Wills vs. Trusts, Financial Powers of Attorney vs. Health Care Powers of Attorney, Testamentary Trusts vs. Living Trusts, and Revocable Trusts vs. Irrevocable Trusts

A Will is a legal document naming a Personal Representative to manage your estate upon your death. In addition to asset distribution, a Will may also name guardians for any minor children and give instructions for the disposition of remains.

If you have privacy concerns, you may prefer a Revocable Living Trust instead of a Will, which is a public document. A Revocable Living Trust might also be a better option if you own real estate outside of Washington or would simply like to avoid the long and often costly process of probate. We can review your situation to determine the strategy that best aligns with your particular needs and objectives.

DO I NEED A DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY HEALTH AND FINANCES? It is difficult to imagine the possibility of becoming incapacitated and unable to make your own decisions, but failure to appoint a Power of Attorney makes you extremely vulnerable to the possibility of court-appointed guardianship. A guardian is someone who is appointed by the court and tasked with handling your medical and financial affairs when you can no longer do so on your own. By proactively choosing your Power of Attorney you can ensure that this important job goes to the person you have chosen.

Not choosing your Power of Attorney can result in the appointment of a stranger. Someone who doesn’t know anything about you could be appointed to handle decisions about your health and finances. In essence, you may lose all of your rights by failing to address this critical aspect of the estate planning process, whereas taking matters into your own hands preserves your rights and allows you to choose, not the court.

The authority given to a Power of Attorney can be limited or general. A limited Power of Attorney allows the person of your choosing (known as the attorney-in-fact) to act on your behalf in limited situations, such as when you are traveling or otherwise unavailable to sign checks, conduct property transfers, or authorize limited actions. A general Power of Attorney, on the other hand, basically transfers all powers and rights to the attorney-in-fact, who can then make all decisions related to your health care and/or finances.

A POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR FINANCES VS. HEALTH CARE. Your person of choice may have control over your finances, medical care, or both. A Power of Attorney for finances is a legal document that gives the attorney-in-fact the right to control your financial affairs only, whereas a Health Care Power of Attorney authorizes control over your medical care. It is possible, but not required, for one named individual to be given both Powers of Attorney.

TRUSTS. A Trust is a legal document created by one party that holds property for the benefit of another party. The creator, known as the Trustor, transfers property to a Trustee, who then holds that property for the Trustor’s beneficiaries. Although the Trustee receives legal title to the property, they are obligated, by law, to act in accordance with the terms outlined by the Trust document.

There are two main types of Trusts: Revocable and Irrevocable. Revocable Trusts, commonly known as Living Trusts, give total control to the Trustor during their lifetime. The Trustor can continue to amend the Trust and can revoke or terminate it at any time as well. An Irrevocable Trust does not have this flexibility but it does allow the Trustor and their beneficiaries to avoid the public, often time-consuming, and costly process of probate.

REVOCABLE VS. IRREVOCABLE TRUSTS. A Revocable Trust allows the Trustor to maintain complete control over their assets, and still avoid probate. Irrevocable Trusts transfer control of property from the Trustor to the Trustee. Once an asset is placed in an Irrevocable Trust, it is no longer considered the property of the Trustor, and the Trustee gains full control. Furthermore, the Trust most often cannot be amended by the Trustor once created, and the Trustee and Trustor cannot be the same person, which is not the case with Revocable Trusts.

By placing assets in an Irrevocable Trust, the Trustor may become eligible for certain means-tested benefit programs, such as Social Security Disability or Medicaid. Since placing property into an Irrevocable Trust means it no longer belongs to the Trustor, the value of that asset cannot be counted against them.

Although Trusts usually cost more to set up than Wills due to their more complex nature, the cost savings are usually realized on the back end through the avoidance of probate.

If you have questions about Wills, Powers of Attorney, Trusts, or other estate planning tools and techniques, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today.

Picking a guardian you would like to take over for you in raising your minor children if you pass away is an integral part of estate planning.

Estate planning allows you to ensure you’ve provided your family with as much guidance as possible for taking care of things once you’re gone. If you have children, that includes planning for what would happen to them if they are still minors when you pass away. One way to plan for your kids’ care is to pick a person you would like to take over for you in raising them if you can no longer do so. That person is called a guardian, and it would be their job to then act as the parent for your children. That includes housing, feeding, seeing to their education, and raising them if you cannot. Being able to have a say in who takes on that role is invaluable and relatively simple to do.

WHY GUARDIANSHIP IS NEEDED. There are a few situations that call for the appointment of a guardian:

* Child’s parents consent to the appointment of a guardian.

* Parental rights are terminated, leaving the child without someone acting in that parental role.

* The parents are unable to exercise their parental rights; for example, if the parents die or become incapacitated.

* Guardianship had already been granted but that guardian passed away or there is otherwise no current acting guardian.

HOW TO APPOINT A GUARDIAN. To make sure you are prepared for any of these instances where a court would find guardianship necessary, you can nominate who you would like to act in that role if ever needed. To do so, you should include a guardianship clause in your Will. This clause can list not only who you would like to act as guardian for your children if you can no longer care for them but also any back-ups you would like to take on that role if the first person listed cannot. It is important to list these back-ups because we never know what the future holds, and even if the person you list first is willing and able when you draft your Will, they may be unavailable if the time actually comes for them to take on that role. For example, if the person you have listed dies before you, whoever you list as a second option can then be appointed. If you have not listed a back-up, you end up back in square one. Listing back-ups, then, gives you the chance to plan for many scenarios.

WHAT IF YOU DO NOT SOMEONE AS GUARDIAN? There is also the possibility that you have someone you absolutely do not want to serve as your child’s guardian. If that is the case, you can say so in your Will and you can also create what is called a "confidential exclusion document." This is where you say who you do not want to be your child’s guardian and why, being as specific and detailed as possible. If the time comes and someone has to be appointed as your child’s guardian, your Personal Representative can let that person know that you have this confidential exclusion in place to prevent them from putting themselves forth as a possible guardian. Hopefully, that is enough to dissuade that person from fighting for guardianship but if it is not, your PR can present the confidential exclusion to the court to persuade the judge not to choose that person.

COUPLES AS GUARDIANS. Many people have a couple that they would choose to serve as guardians together. It is possible to list co-guardians, or two people to serve as guardian at one time, but you want to be precise about the scenarios in which those two people would serve together. For example, say you have two really good friends, Joe and Emily, who are married, and you would like them both to be co-guardians, but you really only want them to be guardians if they are working together. Meaning, you wouldn’t want just Emily to do it if Joe couldn’t help for whatever reason, or vise versa. If you just nominate them to serve as co-guardians with no additional stipulation, you can run into situations where one is no longer there and the other is still allowed to serve as guardian alone. For example, one of them might predecease you, leaving one of them to serve as guardian alone. Therefore, if Emily died before the guardianship was necessary, Joe would still be nominated to serve on his own as guardian. There is also the possibility that Joe and Emily get a divorce. If you just list them as co-guardians, and they get divorced, they would still be able to serve together as co-guardians. To avoid any of those possible scenarios you can specify “Joe and Emily as co-guardians, only if they remain married” or something similar. Then you can list who you would like to serve in that role if they are no longer married —those back-ups.

COURT HEARINGS. Appointing a guardian still requires a court hearing, even if you have named who you would like to be your child’s guardian in your Will. This is so that the judge has an opportunity to make sure that, at the time the guardianship would be established, the child’s best interest would be served by appointing the person you have listed. The judge also considers the opinion of the minor in question, if the minor is 14 or older. Finally, the judge considers the opinion of the parents, which is why a guardianship clause in your Will is so important. That judge is going to put a lot of weight behind your wishes in your Will and will likely appoint that person if everything checks out. If you do not nominate someone to serve as your child’s guardian in your Will, the judge still has to make that decision but will be doing so without any help from you as to who you would trust to take care of your child in your place.

HOW WE CAN HELP. Deciding who you want to raise your children for you if you no longer can is a difficult decision, but it is certainly better be included in that decision-making process than leave it completely up to the court. While you’re planning for taking care of them financially by leaving them certain assets after you die, you should also plan for who will be housing, raising, and caring for them generally in your estate plan. Nominating a guardian in your Will is another important aspect of estate planning that allows you to help take care of your family after you’re gone.

We are here to answer any questions you have regarding guardianship and securing your child’s future. Contact us at 253.858.5434 to schedule a meeting.

The process of pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit can be a long one. There are a number of steps that must take place before funds can be disbursed.

The process of pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit can be a long one. Settling the case before going to trial can be a very exciting step, however, it’s important to remember that it’s not the end. It’s not a simple payment of money, but the ending of a legal obligation. There are a number of steps that must take place before any of the funds can be disbursed.

THE CASE IS SETTLED. The first step in the disbursement process is having both sides agree upon terms to resolve the lawsuit. Once both sides agree, a settlement agreement is drafted. These agreements outline the timeframe and amount that has to be paid. Generally, there are two main types of payment: a lump sum or a payment plan. If the agreement states the money will be paid in a lump sum, the defendant (or the defendant's insurance company) will normally have 30 or 60 days to pay the money. If both sides agree to a payment plan, the timeframe will be outlined in the settlement agreement. Once both sides have signed the agreement, the lawsuit is typically dismissed.

RECONCILING THE BOOKS. Once the final agreement has been signed and the plaintiff's lawyer has received the settlement funds, the process of disbursement can begin. The funds are placed into a trust account so that all costs, fees, and liens can be paid. Normally it takes a few days to a week (depending on the size of the check) for the check to clear the bank and be available in the trust account. Once the funds become available, the following steps happen:

* Attorney’s Fees. The first expense that is deducted is the attorney’s fees. They are a percentage of the total amount recovered. It is important to remember that the attorney’s fees are deducted before any other expenses are taken out of the settlement including bills, liens, expert fees, etc. This process is generally explained in the engagement agreement and the initial signup meeting.

* Case Expenses. When the lawyer agreed to take the case on a contingency fee basis, they probably agreed to advance any expenses or costs that may be incurred while pursuing the case and then be reimbursed if they were successful in getting compensation for the client. Any case expenses will be paid back to the lawyer from the remaining settlement funds (not from the attorney’s fees). These may include ordering medical bills, hiring an expert, court fees, paying for a deposition, or any travel expenses.

* Any Known Medical Bills or Liens. The lawyer will pay any bills or liens that they are aware of from the settlement funds before disbursing any money to the client. These may come from Medicare, Medicaid, an insurance company or a medical provider. It is always best practice to give any invoices or notices of liens that you receive to your lawyer as soon as you receive them. Normally, the lawyer will try to negotiate with the insurance companies to get the bills or liens lowered and this process can take some time. Providing any bills or liens as soon as you receive them can help expedite the process.

* The Remaining Money is Given to the Client. After all the expenses, fees, and liens have been paid, the client will receive the remaining settlement funds. Typically, a settlement statement will be prepared and signed before the money is disbursed.

VARIABLES THAT MAY AFFECT THE PROCESS OR TIMEFRAME. While the above is the general process for disbursing settlement funds, there are a few things that may affect how quickly the final settlement check may be disbursed. Some of the most common variables that may affect the process and timeframe are:

* If the Lawsuit Involves a Minor. Settlements involving minors are handled differently than those for adults. For example, settlement funds may put into a Trust or be used to purchase an annuity that will invest the money until the minor reaches a certain age, and then pay benefits when the child becomes an adult.

* Lien Finalization. If there is a lien from Medicare or Medicaid or a PIP insurer, it must be satisfied before any of the funds can be dispersed. Sometimes it can take Medicare or Medicaid or the PIP insurance company some time to finalize the lien amount. While the lawyer can follow up on the lien finalization, it is something that is ultimately out of their hands.

* Defendant is Slow to Pay. If there are logistical difficulties on the defendant’s end on processing the payment, that can slow down the process. For example, if the check is not able to be deposited and has to be reissued, this will slow down the process.

* Probate Issues. In cases where an injured client has died, the probate process must be completed prior to the disbursement of the settlement. The probate process has a lot of different steps and each and every one has to be completed before any money from the settlement can be disbursed.

It is important to remember that every case is different. While there is a general process for disbursement that most personal injury claims or lawsuits will follow, the exact process will differ for each case. However, having an understanding of the general disbursement process can help manage expectations for when the final funds will be disbursed.

If you or a friend or family member has been injured in an auto collision and need legal representation, give us a call at 253.858.5434 and set up an appointment for a free initial consultation today.

Most people need to update their estate plans every few years because life, finances, relationships, and the law are always changing.

If you already have an estate plan in place, you might think you're all set and don't need to think about estate planning ever again. However, most people actually need to update their estate plan every few years because life, finances, relationships, and the law are always changing. Many changes happen over the years, and it is essential that your estate plan stays current to reflect those changes and the impact on your wishes.

WHAT IS INCLUDED IN AN ESTATE PLAN? An estate plan is a set of documents that allows you to plan for unexpected situations, end-of-life situations, and your wishes for what happens to your assets after you die. An estate plan should include:

* A Will detailing who will receive your assets after you die and who will be the Personal Representative to carry out your wishes;

* A Directive to Physicians ("Living Will') specifying what types of end-of-life care you do and do not consent to, such as ventilators and feeding tubes;

* A Health Care Power of Attorney choosing a person to make health care decisions for you if you are ever unable to make your own decisions; and

* A financial Durable Power of Attorney giving authority to a person you choose to manage your financial affairs if you are unable to do so.

An estate plan may also include a Revocable Living Trust, which takes ownership of your assets during your lifetime and distributes them to the people you choose after your death while allowing you to use and spend your assets during your life as you normally would.

LIFE CHANGES THAT TRIGGER AN ESTATE PLAN REVISION. There are many changes that could happen in your life that should cause you to review your estate plan and make changes as necessary. These could include:

* You got a divorce and need to remove your ex from all of your estate planning documents.

* You got married and want to add your spouse to your plan.

* You have remarried and need to include your current spouse and possibly your stepchildren in your estate plan.

* You had children and want to add them as beneficiaries in a Will or Trust and need to name a guardian for them.

* One of your children or grandchildren is disabled or has special needs and you want to provide for their care after you die through a Special Needs Trust.

* Your children are now adults and you want them to hold your Power of Attorney or be Personal Representative of your estate.

* You have grandchildren and would like to add them as beneficiaries.

* You've become estranged from a family member or friend you previously included in your plan and now want to remove them.

* Your financial situation has changed and you want your estate plan to include new assets or you need to remove assets from your plan that you no longer own.

* You moved to another state and want to make sure your estate plan is valid in your new state.

* Someone you listed as a beneficiary, Personal Representative, Power of Attorney, guardian, or Trustee died and you need to name someone else in their place.

* Your health has changed and you have information that changes your position about end-of-life care.

* You decided that you want to leave money or assets to a charity.

* You started a new business and need to create a business succession plan.

Estate plans should not be static. They should change and grow as your life evolves. Make it a habit to review your estate plan every three to five years or whenever a major life change occurs.

If we can be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

In Washington, married couples can avoid probate by signing a Community Property Survivorship Agreement.

In Washington, married couples can avoid probate by signing a Community Property Survivorship Agreement (CPSA). In the agreement, the couple agrees that when one of them dies, all of that person's property will pass directly to the other. This kind of agreement works well for many couples, but it's not right for everyone. Use a community property agreement only if you want all of your property to go to your spouse or partner.

HOW A COMMUNITY PROPERTY SURVIVORSHIP AGREEMENT WORKS. A CPAS states that (1) all property the couple owns is community property; (2) all property the couple acquires in the future is community property; and (3) when one spouse dies, their 1/2 of the community property vests automatically in their surviving spouse. Washington law permits all community property passed through a CPSA to be transferred to the surviving spouse without probate, so the agreement keeps all of the deceased person's property out of probate.

To use a CPSA, you and your spouse must agree to leave everything to each other, complete the document, and sign it in front of a notary. When one spouse or partner dies, the survivor will become the owner of the deceased person's property, without probate. Title to all real estate is cleared merely by recording the CPSA in every county where the couple owns real estate.

LIMITATIONS TO A COMMUNITY PROPERTY SURVIVORSHIP AGREEMENT. CPSAs are not for everyone. They involve some very important limitations. For example, a simple CPSA does not avoid probate for the surviving spouse, remains in force if you separate (absent some language to the contrary in the agreement itself), doesn't work if you die simultaneously, does not allow gifts to children, does not avoid probate for out-of-state real estate, and may affect eligibility for government benefits.

LIVING WITH A COMMUNITY PROPERTY SURVIVORSHIP AGREEMENT. Even if a CPSA is right for you, you'll need to reevaluate your plan if your circumstances change, and it won't be the only estate planning tool you'll need. You can amend or revoke your community property agreement at any time. To modify a CPSA, have your lawyer draft a new one that meets your specific needs. To revoke your CPSA, both you and your spouse just need to sign a simple revocation.

Revoke your CPSA if you decide to separate, if you make a new estate plan for distributing your property, if or you or your spouse become dependent on SSI or Medicaid, or if your estate grows substantially such that more sophisticated tax planning becomes necessary as part of your general estate plan as a CPSA can defeat the creation of certain estate-tax avoiding Trusts.

ADDITIONAL ESTATE PLANNING. It is wise to pair a CPSA with a Will. A Will lets you name a Personal Representative, nominate guardians for your minor children, and provide a backup plan in case you and your spouse die simultaneously. In your Wills, you and your spouse should each leave all of your property to each other, and then name alternates who will take the property upon the death of the second spouse to die. If there are any inconsistencies between your will and your CPSA, your CPSA will be followed.

It's also a good idea to make a Directive to Physicians, a Health Care Power of Attorney, and a Durable Power of Attorney for finances.

A Directive to Physicians lays out your wishes for end-of-life medical treatment in case you ever cannot speak for yourself. And using a Health Care Power of Attorney, you can name a person to make healthcare decisions for you if you can't.

A Durable Power of Attorney for finances lets you name someone who will take care of your finances if you can no longer do it yourself. In this document, you can also give that person (called your attorney-in-fact) the power to change or revoke your CPSA. This could be very important if you or your spouse became incapacitated. Otherwise, to revoke or modify a CPSA, a court would have to appoint a guardian for the incapacitated person.

If you have questions about Community Property Survivorship Agreements or other estate planning documents, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

We have been representing small businesses and their owners since 1996. We work with small business owners just starting out to established businesses with millions in revenue.

We have been representing small businesses and their owners since 1996. We work with small business owners just starting out to established businesses with millions in revenue. We are responsive and have a deep understanding of closely-held business owners. And we charge common sense fees that are fair and transparent.

Our goal is to build long-term professional relationships with our clients as their trusted legal counsel. We are committed to developing effective, practical solutions with our clients to protect their businesses and decrease legal risks, allowing them to focus on growth from formation to exit.

We serve as outside general counsel for established businesses and an represent entrepreneurs to help them get their new businesses started. We have experience in corporate and LLC formations, operating agreements, partnership agreements, bringing on investors, non-compete agreements, contracts, trademarks, employment issues, and buying and selling businesses.

If you are thinking about starting up a new business, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment so we can help your new business up and running by the 1st of the year. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Losing a spouse is one of the most difficult things a person can go through. We can provide estate planning legal services to recent widows and widowers that address their new reality.

Losing a spouse is one of the most difficult things a person can go through. In addition to the difficult emotions surrounding the loss, widows and widowers may be tasked with several legal and financial responsibilities during this time of grief. After immediate needs are addressed, the surviving spouse may need to create a new plan to safeguard their assets and communicate their wishes. We can provide estate planning for recent widows/widowers that addresses their new reality.

MINIMIZE ESTATE TAXES. For high-wealth estates, it is important to quickly claim the full amount of tax exemption. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the federal estate tax exemption is $12.06 million in 2022 for each individual. For married couples, this amount is doubled. Due to a concept known as the “portability provision,” the surviving spouse can use the unused portion of the deceased spouse’s exemption. However, the surviving spouse must reserve this exemption amount by filing a federal estate tax return (IRS Form 706) after the first spouse’s death even if they do not owe any estate tax at that time. This return must be filed within nine months of the death. This short timeline is why it is important to have the help of an experienced lawyer who can assist with the probate process.

LOCATE ASSETS. For many couples, one spouse takes the lead in managing finances. If the spouse who normally handled the finances has died, the surviving spouse may have to try to track down assets and make a master list of them. These assets might include:

* Bank accounts

* Brokerage accounts

* Retirement plans

* Real estate holdings

* Insurance policies

* Safe deposit boxes

* Digital assets

* Tangible personal property

FILE INSURANCE CLAIMS. The surviving spouse will likely need any life insurance and other insurance proceeds they are entitled to. Filing an insurance claim promptly and in accordance with the requirements of the insurance company can help ensure the surviving spouse has the financial protection their spouse granted them by naming them a beneficiary to the policy.

APPLY FOR BENEFITS. A surviving spouse may qualify for Social Security survivor benefits. They can contact the Social Security Administration to find out if they are entitled to these benefits. There may also be other benefits that the widow or widower may be eligible for, such as benefits from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, employment-related benefits, or pensions. An inquiry should be made with each applicable agency.

CHANGE TITLE TO JOINTLY HELD PROPERTY. If the spouses owned property together as joint tenants or tenants by the entirety, the surviving spouse will need to change the title document to show they own the property alone now. This will make it easier to manage the property and to wrap up the estate more efficiently. Various type of property can be owned jointly, including real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, and brokerage accounts.

GET HELP WITH EVERYDAY FINANCES. If a surviving spouse did not take on the role of financial manager in the household, they may need help getting their everyday finances together. This may include reevaluating their current situation, creating a new budget, and changing regular spending habits. A financial advisor may be able to help with these tasks.

UPDATE BENEFICIARIES. Many spouses name each other as beneficiaries on life insurance policies, checking accounts, retirement accounts, and other types of policies and benefits. After a spouse dies, the surviving spouse may need to adjust their beneficiary designations on these accounts. The person named on the beneficiary designation form controls, not what is stated in the Will.

UPDATE ESTATE PLANNING DOCUMENTS. The widow or widower may also need to update their estate planning documents if they named their spouse as a beneficiary or in a fiduciary role, such as a Personal Representative or Trustee. The recent death may inspire them to evaluate their own plans for leaving property at their death or managing property if they become incapacitated. Wills, Trusts, and other estate planning documents may need to be updated.

CREATE NEW ESTATE PLANNING DOCUMENTS. It may also be necessary to create new estate planning documents if the widow or widower realizes their spouse’s needs were not properly respected or communicated. We create customized estate planning documents for individuals, including financial and health care power of attorney documents. These documents allow someone (called the principal) to designate someone else (called an agent) to make decisions regarding their finances or health care, respectively. These documents can come in handy if the principal becomes incapacitated and is not able to manage these things for themselves. We can also create a Directive to Physicians that allows you to set out your health care wishes.

ORGANIZE IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS. Now is also the time to organize important documents to carry out the administration of the estate of the deceased spouse and to plan for the future. Locate and organize the following important documents:

* Will, trust, power of attorney, and other estate planning documents

* Pre-paid funeral arrangement documents

* Statements for checking, savings, brokerage, and investment accounts

* Retirement plan documents and beneficiary designation documents

* Life insurance policy coverage and beneficiary designation documents

* Government benefit statements and paperwork

* Tax returns

* Credit card statements

* Mortgage documents

* Deeds, titles, and other ownership documents

* Certified death certificate

* Inventory of all investment accounts and digital assets

* Policies for all insurance coverage, including long-term care, disability, medical, homeowners, auto, and umbrella

* Recurring and occasional bills

CONTACT AN EXPERIENCED AND COMPASSIONATE ESTATE PLANNING LAWYER. Estate planning for widows/widowers addresses immediate needs following the recent passing of a spouse. It also addresses the long-term needs of the surviving spouse. We can answer your questions and create an estate plan for widows and widowers. We can also help with settling your spouse’s estate, transferring assets to your name, closing joint accounts, updating beneficiaries, and planning for your needs in the future. Contact us today at 253.858.5434. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

Nearly every estate planning conversation eventually focuses on our clients' children, whether they're still minors or are grown and independent.

Nearly every estate planning conversation eventually focuses on the clients' children, whether they are still minors or are grown, established, and independent. When we advise families on estate planning, we first work to determine the clients' overall perspective about their children and what they feel are the children’s capabilities and limitations. Parental expectations and their evaluation of their child’s potential to meet those expectations often determine whether they decide to limit access to funds and how long those limitations should last.

For single parents with a minor child, the stakes are perhaps even higher. When one member of a couple dies or for some other reason just isn't around, the children generally do not have to leave their home, school, and community, but when a single parent dies, a child may leave that entire city to live with a relative or ex spouse, leaving behind familiar places and friends. Parents may be single for a variety of reasons — some are voluntarily so, while others may have been in a relationship with the other parent that ended through a breakup, divorce, or death.

Single-parent clients who have worked to build a healthy and supportive community for their children that primes them for successful relationships of their own are impressive. We often see some or all of these characteristics:

* The parent is committed to their children, spending large amounts of time with them and participating in or attending their activities.

* The parent has a supportive and established network of friends or family who share their commitment to their children’s welfare.

* The parent maintains an open, respectful line of communication with their children.

* The parent insists that the children respect and demand respect from the educators and influencers in their lives.

After we discuss a client’s children with them and understand their approach to those relationships, the next step is to learn about their support network and find out if there’s anyone who could serve in a formal capacity if needed. Often, the other parent also maintains some form of custody or scheduled visitation rights. One major factor in planning decisions is the client’s relationship with their ex and the way it ended.

Most clients feel that their child’s other parent is the best person to take over full custody in the event of incapacity or death. For other clients, this is an unacceptable situation, which means that their estate plan must be crafted with special care. In addition, they need a supportive network ready to advocate for the child.

The estate plan should include a Trust and a Trustee that will accept funds from the deceased parent’s estate, any retirement plan, IRA, and life insurance proceeds, and from any claim, judgment, or settlement that may be brought relative to the cause of the parent’s death. It is imperative that this Trust be in place so that any court that may be involved has an established basis to determine the deceased parent’s wishes and expectations for the children. The Trust tells the court who the deceased parent intends to carry out their wishes and who should continue to be an advocate and influence in the child’s life.

In addition:

* The Trust may name the child’s intended guardian, including any alternates, in the event that the surviving parent is denied custody or can’t serve for some reason.

* The Trust should outline in detail how its funds should be used, as well as the level of discretion the child may be given and when, and who should be involved in the child’s life.

* The Trust should clarify who has authorized visitation rights, including the right to keep the child for extended visits or to go on vacation.

* The Trust should outline who is allowed to advise or consent on major decisions in the child’s life, regarding schools, doctors, sports, and activities, and determine when it’s acceptable for the child to date, drive, or travel alone.

Although not all the terms in a Trust may be enforceable, they do give the parent a place to formalize their wishes. A Trust is the final legal method where a parent can give notice and instructions in their place.

A Trust can be drafted in countless ways. However, any single parent should be pondering these basic questions and be able to discuss them when they meet with their lawyer to draft their Trust:

* Who will be providing your child’s daily, weekly, or monthly after-school care or sitting? Who will prepare their meals, transport them to school and activities, and shop for them?

* Who is willing and able to take your child into their house and raise them? Who should have visitation rights? Who should help with decisions related to health care or school?

* How much money would your Trust ideally contain at your death? * Would your Trust’s primary purpose be paying for health care, for education, or providing general financial support?

* Would any Social Security or other monthly income be paid for your child? Who would be the payee?

This kind of planning is never easy. No matter what preparations you make, they will seem inadequate, because you, the parent, are irreplaceable. So, get past that thought and draw up the second-best scenario. Work with an experienced lawyer to create a Trust that will support that outcome. If you don’t put it all down in writing, the persons you will need to speak for you won’t know what to say.

If you have estate planning questions or if we can otherwise be of service to you, your family, friends, neighbors, or coworkers, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

If you've been in an auto collision, the law allows you to collect damages from the at-fault party, including your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.

If you have been in an auto collision that wasn’t your fault, the law allows you to collect damages from the at-fault party, including compensation for your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage. Unfortunately, sometimes the amount of money you should be allowed for your losses exceeds the amount of insurance coverage available to pay for those losses, including your own underinsured motorist coverage. To understand how often auto collisions exceed the policy limits, it is important to understand the basics of insurance policy limits and the laws surrounding them.

While it is possible to collect personal injury damages beyond the limits of the defendant’s insurance policy in very limited cases, it’s not easy, and you will need a lawyer's assistance to help you through the process.

UNDERSTANDING POLICY LIMITS. When a person purchases car insurance, it always comes with a policy limit, which refers to the maximum amount of money that the insurance company will pay on behalf of that person for damage they caused. When collisions happen, victims often wonder how frequently settlements exceed the policy limits. While it’s somewhat rare, it does happen, so it’s important to understand the process.

For example, if you were involved in a collision and the at-fault driver’s insurance has a policy limit of $100,000 for bodily injury, that is the maximum amount that the insurance company is legally obligated cover for your harms and losses — even if your medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other expenses exceed that amount. So is it possible to collect excess damages? And if so, who pays?

CAN YOU COLLECT EXCESS DAMAGES? The short answer is yes, it is possible to collect more than the at-fault driver’s insurance policy limits. However, if you are going to pursue this route, you should know that it is unlikely, and proceed with the assistance of an experienced lawyer. The ways you can collect damages in excess of the at-fault driver’s insurance policy limits are:

* Filing suit against additional defendants

* Collecting under an umbrella policy

* Collecting directly from the defendant

* If an insurance company acts negligently or in bad faith

Of course, if you have your own underinsured motorist (UIM) policy that protects you in the event of bodily injury, you can collect from your own policy as well.

FILING SUIT AGAINST ADDITIONAL DEFENDANTS. In some instances, more than one party can be considered legally and financially responsible for a collision. For example, if you were in a car crash and the at-fault driver was driving on behalf of an employer, you have the option to sue the employer under the legal doctrine of respondeat superior, which states that employers can be held responsible for the negligent acts of their employees while acting in the course and scope of their business.

If other drivers were involved in the collision, you can also file a claim against each party, since they will all be responsible for a percentage of your medical costs based on the percentage of fault they are legally assigned. And, in some instances, you can prove that multiple defendants — such as businesses engaged in a joint venture — were acting in concert together. If so, the defendants who were acting together can all be held accountable for your losses. Other potential defendants can include the city or state for negligent road design or maintenance.

COLLECTING UNDER AN UMBRELLA POLICY. Even if there is only one at-fault party in your case, there may still be more than one insurance company involved that can pay out the excess damages. An umbrella policy is a type of insurance that adds extra liability coverage over and above — much like an umbrella — the primary insurance. The umbrella policy kicks in when the at-fault party faces liability for damages that exceed the specified policy amount of the underlying policy. Umbrella policies are most common for people who have assets they want to protect by making sure they have enough insurance coverage.

COLLECTING DIRECTLY FROM THE DEFENDANT. In most cases, however, there is no umbrella policy and no employers or other defendants who may be liable to contribute to a settlement. If you find yourself in this situation, as many people do, and your harms and losses exceed the insurance policy limits, the only option left is to try to collect from the defendant personally.

While many defendants do not have any assets worthy of collecting, or only have assets that are exempt from collection under the law, a lawyer can help search for assets that might be used to satisfy a judgment against the defendant. If assets are located, such as real estate, cash, shares of stock, mineral rights, or vehicles, the lawyer can start the process of recovering those assets from the defendant. Unfortunately, most defendants that are poorly insured do not have any assets of value. This is why it is always prudent to purchase as much UIM coverage for bodily injury as you can afford.

INSURANCE COMPANY ACTING NEGLIGENTLY OR IN BAD FAITH. The final option for pursuing a settlement that exceeds policy limits is if the insurance company has acted negligently or in bad faith towards the at-fault driver, leaving them exposed to a large judgment.

If you are willing to settle your claim against the at-fault driver for an amount of money within their insurance policy limits, and the defendant’s insurer negligently fails to do so, and you then you secure a jury verdict in excess of those policy limits, the insurance company could be liable for the full amount of damages awarded in that jury verdict, even if it exceeds the policy limits. For example, if you do not have a strong case and your settlement demands were unreasonable, the insurance company is not likely to be found negligent if it refuses to settle.

If you’ve been injured in an auto collision, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and changes in your quality of life. We can help you understand your rights and receive the fair compensation the law allows. Contact us at 253.858.5434 for a free initial consultation to discuss your collision, develop a settlement plan, and get started on your road to recovery.

"Nothing is certain except death and taxes." So we might as well plan for both. There're nothing but benefits to estate planning and protecting the assets you've worked so hard for.

"Nothing is certain except death and taxes." That's what they say, right? So we might as well plan for both. Planning for the future doesn’t have to be a touchy subject. In fact, there are nothing but benefits to estate planning and protecting the assets you’ve worked so hard for.

Recent studies have shown that less than half of Americans have Wills. Shockingly, only about a third of adults with children under age 18 have a Will or a Revocable Living Trust. Don’t be a statistic. Protect your assets and provide for your family by planning your estate now.

WHAT IS AN ESTATE? Let’s take a step backwards and make sure we’re clear on the definition of an estate. Essentially, your estate is your total net worth in the eyes of the law.

An estate can include:

* Bank accounts

* Stocks, bonds, investment accounts, etc.

* Houses and other real estate

* Cars and other vehicles

* Life insurance

* IRAs, 401k, etc.

* Personal belongings

In short, your estate is everything you own and everything you owe.

WHAT IS ESTATE PLANNING? An estate plan is made up of several different documents. Each document serves a different purpose. Estate planning can include everything from setting up trust funds to designating your Power of Attorney. The goal of estate planning is to preserve and protect all of the assets you’ve worked hard to accumulate. Of course, the aim is also to reduce the amount paid in in taxes, legal fees, court costs, and other expenses as well. Here are the most common estate planning documents:

LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT. The most important part of your estate plan is your Will. In this document, you specify in great detail how your assets are divided, who will be the guardian of your children, and who is designated to carry out your wishes. Keep in mind, your Will is only applicable after you die. It does not offer any protection if you become physically or mentally incapacitated.

DIRECTIVE TO PHYSICIANS. If you are in a condition where you can’t make decisions for yourself, a Directive to Physicians (commonly called a "Living Will") can help protect your wishes. For example, you may become hospitalized in an unconscious state in which your abilities are severely limited. If you have strong feelings about when or when not to receive resuscitation or life-sustaining care, you would indicate them in your Directive.

POWER OF ATTORNEY. Many people choose to appoint a person to make decisions on their behalf if they become unable to make those decisions themselves, either because of age, illness, or injury. This is called Power of Attorney. Typically, you would appoint a spouse, family member, or close friend to handle your affairs when you are unable to.

There are many different types of Powers of Attorney that vary in scope, duration, and circumstances. It’s important to note that you can grant healthcare power of attorney and financial power of attorney to different individuals if you’d like. It goes without saying that you should trust your power of attorney with your life.

REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST. A Revocable Living Trust Agreement is a legal document that places your assets into a Trust during your lifetime. Upon your death, it is transferred to your designated beneficiaries. It is possible to create a Revocable Living Trust in addition to a Will.

The biggest benefit of creating a Trust is it will help you avoid the probate process. In short, a Revocable Living Trust can help protect your assets from being drained by court and legal costs. It also helps things run a lot more smoothly in general, as your beneficiaries can receive their inheritance faster and with less hassle.


NO WILL. If you die in Washington without a Will, the court will appoint an administrator to distribute your assets according to state succession laws. These laws give your assets to your “closest” living relatives. If you want a say in what happens to your assets upon your death — and you should! — make a Will.

PROBATE. Probate is the legal process of settling the estate of a deceased person. Fortunately, Washington has one of the simplest probate systems in the country:

* Your Personal Representative (as designated in your Will) can act with complete authority and without court intervention in nearly all matters.

* Attorney fees are not based on a percentage of the value of the estate

TAXES. Washington does not have an inheritance tax, but it does have an estate tax. That means there is no tax on the beneficiaries of an estate, but there may be a tax on the decedent’s estate itself.

There are several thresholds and exemptions and other things you should be aware of a discuss with your lawyer. In many cases, no estate tax is actually owed as a result of tax planning in the decedent’s Will. Another great reason to plan your estate!

LAW CHANGES. Federal and state tax laws are constantly changing. That’s why you should review your estate plan periodically to make sure it’s up to date.

If you have estate planning questions, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today!

Estate planning can be complicated enough when dealing with your personal assets. When it comes to estate planning for the future of your business, the process gets even more involved.

Estate planning can be complicated enough when dealing with your personal assets. When it comes to planning for the future of your business, the estate planning process can get even more involved, but it is also crucial to make sure you have a succession plan in place.

The best place to start when it comes to estate planning and who will take over your business is to talk to an experienced lawyer. We have over 25 years of experience helping people sort through the legal issues involved in business succession. Our deep knowledge of business law and estate planning law makes us ideally suited to meet your needs.

WHY YOU NEED A SUCCESSION PLAN. You have a lifetime of hard work and determination built into the foundation of your business. It can be unpleasant to think about what will happen to your business when you are no longer at the helm. Yet the planning you do today can relieve stress and uncertainty about what will happen in the future. Here are a few reasons why you need a business succession plan in place:

* Provides liquidity for you and other owners — For many business owners, their business represents the bulk of their estate. But if you do not want to work indefinitely, you need a way to liquidate your ownership stake upon retirement. Having a succession plan in place can help with this.

* Minimize transfer taxes — When a business changes hands, the new owners often have to pay transfer taxes, which can be a significant expense. Planning ahead of time can help your successors minimize their tax burden when they take over.

* Provide stability and continuity for your business — If you die suddenly or develop a disability, you will want a plan in place for someone to take over your business and keep it going. Without proper succession planning, your business could be thrown into chaos by an unexpected death or illness. If you want to pass on your business to your children or grandchildren, you will need an organized plan.

THE ELEMENTS OF A BUSINESS SUCCESSION PLAN. A business succession plan usually includes several key components, such as:

* Power of attorney — A power of attorney is a document granting another person authority to make key legal decisions on your behalf. However, you may not necessarily want the same person to have legal authority over your business and personal matters. A business power of attorney allows you to choose someone to represent you if you become disabled.

* Buy-sell agreement — If you do not want your ownership stake in a business to transfer to your beneficiaries upon your death, you will need a plan to have your co-owners purchase your stake upon your death. This arrangement is clarified through a buy-sell agreement outlining under what conditions your stake will be sold and to whom.

* Will, Trust, or both — If you wish to pass on your business to your family members or other beneficiaries, you should make that clear by drafting a Will, establishing a Trust, or both. These are common estate planning documents that help you outline what you want to happen to your estate should you die or become disabled.

* Grantor Retained Annuity Trust — If you are looking to retire but still want to keep some income from your business, a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) may be the way to go. In this type of Trust, the grantor puts their stock or ownership stake into an irrevocable Trust. The grantor can then receive income through the Trust, but their stock or ownership stake is transferred to their designated beneficiaries upon their death. This type of Trust keeps the ownership transfer out of the public eye and can protect the business from claims against it by the grantor’s creditors.

LOOKING FOR HELP? GIVE US A CALL! When it comes to your business succession plan, your specific needs will determine what that plan will look like. To ensure your unique concerns are addressed and that your plan is solid, you need assistance from a committed, experienced lawyer. We would be honored to help you figure out the right succession plan for your business. Contact us today at 253.858.5434 for more information on our services. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

So you've taken the entrepreneurial leap and decided to start your own business! Congratulations! You're going to have a lot of legal questions and here's how we can help.

So, you’ve taken the entrepreneurial leap and decided to start your own business! Congratulations! Soon you’ll realize that there are a ton of legal questions that need your attention. Like:

* Should I form a corporation, an LLC, or operate as a sole proprietor?

* What do I need to do to get my business started the legal way?

* Do I need insurance?

There are a variety of the business structures that you can choose from and it’s one of the first decisions you’re going to need to make as a new business owner. Building a business is just like building a house. You’ve got to first get a solid foundation before you can get to the other stuff like putting up your walls and picking out paint colors.

GET IT IN WRITING. YOUR FUTURE SELF WILL THANK YOU. Contracts – the topic is about as exciting a …well, it’s not exciting. Yet, like it or not, contracts are essential to running a business. We cringe every time we hear about a business owner entering into a business relationship WITHOUT a written contract or one that they copied and pasted from samples they found for free on the internet.

Not only do written contracts help clarify expectations between you and a client, they help cover you in the event there’s ever a misunderstanding or disagreement with your client, and they may also support your case in court. An often overlooked, but equally important reason for having written contracts is that they communicate to your clients that you’re a professional and that you take your business seriously.

COMMUNICATIONS & YOUR WEBSITE. Do you have an email opt in on your website? Do you collect credit card information when you conduct a sale online? Or maybe you have Google Analytics or Facebook pixels running in the background collecting data from visitors as they peruse your lovely website? Do you have or participate in an affiliate program? Do you run social media giveaways and promotions? If you answered “yes” to these questions, believe it or not, there are rules about the way you communicate with your customers, your website visitors, or your audience, including:

* CAN-SPAM laws about your email communications

* Privacy Acts and the GDPR about the data you collect from website visitors

* FTC guidance about affiliate relationships and endorsements

* Laws about hosting giveaways and contests

TRADEMARKS & COPYRIGHTS. If you’re creating content or utilizing others content, which as a business owner, you likely are – you should have an understanding of how to navigate the topic of copyrights and trademarks. The topic is a confusing one. These terms are often incorrectly used interchangeably, however, they have their distinct set of laws and apply to different types of works. Copyright law protects “original works of authorship” – things like books, photographs, designs, and more. In contrast, trademark law protects the expression used to identify and distinguish a product or service in the marketplace, like business names, logos, slogans, and other commercial signifiers. As an owner of a copyright or a trademark, you have rights – including the right to keep others from using your work without your permission.

Take stock of your intellectual property rights and protect your valuable content. And just as you wouldn’t want someone using your content without your permission, don’t do it with someone else’s work.

HIRING. Now that you’re running your own business, from time to time you may want to bring on additional employees to help you in your business. Or maybe you’re ready to hire someone to assist you right from the start. Even if you’re not planning on hiring anytime soon, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with what is entailed when you hire help in your business. From proper classification of the workers as either employees or independent contractors to the Do’s and Don’ts or hiring, the laws related to hiring vary widely from state to state.

If you're starting up a new business and need legal advice, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We represent clients throughout Washington and Idaho and are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference.

A Directive to Physicians (or "Living Will") guides your loved ones and medical providers by spelling out your wishes regarding medical intervention and end-of-life care.

If you became incapacitated due to grave illness or injury, your doctors and your family would have to make important decisions about your care. A Directive to Physicians guides your loved ones and medical providers by spelling out your wishes regarding medical intervention and end-of-life care. We will sit down with you to discuss these sensitive but important questions, and draft clear instructions for medical personnel and your family.

WHY YOU SHOULD HAVE A DIRECTIVE TO PHYSICIANS ("LIVING WILL"). A Directive to Physicians (also called a Health Care Directive, Medical Directive, or Living Will) is a legal document that provides specific guidance on what actions the medical staff should or should not take on your behalf, such as:

* Heroic measures – If your heart stopped, would you want to be resuscitated?

* Life support – If you lost brain function or the ability to breathe, would you want to be kept alive?

* End-of-life care – Do you want life-extending treatment? Pain medications? Religious rites?

Medical providers must adhere to medical directives, such as a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) order. In the absence of a Directive to Physicians, physicians may be required to act against your wishes, or family members may be powerless to do what you would have wanted.

HEALTH CARE POWERS OF ATTORNEY. In addition to a Directive to Physicians, you may want to designate a loved one as your health care proxy or agent, also known as health care attorney-in-fact. That person would be empowered to make decisions on your behalf if you were incapacitated. For example, they could authorize surgery or other medical intervention in a crisis situation when time is of the essence.

The key to a Directive to Physicians is in the details. You may think your family knows your wishes, and vice versa, but when the time comes there may be disagreements or heart-wrenching decisions. We can walk you through various scenarios to ensure that the Directive to Physicians reflects your wishes and avoids those dilemmas.

Based in Gig Harbor, we provide full-service estate planning throughout Washington and Idaho. Give us a call at 253.858.5434 to set up an appointment today. We are available to meet in person, by phone, or via video conference, whatever is most convenient for you.