for large charitable gifts, and implement long-term philanthropic and estate plans that fit your family's goals.

Whether you are donating your time, expertise, or wealth, we are here to help! Give us a call at 253.858.5434. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person (with appropriate social distancing protocols in place), by phone, or via video conference.