While your personal injury case is in progress, it's hugely important that you do your part and keep your lawyer fully informed. Here are some tips:

FORWARD ALL BILLS related to your injury or the collision.

NOTIFY YOUR LAWYER OF CHANGES IN YOUR ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER, even if it's temporary. We may need to reach you quickly.


* Your condition worsens.
* You have reached "maximum medical improvement" and your doctor releases you from treatment.
* You have another collision, injury, complication, or illness.
* You change doctors or are referred by your doctor to a specialist.
* Any other circumstance occurs that you think will affect your injury claim.

BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY AND POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA. Don't talk about your case with anyone except your lawyer and your doctor.

FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS. This is extremely important!

TAKE PICTURES of all of your injuries, including during the healing process.

If you've been injured in an auto collision and need legal advice, give us a call at 253.858.5434 to see how we can help.