We have over 25 years' experience helping clients create estate plans, from young families with simple plans to clients who need sophisticated tax, business succession, and charitable giving planning.

We have more than 25 years of experience helping families create estate plans and organize their affairs. We have worked for clients with a variety of needs, ranging from young families who require only simple planning to those with sophisticated asset structures who require tax, business succession, charitable giving, and other more complicated planning.

The process is simple and starts with filling out our new client estate planning questionnaire, which can be found on our website. The financial information from the questionnaire assists in the determination of the estate planning strategies best suited for the individual client. The questionnaires are reviewed prior to or during the attorney consultation to allow us to present an initial set of questions and recommendations at the first meeting.

The terms below may assist in understanding the estate planning process.

COMMUNITY PROPERTY AGREEMENT. This is a contract between a married couple that all property owned or to be owned by a married couple is jointly owned by each other and that a deceased spouse's share is to vest automatically in the surviving spouse, thereby alleviating the need of probating the estate of the first spouse to die.

DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY/HEALTH CARE POWER OF ATTORNEY. These are documents that give someone else full legal authority to make financial and/or medical decisions on your behalf in the event of your incapacity due to age, injury, or illness, alleviating the need of a guardianship.

DIRECTIVE TO PHYSICIANS ("LIVING WILL"). In the event of a terminal illness or injury, this document serves as your instructions to your doctor and your family regarding artificial means of sustaining your life or discontinuing the artificial support systems.

ESTATE AND GIFT TAXES. These are taxes assessed against the net assets of an estate, which must be paid by the administrator or executor from the estate’s assets.

REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST. Your property is placed in the living trust while you are still alive. Upon death, your property automatically goes to your heirs without going through probate court.

PROBATE. This is the legal process in which a court oversees the distribution of property left in a Will.

TRUST. This is property given to a Trustee to manage for the benefit of a third person, the Trust beneficiary. Generally the beneficiary gets interest and dividends on the trust assets for a set number of years; it's an agreement under which one person transfers title to specific property to another who agrees to hold or manage it for the benefit of a third person.

WILL. This is the legal document that dictates how your property will be divided upon your death. It may also designate trustees/guardians for your children.

TESTAMENTARY TRUST. You can create within your Will a "Testamentary Trust" for the benefit of your children or perhaps grandchildren, in order to preserve assets for their benefit, fund their college educations, and get them launched in life. If the parents have died, all of their assets would flow into a Testamentary Trust for the benefit of the children. That money is managed by the Trustee whom you have selected, and the money is held and disbursed according to the terms of the trust language. Often parents decide to hold money until each child has reached the age of 25, and sometimes longer, depending on the circumstances. Trust assets can also be used for medical expenses; other educational expenses; perhaps a down-payment on a first house, etc.

TESTAMENTARY SPECIAL NEEDS TRUST. Creating a Special Needs Trust within your Will is a method to leave assets to a child or other loved one who has a disability, and who once they reach the age of 18 will qualify for need-based government benefits, such as SSI or Medicaid. Holding these assets in a Special Needs Trust allows the disabled beneficiary to continue to receive these government benefits, without being disqualified for having assets above the minimum threshold. Money held in a Special Needs Trust can be used for extra expenses to help make the beneficiary’s life better, things like travel, education, and other experiences outside of everyday life expenses. A Special Needs Trust can be written into your Will to provide a useful bequest to a loved one you wish to remember in your legacy.

We encourage everyone to have a comprehensive estate plan, regardless of age or economic situation. If you have questions about how we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

If you were injured in a car crash that wasn't your fault, you have the right to hire a lawyer to help you file a claim or lawsuit against the at-fault driver.

If you got into an auto collision that was not your fault, you have a right to hire a lawyer. You may assume that because you did not cause the crash, everything will work out in your favor, but you may need to prove that you did not commit any wrongdoing.

While you do not need to seek legal counsel, a lawyer may help you file a claim or lawsuit against a negligent party. Getting into a collision due to another person's negligence typically results in stress, frustration, and injuries. We do not want you to worry about tackling everything yourself after an avoidable collision; we can handle the legal process for you.

FOCUS ON GETTING GETTER WHILE WE FOCUS ON YOUR CASE. You will want to seek medical attention following an auto collision, even if you feel fine. Medical records may help you file a claim with your insurance company. Remember that you do not have to accept the initial settlement an insurance company offers you. If you do, you may lose your rights to pursue a lawsIfuit to receive fair compensation should your injuries prove more devastating in the future.

A lawyer may help you build your case and speak with your insurance company so you can focus on your recovery. Our goal is to reach a settlement that you deserve, but we have no issue going to trial and fighting for you there as well.

WHAT A LAWYER CAN DO FOR YOUR CASE. There is no reason you should be paying out-of-pocket expenses for property damage and injuries that someone else caused. If you become a client, we can answer all your questions, discuss your legal options, and keep you updated throughout your case.

The liable party should face the consequences of acting negligently and pay for the losses you suffered. To demonstrate evidence that you suffered at the hands of the defendant’s carelessness, a lawyer may do the following:

* Obtain a police report that details how the collision occurred

* Speak with witnesses and gather testimony from them, or hire a private investigator to do so

* Use the help of expert testimony and accident reconstruction specialists

* Talk to your doctor and get your most recent medical records

PROVING NEGLIGENCE. An attorney may also bring in the four elements of negligence to prove your innocence in the matter. The elements of negligence include:

* Duty of care: The other motorist owed you a duty of care.

* Breach of duty of care: The other driver violated this duty of care.

* Causation: The liable party’s breach of duty of care caused losses and injuries.

* Damages: You, the plaintiff, suffered economic losses and injuries that a financial award may cover.

You should not have to feel any anxiety about your losses extending into the future if your injuries prove permanent.

FINANCIAL AWARDS YOU MAY RECEIVE. You may qualify for both economic and non-economic awards, depending on the losses suffered in your case. A few of these losses may include:

* Pain and suffering

* Medical bills

* Mental anguish

* Property damage

* Physical therapy

* Lost wages

If you suffered through no fault of your own, you may pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit to recover a settlement. If you have questions about a personal injury claim, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment for a free initial consultation today.

Owners of family businesses face challenges when preparing their estate plans. We have been doing estate planning for owners of family businesses for over 25 years.

We have been doing estate planning for owners of family-owned businesses for 25 years. We know that family-owned businesses face challenges when one or two children have chosen to work in the business. Sometimes there is preferential treatment, either with economics or voting and control of the business.

As estate planning lawyers, we can serve as sounding boards in creating a balance between what will be best for the business and what will work to maintain peace and cohesiveness in the family. With experience in guiding families through this process, we are able to provide an unbiased view and can be helpful when hard decisions need to be made.

Another part of the plan is having the family and the estate planning lawyer meet with other professionals, such as a wealth manager and CPAs. This is especially helpful when the owners are reluctant to talk about what is happening in the business with their children, before clarifying their own thoughts about the business. Taking time to step back and gain some perspective before holding a family meeting where decisions are made will give the owners more clarity.

A succession plan often starts a business plan. Once there is a plan for the future of the business, it’s an easier transition to financial and estate planning. Taking these steps can help the business be successful. Any business will run better when the numbers and projections for future growth are in place. Banks and other lenders look favorably on a company that has its financial reports in place.

This also permits tax planning to be done properly. In some cases, transferring a business or other asset while the owner is still alive can be beneficial in the long run, even with today’s higher federal estate tax exemptions.

To transfer the business to one or more children and give them an opportunity to succeed on their own, through their own efforts, consider bringing them in as a responsible manager with some ownership.

It’s challenging enough to run a small business from day to day, much less to plan for the future. In the back of every business owner’s mind they know that, like it or not, the day will come, if they’re lucky, when they will decide to retire from the business and either dissolve it or sell it. But if they are not so lucky, business owners may become incapacitated or unexpectedly die before they are ready to give up control of their business. All of these scenarios require advance planning and legal assistance. Otherwise, it’s a failure to meet critical responsibilities to employees, other owners of the business, clients/customers, and family members who may be counting on the value of that business as a needed asset. At our law firm, we stand ready to listen to your goals surrounding business succession, and to provide legal support as it relates both to your business and also to estate planning.

If you have questions about passing on your family-owned business to the next generation, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to see how we can be of service. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Hiring a lawyer is often confusing and daunting, especially if you've never done it before. But when you're starting a business, it's crucial.

Hiring and working with a lawyer is often confusing and daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before. But when you’re starting a business, it’s crucial. With the right expertise on your side, you can feel confident you’ve got your legal ducks in a row as you’re getting down to business.

WHAT SHOULD NEW ENTREPRENEURS LOOK FOR WHEN HIRING A LAWYER? First and foremost, look for “fit” (i.e., someone you trust, get along with, enjoy working with, feel has an interest in you and what you’re working on, and can relate to you). Referrals are often the best place to start. Just as important, you want someone that is competent, responsive, and experienced with the types of legal issues with which you will need help. The considerations that go into incorporating a restaurant, for example, can be very different from the considerations for incorporating a software company.

WHY DO START-UPS NEED A LAWYER? At the most basic level, start-ups need lawyers to help them deal with three groups:

(1) The government. You don’t want to violate laws. You also need to be sure you are doing business in a way that doesn’t create unnecessary tax liability and that you pay the taxes you owe.

(2) Third parties and the public. It’s essential to make sure you take reasonable steps to control risk in your interactions with customers, suppliers, users, employees, and the general public.

(3) Each other. When multiple people form a company together, it’s best to establish the rights and expectations of the founders upfront in case there are disagreements down the line.

The most likely times for start-ups to get lawyers involved include:

* Incorporation and forming a business entity

* Hiring employees

* Negotiating contracts with customers and suppliers, including establishing terms of service for websites and license agreements for software

* Raising capital

* Obtaining patents and registering trademarks (for some companies)

HOW DO LAWYERS BILL THEIR TIME? The lawyers most start-ups will deal with are likely in the $300-$500 per hour range, but this varies from law firm to law firm, obviously. Most law firms bill in increments of six minutes (i.e., 0.1 of an hour), but some charge in 0.25 hour increments. The range for hourly rates is huge. A junior associate attorney at a small firm in a smaller city may charge $150 an hour, while senior partners in big law firms in major cities have been known to charge over $1,000 an hour.

While the hourly rate is certainly a crucial part of the costs, you’ll also want to consider the mix of lawyers that will doing your work. Within a firm, the hourly rate for a senior lawyer can be three times more than the rate of a first-year lawyer (but for more complicated tasks, the senior lawyer may be able to do it in a third of the time). There isn’t one right answer as to the mix of senior and junior lawyers, but it is something to consider.

HOW MUCH WILL IT COST TO INCORPORATE YOUR NEW START-UP? If you work with a lawyer, you can probably expect to pay between $2,000 and $5,000. This can vary depending on complexity: how many founders, what “bells and whistles” will be included, whether you are doing an LLC or a corporation, and how you handle certain items, such as stock option plans, classes of stock, shareholder agreements, etc.

WHEN SHOULD YOU USE A LAWYER, AND WHEN IS IT OK TO USE ONLINE FORMS LIKE LEGALZOOM? The real value of a lawyer at the incorporation stage isn’t really in preparing the actual documents, but in helping you figure out what you need (LLC vs. corporation, what sort of vesting schedule makes sense, what to consider in preparing your shareholders' agreement, etc.). LegalZoom can be good if you know exactly what you need, but it can’t advise you on what is appropriate for your specific situation, and it won't advise you on the ramifications of your specific choices.

IF YOU'RE ON A BUDGET, WHICH LEGAL PRIORITIES SHOULD YOU FOCUS ON? Priorities that need to be addressed early on include:

* Establishing a business entity of some sort (LLC, partnership, limited partnership, or corporation) to protect you personally from business liabilities

* Establishing the ownership and equity rights of the company if there are multiple founders

* Ensuring the business’s intellectual property is protected and owned by the company (especially if it is being developed by independent contractors)

* Making sure you are paying attention to the tax consequences of what you do, particularly when it comes to granting people equity

If you're looking to start up a new business in the coming new year and need legal advice and representation, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We've been representing small and medium-sized businesses and nonprofit organizations for 25 years and proudly represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho. We are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Estate planning for couples in a second (or subsequent) marriage can get complex, especially when there are kids from previous relationships involved, and may involve the creation of a QTIP Trust.

In a second (or third or subsequent) marriage, a spouse may feel torn between the needs of their current spouse and the needs of children from a previous marriage. These children may worry that the parent’s current spouse will exhaust their inheritance, especially if your spouse does not have a good relationship with their stepchildren. Fortunately, you can meet the potentially conflicting needs of your spouse and your children from a prior marriage by creating a certain type of trust. A QTIP (“qualified terminable interest property”) trust allows an individual to name their second spouse as a life beneficiary of the property in the trust and children from a prior marriage (or any beneficiary whom the individual chooses) as the final beneficiaries. The property in a QTIP trust qualifies for the unlimited marital deduction, but it does not avoid estate tax when the second spouse dies.

As a result, your spouse will have a limited set of rights to use the property in the trust during their lifetime. They will not be able to leave the property in the trust to anyone else. Meanwhile, your children will receive all of the property in the trust once your spouse dies. (In the event that your spouse dies before you do, the property in the trust will pass directly to your children or the other final beneficiaries of the trust without needing to make any adjustments.) This arrangement also can work for people who are not married when they have children from a previous relationship.

RESTRICTIONS ON YOUR SPOUSE'S RIGHTS. You have substantial discretion to determine how much to restrict your spouse’s rights. This might involve naming someone other than your spouse to be the trustee of the trust, such as one of your children. Alternatively, you might want to allow your spouse to receive income from the trust property but prevent them from being able to spend trust principal.

If you own real estate with a spouse in a second marriage, you might want to allow your spouse to live in the house for the rest of their life if they survive you. You also might feel just as strongly that you want the house to belong to your children from your first marriage once your spouse has died. You can accomplish both goals by putting the house in a trust that allows your spouse to use it but does not allow them to sell it. Some related issues that you may need to address include whether your spouse can rent the house and use the income from rent, as well as who is responsible for paying for maintenance and taxes on the house.

Often, each spouse in a second or subsequent marriage will create this type of trust. The trusts may or may not mirror each other. If each spouse leaves their one-half interest in a shared asset to children from a previous marriage, the two sets of children may need to work out some way to divide its value after both spouses die, since they may not know or trust each other. This can lead to complications down the road.

CHOOSING THE TRUSTEE. As with any trust, a trustee will have substantial authority. They will manage the trust property, make sure that your spouse is complying with the restrictions on their use of trust property, and determine whether payments to your spouse from trust funds are appropriate. For example, you may not want to give this power to a child who does not get along well with your spouse because this could cause family tension. At the same time, you should recognize that your spouse and your children may have fundamentally different goals and needs, and conflicts may prove unavoidable. You should strongly consider retaining a lawyer to help you make the trust documents as clear and fair as possible. However, your priorities are ultimately yours to decide.

If you have questions about QTIP trusts or any other estate planning questions, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

If you've been in a car crash and suffered a connective tissue injury (what insurance companies call "soft tissue injuries"), you shouldn't hesitate to speak with a lawyer.

Connective tissue injuries (what insurance companies call "soft tissue injuries") such as whiplash are incredibly common after an auto collision. However, it might take hours, days, or even weeks to realize that you’ve been injured. The longer it takes to diagnose an injury, the harder it can be to prove that the collision caused it. As a result, it can be challenging to successfully recover the compensation you deserve.

If you’ve suffered a connective tissue injury in an auto collision, you should not hesitate to speak with a lawyer. We know how much a connective tissue injury can interfere with your life. We also know how important money can be as you fight to get back on your feet. Our goal is to make sure that you’re fairly compensated for your injuries.

HOW DO AUTO COLLISIONS CAUSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE INJURIES? Connective tissue injuries are those that affect the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. When you’re in an auto collision, the force of impact can cause your body to overextend, stretch, or move in ways that aren’t natural. This overextension causes connective tissue damage.

Auto collisions can cause many different types of connective tissue injuries, including:

* Whiplash

* Sprains/Strains

* Contusions

* Brachial Plexus Lesions

* Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

* Tendinitis

* Bursitis, and

* Rotator Cuff Injuries

It’s important to be conscious of any side effects or pains that you experience in the days after a collision. If you believe that you’ve suffered a connective tissue injury, visit your doctor right away.

PROVING THAT YOUR COLLISION CAUSED YOUR INJURIES. You’re only entitled to compensation for injuries that were caused by the collision. Sometimes proving that a car crash caused an injury is straightforward. This typically happens when injuries–such as broken bones or amputated limbs–are visible and apparent immediately after a collision. There’s generally no question about whether or not the crash caused those injuries. Other times, it can be more difficult to establish a causal link between a collision and injury. This tends to happen when injuries aren’t visible or apparent right away. Since a connective tissue injury can take a while to manifest, it can be difficult to prove that the collision caused it.

An experienced lawyer will know how to handle these types of challenges. We know how to investigate your case and gather the evidence that’s necessary to establish a link between the collision and your injury. We’ll work closely with experts, including medical professionals and accident reconstructionists, to identify precisely how your injury was sustained.

UNDERSTANDING THE LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF YOUR INJURY. Most connective tissue injuries will heal in the months after your collision. During this time, you may not be able to work and bring in an income. If this is true, you have the right to obtain compensation from the person who caused your injury. You can request to be reimbursed for:

* Lost wages and income during your recovery

* Vacation and sick days, and

* Other benefits you were forced to use while recovering.

There may be times when a connective tissue injury lingers and does not heal. If this happens, your ability to work could be compromised for a long time. You didn’t ask to suffer a debilitating injury. You shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences on your own.

If your connective tissue injury results in a temporary or permanent disability, you may be entitled to damages for your reduced earning capacity. In other words, you can be compensated for the difference between what you would have earned without your injury and what you are capable of earning now.

It can be tough to know how much your personal injury case is worth. If you decide to pursue compensation on your own, an insurance company will probably have the final say. In turn, you probably will not be fully compensated for your injury. The best thing you can do is to hire an attorney to handle your case.

FILING A TIMELY PERSONAL INJURY CASE. You could miss out on the compensation you deserve if you wait too long to file your personal injury claim. The statute of limitations limits the amount of time you have to initiate a legal claim after a collision. Generally speaking, in Washington you have three years from the date of the collision to file a personal injury claim; in Idaho, it's only two years.

If you or a loved one has suffered a connective tissue injury and would like to learn more about your legal rights and options, contact us for immediate assistance. Call our office today at 253.858.5434 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Estate planning involves the laws of Wills, Trusts, probate, property, marriage, business planning, and state and federal taxation.

We assist clients in creating plans for the disposition of their estates after death and for the perpetuation of family businesses. This involves the laws of Wills, Trusts, probate, property, marriage, and state and federal taxation. We prepare documents that preserve as much flexibility as possible and provide opportunity for later tax planning. This is important given the frequent changes to the tax laws we often experience. When you need an estate planning lawyer, we have the expertise and experience to address all of your needs. In addition to Wills and Revocable Living Trusts, we prepare documents such as Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs), Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (QPRTs), Qualified Domestic Trusts (QDOTs), and Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) to carry out lifetime estate planning objectives and reduce or eliminate federal and state estate taxes. Optimal tax planning may also involve the rearrangement of ownership of property within a family unit, by gift or otherwise. It may also involve planning for multiple generations.

If you have estate planning questions and want to find out more about how we can help you and your family, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We proudly represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Everyone should consider making a Will. Having a Will means that you, rather than state law, get to decide who receives your property when you die.

Because a Will provides directions for what happens after you die, everyone should consider making a Will. Wills can distribute your property to your loved ones, name a Personal Representative to wrap up your affairs, name guardians for children, forgive debts, and more. Having a Will also means that you, rather than state law, get to decide who receives your property when you die.

When you die without a Will or other estate plan, state laws known as "laws of intestate succession" decide which family members will inherit your estate and in what proportion. In most states, the laws specify that your spouse and children take priority.

Most people want to distribute their property differently than the state would distribute it. For example, many people want to leave gifts to friends, neighbors, non-spouse partners, and charitable organizations—and intestate succession does not allow for any of that. If you want other people or organizations to inherit your property, or if you want to decide the proportions of your gifts, a Will can make sure your wishes are followed.

A WILL DOES MORE THAN DISTRIBUTE PROPERTY. Central to most Wills is the distribution of a Will maker’s property. But a Will can do much more than that. For example, you can use your Will to:

* name a Personal Representative (formerly called an "Executor") to wrap up your estate

* name guardians for your children

* create a Trust for your children or other young beneficiaries

* forgive debts

You can use other estate planning tools to distribute your property (like Revocable Living Trusts, beneficiary designations, joint tenancy, and Transfer on Death Deeds), but only your Will can name a guardian for your children. In fact, even if you make a Revocable Living Trust to distribute every single piece of your property to your beneficiaries, you should still have a will to name a guardian for your children. (You'd also want to include a catch-all “pour over” clause that names your Trustee as beneficiary in the event that you end up owning property outside of the trust.)

A WILL CAN REDUCE FAMILY CONFLICT. A Will that clearly lays out your wishes can reduce conflict and speculation over what you “would have” wanted. The division of an estate after death comes with many emotions. As we've told clients many times before, "Death and money can bring out the worst in people." The slightest differences can result in hurt feelings and recriminations. And as blended families more common, dividing assets has become even more complicated. A Will that clearly lays out your wishes can reduce conflict and speculation over what you “would have” wanted. For example, if you're in a second marriage and have children from your first marriage, you may want to use a Will to clearly distribute your property between your second spouse and your children. Without a Will or other plan, your property would be divided between them according to the laws of intestate succession—this could produce an uncomfortable result as well as speculation about what you would have wanted. Making a plan can give you peace of mind and prevent your family from fighting over your possessions.

A WILL MUST MEET LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. When you make a Will, you have to adhere to legal requirements. Most Wills are written formal documents that must be signed by the Will maker (called the "testator") and two witnesses who won’t get anything from the Will. Some states allow Wills that are handwritten by the testator (holographic Wills), and these don’t require witnesses, but they do create more difficulty after death.

You also must have “testamentary capacity” when you make a Will. In most states, this means that you must be an adult who understands the nature of what you’re doing when you make a Will--that is, you understand that the Will you’re making determines who will get your property when you die--and that you understand the nature of your estate and can recognize the "natural objects of your bounty."

If you have questions about creating a Will or other estate planning documents, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

We advise nonprofit organizations on start-up plans, entity formation, organization, governance, governmental compliance, fundraising, planned giving strategies, and other legal matters.

Nonprofit and charitable organizations offer significant benefit to local communities and around the world. Our law firm supports such efforts with legal counsel to ensure tax-exempt entities are structured properly from the beginning to take advantage of all available benefits and to avoid governance or financial problems down the road. We work with clients ranging from small groups just getting started to large institutions, including private foundations and their affiliates, religious organizations, membership organizations, and advocacy organizations. Our nonprofit clients have operations all across the U.S. and in many other countries.

We work closely with tax-exempt organizations on start-up plans, entity formation, organization, governance, state and federal compliance, unrelated business income tax, fundraising, planned giving strategies, and other critical legal and business matters.

In addition to day-to-day legal advice, we have experience with structuring and negotiating a variety of major business deals on behalf of nonprofit clients. We have also amassed considerable practical experience in running nonprofits by serving as a board member or in other roles for various nonprofit organizations. We offer these services:

* Consulting and assisting clients with the initial stages of entity formation and issues surrounding qualification for tax-exemption as well as preparing applications to secure federal and state tax-exemptions.

* Preparing organizational documents such as articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, and trusts.

* Assisting with general business, operations, and policy matters related to real estate, intellectual property, contracts, contributions, insurance, employment, employee benefits, and other issues pertinent to the organization, including unrelated business income tax issues.

* Advising on nonprofit involvement in complex structures involving commercial entities, including for-profit subsidiaries, partnerships, and joint ventures.

* Advising private foundations, organizations maintaining donor-advised funds, and other grantmakers on sophisticated grantmaking programs, including expenditure responsibility grants, equivalency determinations or program-related investments.

* Advising on qualification as a publicly-supported public charity, supporting organization, or private operating foundation.

* Advising on the laws governing fundraising and charitable solicitation, negotiating commercial sponsorship and product-related fundraising partnerships, and helping clients to obtain necessary licenses and permits for their fundraising activities.

* Providing counsel on internal governance matters, including the selection and operation of boards of directors, fiduciary duties, conflicts of interest and liability issues.

* Counseling charities with respect to planned giving, including gift acceptance policies, due diligence concerns and tax strategies, and negotiating large gifts.

* Establishing charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and charitable gift annuities.

* Advising nonprofit advocacy groups on the restrictions on lobbying and political activity by tax-exempt organizations.

* Reviewing executive compensation and other transactions to ensure compliance with IRS and state rules governing excess benefit transactions and private inurement.

If your nonprofit organization needs legal advice and representation, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We proudly represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

If you were recently in a car crash that caused broken bones, you're probably wondering how your injuries are going to impact your life and what you should do next. We can help!

If you were recently in an auto collision that caused broken bones, you're probably wondering how your injuries are going to impact your life and what you should do next. You also might be wondering how your injuries will impact the value of your personal injury claim. Broken bones are not minor injuries. They can stop you from working, completing everyday activities, and enjoying your hobbies. Your injuries may also affect your marriage and the relationships with your friends and family.

If you have a broken bone due to someone else's negligent actions, there are a few things you should know and do in the aftermath of the collision, including hiring a lawyer.

PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. The most important thing you can do after suffering a broken bone or a fracture in a car crash is to protect your rights. You might be wondering what the value of your settlement is going to be, but there's no calculator or any resource that can put a definitive dollar amount on a personal injury case. The facts unique to your case will determine how much compensation you could receive.

A few things that can impact the value of your case are:

* The TYPES of fractures or breaks you've suffered.

* The SEVERITY of the broken bone or fracture.

* The LOCATION of the broken bone and the affected body parts

* Whether or not you ever REGAIN COMPLETE FUNCTION.

* HOW LONG you're impaired by the broken bone, or if the impairments are PERMANENT.

* Whether or not you suffer from other physical injuries or emotional distress due to the bone injury.

* Whether or not you obtained appropriate medical treatment following the collision.

* Whether or not the treating physicians provided a precise diagnosis of the injury

* If your physician provided predictions for recovery, future treatment, and possible future disability from employment.

* Medical bills and other expenses related to the collision and the resulting broken bones.

* HOW LONG you have to endure limitations brought on by your broken bones.

* How the fracture affects your daily activities.

* The effect the crash and resulting injury has on your marriage and spouse.

A verdict and settlement can vary dramatically from one county to the next. That's why you should work with a lawyer skilled at getting you the best settlement possible for your fracture, no matter where the collision occurred.

TREATING BROKEN BONES. Protecting your rights is important, but in reality, you shouldn't do anything else until you've had your injury treated by a medical professional. If you don't receive immediate medical care, it can have a major impact on the amount of compensation you can receive.

There are three steps in the treatment of bone fractures. First, the bone is set back into place, then it's kept from moving until it's healed, and finally, the pain is managed throughout the process. Wearing a cast is a common way to prevent movement in the area of the broken bone. If you've suffered a severe break, like a compound fracture, you may require surgery involving rods, pins, screws, or plates to hold the bones in place so they can heal correctly. These items may or may not remain in place after you have healed. That's a decision your surgeon will have to make.

RECOVERY TIME. Your body will begin the natural healing process very soon after your injury. Swelling and blood clots will form, and a soft callus will replace the clots over a period of a few weeks as the bone begins to heal and regrow. Casts are also used to keep the callus in place so that it does not break. If the healing process goes according to plan, your bone will begin to return to its natural shape. The recovery time for an average person takes 6-8 weeks. Recovery times will vary based on your age, health, the type of break, and which bone is injured bone. Sometimes bones take several years to fully recover, depending on the severity of the injury. That's why it's vital to follow your doctor’s instructions and rest the broken bone as much as possible.

You might need physical therapy afterward to strengthen any weakened muscles or build your confidence back so you can use the affected body part again.

WHAT'S THE LIKELIHOOD A DEFENDANT WILL BE FOUND LIABLE? A huge factor in valuing your case or whether or not you are compensated at all is if the defendant would be found liable at trial. If there's next to no evidence that can prove that the defendant caused the collision that caused your injury, there is a higher likelihood that you would lose at trial. That means the defendant (and their insurance company) will be less likely to offer a high settlement amount. Even if your injuries are severe, the defendant and insurance companies will be less willing to settle for a high amount and more inclined to take their chances at trial. If the fault is up in the air, you and your lawyer will be more inclined to accept a low settlement because you will run the risk of getting nothing at trial.

GETTING LEGAL ADVICE AFTER SUFFERING AN INJURY. Your injury could lead to astronomical medical bills, lost wages, and other financial consequences. That’s why right after your injury has been treated, you should contact an experienced lawyer for help. Working with an experienced lawyer will help you receive compensation for your damages, expenses, pain and suffering, and more.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto collision, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment for a free consultation right away.

Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney are documents used to create estate plans for individuals and families as part of a process to establish objectives relating to one's property and assets.

Wills, Trusts, and Powers of Attorney are legal documents used to create estate plans for individuals and families. Creating these documents is part of an overall estate planning process to establish objectives relating to one’s property and assets.

WHAT IS A TRUST? A Living Trust is a type of Trust created during your lifetime (also called an "inter vivos" Trust) which works to keep your information private and to protect property and assets held within your estate. A Trust is funded by assets that you possess, such as real estate, stocks, bonds, and bank accounts. It is a legal document that allows a Trustee to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries.

A Trust can help you:

* set up the timed disbursement of inheritances

* avoid probate and probate court

* reduce your exposure to lawsuits from creditors

* decrease your estate taxes

* set up lifelong access to your assets for your special needs child or other dependent

When you die, the assets in your Trust are distributed in a time sensitive manner to your designated beneficiaries by your chosen representative.

WHAT IS A WILL? Almost every person you talk to knows that a person should have a Will; also known as a “Last Will and Testament.” It is a legal document that states your final wishes. A Will should outline, at a minimum, the following:

* who will handle your estate when you pass, also known as the “Personal Representative”

* how taxes and debt (if any) are paid

* the name of the Guardian(s) for your children

* discuss asset allocation/distribution

* what happens to your personal property & real estate (if you own a house, condo or land)

A Will is filed in the county court after your death. The court will get involved to make sure that your final wishes are carried out. A “self-proving” Will can speed up the probate process, as the court will accept the Will without needing to contact the witnesses who signed it.

WHICH IS BETTER, A WILL OR A TRUST? The two big difference between a Will and a Trust are when they take effect after your death and the cost to create them.

* A Trust takes effect as soon as you create it

* A Will will only go into effect after you die

* A Trust takes more time and effort to create and has costs associated with creating and managing

The most important consideration is a Trust avoids the possibly expensive and drawn out probate process. This in turn will save your beneficiaries both time and expenses. Your beneficiaries will receive their gifts immediately in accordance with the instructions you listed within your Trust. The choice between creating a Will and Trust is up to you. Our recommendation is that you discuss your specific situation with your lawyer to determine which option is best for you.

WHAT IS A POWER OF ATTORNEY? A Power of Attorney (POA) is often established so a person can appoint another person to act on their behalf, giving that person the “power” to make decisions on their behalf in the event they are unable to do so themselves, either because of age, illness, or injury. When a person grants another person the responsibility of holding their Power of Attorney (POA) that person needs to find out what authorities were granted to them regarding the person’s medical and financial decisions.


* A financial Power of Attorney - also known as a “durable” Power of Attorney because it does not terminate if you become disabled or incapacitated - is a written document that authorizes another person to represent or act on your behalf in private affairs, business matters, or other legal matters.

* A Health Care Power of Attorney is a document that designates a representative or agent to advocate for you when you are unable to make or communicate health care decisions. The person you select should be someone you trust (family member relative, friend) to act as your agent if you are unable to speak for yourself.

WHAT DO I DO WHEN A LOVED ONE DIES? Losing a spouse, parent, grandparent, family member, or close friend is very difficult. It’s often a time of reflection and sadness. During this time, we encourage our clients to remember to take care of themselves and others suffering from the loss. You typically have no immediate legal deadlines. You can address any major life changing decisions when everyone is less emotional. It is a moment for everyone to breath, avoid confrontation, and give yourself time.

When you are ready to move forward, here is a list of tasks for you to be complete:

* Contact your lawyer or the Personal Representative of the estate

* Order several death certificates – your loved one’s funeral home should be able to assist you and provide the number of original copies needed. (Death certificates will need to be provided to many of the companies and agencies listed below in order to close accounts.)

* Notify the Social Security Office (arrange to return the social security benefits obtained for the month of their passing)

* Notify banks, investment, retirement accounts & credit card companies

* Inform their doctors, dentist, and pharmacist (cancel prescriptions)

* Contact their health insurance company & supplemental insurance carrier to cancel coverage (if applicable)

* Tell their life insurance company/agent (if they have a policy)

* Contact the local Post Office to forward their mail

* Collect outstanding bills and cancel subscriptions and utilities if they lived alone (newspaper, magazines, cable TV, phone, etc.)

WHAT HAPPENS IF THERE IS NO WILL OR TRUST? If a Will or Trust is in place, the Personal Representative or Trustee will be given instructions on the wishes of the deceased, which will assist in moving the estate forward. If a Will or Trust was never set up by your loved one, then they passed “intestate." Please contact us so that we can assist you in navigating through the probate court process.

If you would like to find out more information on how we can help you and your family set up a Will, Trusts, or Powers of Attorney, simply contact our offices at 253.858.5434 to set up a meeting! We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

No matter your age or economic situation, we encourage everyone to consider the benefits of comprehensive estate planning.

No matter your age or economic situation, we encourage everyone to consider the benefits of comprehensive estate planning. The cornerstone of every estate plan is the Will. This document can express your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets. It can name a guardian for a minor child in the event of your death. A Will can even be used to minimize the effects of taxation through the creation of certain kinds of Trusts.

We provide a full range of estate planning advice and services. We will meet with you to review your situation and explain how we can help you achieve your goals. If your financial or family situation has changed since the creation of your Will, we can revise it to meet your needs.

Most people think of Wills and Trusts as two separate instruments. However, in Washington you can create a Will that also contains a testamentary Trust. The Trust only comes into being upon your death. This can be a useful means of providing for the needs of family members and minimizing capital gains taxes. We have been drafting Wills for people from all walks of life for 25 years.

When you meet with us to discuss your situation, we will listen closely as you describe your finances, your family, and your goals. Based on your needs and desires, we will create the estate planning documents that can help you achieve your goals.

What happens if you die without a Will? Many people do not realize that if they die before they have taken the time to make a Will or Trust, their estate will be in control of the state. Washington and Idaho have both created statutes that will be used to determine how your estate is divided and distributed. Unfortunately, this process can be rather lengthy and costly. You can avoid this process by working with us to develop detailed and comprehensive documents.

What if your Will is challenged or contested? Even the most thoroughly drafted Wills and other estate planning documents can be challenged during the estate administration process. This can arise from a number of situations, including questions of the testator’s mental capacity when signing a Will, concerns about breach of fiduciary duty or fraud, factual inaccuracies or technical flaws in the Will, outdated information in the Will, or Will forgery. In the event of a Will contest, the estate administrator (also known as the Personal Representative or Executor) must continue to act in the best interest of beneficiaries and of the estate. The claim brought against the estate to challenge the Will can result in the Will being upheld as valid, the Will being declared invalid, certain gifts/inheritance being declared invalid, or gifts/inheritance being altered.

Numerous other questions often arise in the estate planning process. What happens to your retirement account? How will your medical bills be paid after you die? How can you provide for the needs of your disabled child after you are gone? We have answers to these and other questions. To learn more about estate planning, wills, and Trusts, call us at 253.858.5434 to schedule your appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

People injured in car crashes often suffer from broken bones, blood loss, or traumatic brain injuries, but connective tissue injuries are serious too.

When you are injured in an auto collision, it is easy to ignore signs of bruising and muscle stiffness as you deal with your sudden trauma. While injured individuals typically associate injuries like broken bones, blood loss, or traumatic brain injuries with collisions, connective tissue injuries are also serious injuries. If you suffered a serious muscle strain or torn ligament due to no fault of your own, you should discuss your case with a lawyer.

THE MOST COMMON TYPES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE INJURIES. The tissues that help with the body’s movement are easily injured when impacted by a serious car crash. A connective tissue injury involves trauma to one or more of the following:

* Skin

* Muscles

* Tendons

* Ligaments

There are two categories for connective tissue injuries:

(1) Acute trauma – The result of an external force impacting the body

(2) Overuse injury – Caused by repetitive use of connective tissues

Auto collisions are the most common cause of acute trauma injuries. The severity of the injury depends upon the type of collision and the force of the impact. Whiplash is one form of an acute traumatic injury involving connective tissue, and it can range from minor to severe. Sometimes called a neck sprain or strain, whiplash involves the rapid back-and-forth motion of the neck. While common in car crashes, whiplash can also occur due to a fall or an assault, as well. Severe cases of whiplash can result in headaches and pain that spreads to the arms. Some patients experience pain from whiplash for months, and even years, after an incident.

Other examples of connective tissue injuries that fall under the category of acute trauma include the following:

* Sprains – A sprain is a partial tear to a ligament. If the ligament is completely torn, it may require surgical repair. The most common areas to experience a sprain are the ankles, knees, and wrists.

* Strains – A strain is different from a sprain. A strain injury involves damage to a muscle or tendon.

* Contusions (bruises) – Most any type of trauma can leave you with some form of contusion. A contusion is often the result of a blunt force impact. A contusion results in pain, swelling, and discoloration due to blood entering the tissue.

* Lacerations – Open wounds that result from acute trauma show signs of damaged skin that expose the layers of connective tissue under the skin.

* Abrasions – While abrasions only affect the layers of skin, they are quite painful and similar to a burn. A first-degree abrasion affects the top layer of skin, a second-degree burn affects the second layer, and a third-degree abrasion affects all three layers of skin. Abrasions are also referred to as friction burns because of the type of injury.

* Stress fracture – Described as a small crack in a bone, stress fractures are often the result of repetitive motion. In some cases, a stress fracture can progress into a broken bone and possibly require surgery.

* Tendonitis – This type of connective tissue injury involves inflammation of a tendon. Tendonitis, like a stress fracture, is often due to overuse of such body parts as the hand, wrist, knees, or ankles.

* Bursitis – A patient develops bursitis when the fluid-filled sac that serves as a cushion between the bones and muscles becomes inflamed. Bursitis can result from either repetitive use or from acute trauma.

If you experienced one or more of these types of connective tissue injuries due to no fault of your own, you deserve justice. Injuries involving your muscles, tendons, and ligaments are painful and often slow to heal. We can help you with your case. Let us deal with insurance companies so that you can concentrate on your healing and recovery.

CARE AND TREATMENT NECESSARY FOR CONNECTIVE TISSUE INJURIES. What may seem like “just a bruise” or stiffness after a collision may, in fact, be something much more serious. Connective tissue injuries are why it is imperative to always accept medical transport to a hospital immediately. Diagnosing your connective tissue injury and deciding upon the best course of treatment requires a medical professional and diagnostic testing like that of an MRI.

Soft tissue injuries are classified in terms of seriousness by grades:

* Grade 1 (mild): Sprain or tear comprising up to 5% of a ligament or a joint.

* Grade 2 (moderate): Sprain or tear of up to 50% of a ligament or joint.

* Grade 3 (severe): 100% sprain or tear of a ligament or joint.

* Connective tissue injuries can escalate to a grade 4—the highest and most dangerous level of connective tissue injuries. A grade 4 injury means there is avulsion, defined as a sprain or tear of a ligament or joint that results in complete tear from a bone.

Signs of a possible connective tissue injury include:

* Hearing a “popping” or “snapping” sound during or immediately after the incident.

* Experiencing a limited range of motion with your limbs.

* There are symptoms of pain, swelling, and bruising.

* You are unable to put any weight on the injured area.

Most mild cases of connective tissue injuries are treatable at home with ice, rest, and elevation of inflamed limbs. Doctors may use a splint, brace, or sling to stabilize the injured area. Moderate to severe cases of connective tissue injuries may require surgery and extensive physical and occupational therapy.

Connective tissue injuries of any level limit your mobility and disrupt your life. The painful tear of a ligament can make you dependent upon others for assistance with your daily needs, such as bathing and dressing. When this type of injury is inflicted by another person due to their careless actions, it isn’t fair. A connective tissue injury can take weeks—even months—to heal. In serious cases, a patient may never recover full use of the injured area. Dealing with the resulting scar tissue, medications, and continuous appointments with doctors is downright frustrating.

If you experienced a serious connective tissue injury due to the negligence of another person, you owe it to yourself to discuss your case with a lawyer. Most personal injury lawyers offer free case evaluations, meaning you have nothing to lose by contacting one today.

WHY YOU NEED TO A LAWYER. A connective tissue injury is no small matter when it comes to your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Insurance companies will try to diminish the seriousness of your injury or offer you as little money as possible. Retaining an experienced attorney can help protect your rights and maximize your compensation.

The muscles, tendons, and ligaments in our body help us more than we know. It is only when they become seriously injured that we realize how they help us function on a daily basis. When you experience a serious connective tissue injury due to no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation. Don’t let insurance company representatives bully you into signing anything without legal representation. Insurance companies want to settle cases quickly. Their initial settlement offers may seem like a lot of money to you, but chances are that it’s not enough for your future medical care. Your severe injury may require more than one surgery, countless medications, and months of therapies.

The majority of personal injury cases are settled out of court. An experienced lawyer is well aware of the tactics that insurance companies use to deny or delay compensation. If an insurance company is uncooperative when it comes to negotiations, the right lawyer is ready and willing to go to trial. Trying to handle your case on your own is risky. This period of great pain and stress is no time to test your negotiation skills. Insurance companies are too experienced and too clever for injured individuals to deal with on their own. Your future medical and personal care needs are too important to leave to chance.

Placing your case in your lawyer's hands affords you the peace of mind you need during this difficult time. While each case is different, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries, depending on the specific circumstances of your case.

CONNECTIVE TISSUE INJURIES ARE SERIOUS. It’s easy to dismiss a sore neck or a stiff muscle that develops after a car crash as no big deal. However, it’s sometimes the smallest injury that can result in the largest problem for your health. Never shake off any type of injury after a collision, and always seek immediate medical attention. Your medical report can serve as valuable documentation should you pursue a personal injury claim.

The muscles, tendons, and ligaments that connect to make our body’s movements are tough yet tender when it comes to sudden trauma. An auto collision can result in a hard impact on your body. The moment of impact is the moment your life changes forever due to the carelessness of someone else. Connective tissue injuries can make your favorite hobbies impossible and can even lead to the end of your career. Your quick trip to the store or to a restaurant for dinner with friends can turn tragic in a second. Any possible surgeries can delay your healing and leave you without a steady income. If you experienced connective tissue injuries, you deserve quality care. Reach out to us to discuss the specifics of your case. No one should pay out-of-pocket for injuries experienced due to the reckless actions of someone else.

Insurance companies are only looking out for themselves and not for you. Having someone on your side during this stressful time is important for protecting your interests. We have the experience that you need for your case and the compassion that you and your family deserve.

Time is of the essence due to the statute of limitations for filing your claim. The clock starts ticking the moment you get injured. By scheduling an appointment with us, you take the first step toward possible justice. If you decide that you want us to review your case for free, don’t delay. Gather your evidence, such as police reports and contact information for witnesses, and bring it with you to your appointment. If your injuries are such that you are unable to travel, ask if we can visit you.

Connective tissue injuries are painful, serious, and expensive. Securing legal representation is a smart idea when you face mounting medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Don’t listen to insurance companies who try to diminish your injuries. Listen to your gut instinct and ask us if you have grounds for litigation.

A drunk or distracted driver or any other type of negligent person has no right to disrupt your life in such a violent and painful way. No matter how defensively you drive or how carefully you walk, it only takes the negligence of one person to cause you to experience serious injury. Bringing a personal injury claim is something worth considering as you contemplate your future medical needs. A proactive approach may seem overwhelming as you deal with your injuries. That’s why it makes good sense to talk with an attorney. We can review your case and provide you with the best option for moving forward. You have nothing to lose by scheduling a free consultation. There is no commitment required with a free case evaluation; how you proceed following the evaluation is entirely up to you.

Connective tissue injuries affect your daily life. You can go from completely mobile to completely immobile in an instant, thanks to a negligent person. If this has happened to you, you should call us sooner rather than later. Knowing your options for pursuing justice may just help you feel a little better and make your future seem a little brighter.

Give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

What should you do once your estate planning documents have been signed and your estate plan is in place? Here are some tips for storing and safeguarding your estate planning documents.

We've told you before how important it is to prepare an estate plan. But what should you do once your documents have been signed and your estate plan is in place? It is very important to safeguard the originals of your documents, as it will be necessary to have the originals in the event of your death or disability. Although there is no perfect place to store your Wills and other estate planning documents, there are some place that should be avoided. For example, a safe deposit box should not be used for storage because the box comes as part of a rental agreement with the attached bank—that agreement is between whoever is the signer on the box and the bank. After you die, no one else can get access to the box, absent a court order. Getting that court order requires additional trips to court, which costs money and is an all-around hassle. Avoid safe deposit boxes; home safes or locked filing cabinets are good options, though it is always a good idea to ensure your family knows where the documents are located and someone knows how to access them. A few additional thoughts on storing your estate planning documents:

* For all individuals named in your estate planning documents, be sure to keep with those documents an up-to-date list of contact information for those individuals.

* For those people who have been named to “key” roles in the documents, e.g., Personal Representative, Trustee, Guardian, Financial Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, etc., make sure those people have been informed of their roles and how to access the relevant documents, if necessary.

* Along with your estate planning documents, keep copies of the past two years’ worth of tax returns, as well as a list of online accounts and passwords.

It is also important to remember that, although your Will may have been signed, it is not effective until your death and you can amend it at any time prior to your death, assuming you still have mental capacity. Changes should be made only by a properly prepared Codicil or by preparing an entirely new Will. You should NOT attempt to make changes to your document by writing on the original, as this could render the document ineffective.

If you have questions about preparing a Will or other estate planning documents, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.